Wow!…Humid today!!!…A great non-keto dessert recipe for a friend and also, a duplicate for “Guess who?”

This bowl is huge. This is 36 large apples, peeled, sliced and cored. We made eight times the recipe.

Over the years I have made apple crisp (or “apple crumble” as it’s called in South Africa) to bring as a dessert when we are invited to dine at the homes of friends. It’s been a popular choice since everyone seems to like it and I am the only one who doesn’t eat it. I have tried making a low-carb version using lower-carb blueberries. But it never was quite as good as the original.

I’ve mentioned making this dessert in many past posts but was unable to find anywhere that I’ve actually posted the recipe,  although on several occasions I posted photos of the finished product. Since we are totally out of new wildlife photos, I decided to post the recipe today which required me to retype the entire thing.

For some odd reason, my old version of the recipe didn’t allow me to copy and paste it when it was in a format from 20 years ago that wasn’t editable. That’s the reason I never posted the recipe in any of the past posts.

I am making this today as a special treat for Leon. More of his family members are coming to Jabula tonight for which they are having a private dinner in the pool area, away from the regular guests . I had planned to make Leon his favorite dessert, an apple pie, but with the heat and humidity I wouldn’t be able to roll the dough for the crust. I learned my lesson about trying to make pie crusts on hot and humid days, on the post entitled, “Yesterday’s pumpkin pie hell,” found here at this link.

This is Leon’s pan of apple crumble , before baking, which is an oversized roast pan. This could easily serve 18.

Instead, we’re (I say “we” since Tom peeled 36 apples while I cored and sliced them) making a huge pan of apple crisp which works regardless of the weather, that they can have as a dessert for tonight’s dinner. With the small size of their family group there will be enough left for Leon to enjoy later.

There was no way I would make apple crisp without making a pan or two for Tom to savor. He’ll have one now that should last several evenings and another to freeze for a future time. We bought two half gallons of vanilla ice cream to go with it. I don’t nag Tom about eating an occasional sweet treat these days, since he is currently at his lowest weight since we began traveling.

He quit eating the junky muffins from the market, and has only had homemade treats, some low-carb, some not, and he’s lost several pounds. As a result, he can enjoy his pans of apple crisp with ice cream, over the next few weeks until we leave for Seychelles in 12 days. Gosh, that’s coming up quickly!

Speaking of weight, I have had to” tighten my belt” the past few days when I restarted the prescription for my headache. That drug, Trepiliine, (aka Amitriptyline,10 mg). even in the low doses used for pain, it causes weight gain. In a three or four month period, a patient can easily gain 10 pounds, 4.5 kg to 20 pounds, 9 kg. No thank you! That’s not going to be me. I can’t have a situation where none of my clothes fit nor can I risk increasing health issues from added weight.

The crumble topping for the three pans. Here again, I made eight times the recipe below.

No more low-carb snacks after dinner, a strict two meals a day of healthful foods and absolutely, no snacking during the day. Since I’ve had this headache after having Omicron, I’ve gained a few pounds and that has to stop right now. Even though, we are going on this fancy cruise I have no doubt I will be able to control what I eat to ensure I don’t gain weight or even lose a little if possible. My willpower is back on track! The motivation to be healthy is far more important to me than anything and I know I can do this.

Surely, my mouth waters when smelling the apple crisp baking in the oven (once load shedding is over, of course and I can use the oven). But, I’ll stay determined and as always, avoid any temptation to even give it a taste.

So, here’s the recipe folks. Feel free to copy and paste it into your recipe files. And, of course, enjoy!


Jessica’s Gluten-Free Apple Crisp
  • 3-4 apples, mixed variety, peeled, cored and sliced into 1/4 inch slices
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 2-3 tbs lemon juice
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 2 tbs almond flour or other gluten-free flour mix (or white flour if you aren’t gluten free)
Crist Topping
  • 6 tbs butter, softened
  • 1/3 cup quick cooking oat (an equal amount of chopped almonds, walnuts or pecans may also be added)
  • 1/4 cup almond flour or other gluten free flour mix (or white flour if you aren’t gluten-free)
  • 3 tbs white sugar
  • 2 tbs brown sugar
  • 1 tsp cinnamon and nutmeg, if preferred
  1. Preheat oven to 375F, 190C
  2. Peel and slice apples into thin strips, 1/4 inch slices
  3. Place in medium bowl and sprinkle with lemon juice. Mix well.
  4. Add sugars, flour, and cinnamon
  5. Mix together very well
  6. Pour mixture into buttered baking dish, size dependent upon how thick you want it
  7. Place softened butter into same bowl used for mixing the apples
  8. Add oats, (nuts if including), flour and sugars and squish with your cleaned fingers until crumbly
  9. Sprinkle crumble over apples in baking dish evenly
  10. Bake for 23-30 minutes, checking oven every few minutes toward the end of the baking time

Cool slightly before serving (5-10 minutes). Serve with ice cream, whipped cream  or cream, as preferred. Store in the refrigerator. Reheat in microwave, if preferred, before serving leftovers.


Leon’s finished pan of apple crumble (as they call it in South Africa).

Tonight, again, we’re off to Jabula to drop off the dessert for Leon and Dawn and the family and then head upstairs to the restaurant for another delicious dinner at the bar while engaged in lively conversation with one another and other guests who stop by.

The sun is trying to peek out and hopefully the humidity will go down. The rain has stopped and a few of our animal friends are returning to say “hello.”  I’d better grab the camera!!!

Be well.

Photo from one year ago today, November 12, 2021:

It’s that piglet time of the year. Three little pigs are less than two days old. The Mom was here with her big belly 48 hours earlier by herself. Then she appeared yesterday with the three little pigs in tow. She is the mom of Barbara and Lori, whom she “kicked to the curb” a few weeks ago. For more photos, please click here.

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