Finally, we’ll be on our way tomorrow! The packing is almost done except for a few items we’ll use tonight and in the morning. Soon, Tom will leave to pick up the rental car while I continue working on the odds and ends that require packing.
I’ve been contemplating whether we’ll post each day while on the road trip and have decided to do a short blurb without photos of where we are each day, with weather updates and our mileage progression. If we see something interesting, we’ll take pictures and post them.
We expect it will take us five days since our condo in Nevada won’t be ready until the 18th. This way, we can take our time and not feel rushed. By doing so, we’ll have five days requiring that we drive about 460 miles each day. Since we’ll be heading south to avoid snowy weather, it will take us longer than if we took the direct route.
Tom is preparing our iced tea for the trip, putting it into empty 23.5-ounce bottles I saved from my drinking water so we won’t have to stop to buy bottled water. We don’t snack in the car on road trips since neither of us is into snacking between meals. We’ll stop for breakfast and find a restaurant for dinner near our hotel after we check in for the night.
We’ll only bring our single clothing bag into the hotel each evening, along with my small wheeling bag with medications, the cloth bag with a few toiletries, and the computer bag. That way, packing and unpacking each evening will be a breeze.
Gosh, we’ve done this many times and are good at it. After showering and dressing for the day, we can pack and be out the door in about ten minutes, only carrying the small carry-on-type bags we brought into the room. Neither of us Is pokey at getting ready to head out the door. We rarely need to set an alarm since we both wake up early each morning, although I tend to lounge in bed, reading the news and watching funny videos on my phone.
While on the road trip, I’ll bolt out of bed as soon as I’m awake and get ready for the day. We won’t drink coffee on road trips to avoid stopping so often for bathroom breaks. We’ll stop at rest stops and petrol stations as needed, get out, and walk around.
We won’t need to use the wheelchair at the rest stops this time. I will be able to walk to the distant buildings. That’s a far cry from where I was in August when we drove from Minneapolis to Cleveland. It’s been a long 3½ months, and we’re thrilled to be on our way.
That’s it for today, folks. Tomorrow afternoon, we’ll update you on our progress after our first day of travel. A special thanks to our readers for sticking with us during this dry spell of limited activity with no new photos. Just think—in 2½ months, we’ll be back in Africa, sharing the joy of life in the wild. Please continue sticking with us during our quiet time in Nevada, where we will share any photo ops as they occur.
Be well.
Photo from ten years ago today, December 13, 2014: