More countryside photos…Lava update…

Full moon over Maalaea Beach. Check out the shadows of that crazy trimmed tree in the condo’s yard.

Last night, we paid the balances on the two houses on the Big Island. The lava flow has stalled as indicated in this article and video from the local news, although it could begin again at any time.

The shoreline is a photographer’s dream.

We’ve decided to take our chances. Worse case scenario? While we’re all in the houses, the lava flow heads our way and we have to evacuate. However, there are numerous less disturbing scenarios that could occur as an alternate.  We’ll take our chances.

The Hawaiian Islands, like many other tropical islands, is an ever changing weather phenomenon.

Talking back and forth with our grown kids, everyone seems OK about forging ahead. In a mere 28 days, on December 6th, the first four of our family members will arrive. The remainder are coming around December 21st, most leaving by January 3rd with two staying until January 9th. 

Its hard to believe the time is almost here. It was two years in the making. It was last March that we began purchasing airline tickets as I was reminded yesterday when I found myself doing revisions for March while we lived in Morocco, mentioning the challenges of booking the many airline tickets.

The subtle colors in this hills is breathtaking.

Maybe now, for the next few weeks until Tom and I fly to Big Island on December 1st, we can relax in the knowledge that we’re moving ahead with our plans without a worry in the world. 

If the lava flow rears its ugly head again, we’ll deal with it at the time.  In the interim our goals are simple, spend quality time with our loved ones, maintaining our theme of low stress, easing our way through each day.

It’s odd at times to find lush vegetation in what appears to be arid and desolate areas.

Today, the revisions continue as I’m now midway through April 2014 with only seven more months to go. Doing this task has been painstaking in some ways but enlightening in others. I have had the opportunity to read back through every post since beginning mid March, 2012. 

The swirling ocean below the ravine where we stood and watched.

I’d assumed when I began this daunting task that I’d giggle over how naïve we were in the beginning. In some ways, we were. In other ways, we prepared ourselves well with the tremendous amount of research we’d done before ever leaving Minnesota, let alone leaving the US. 

The views of these hills is appealing to our desire for more remote locations.
It’s been rewarding to be reminded of where we’ve been, what we’ve seen and that which we’ll see and do in the future.
It’s raining now, an oddity for early morning in Maui and the sky remains totally overcast, another oddity. Usually, we can see the billowy clouds moving through the sky with the promise of sunshine on the horizon.
This orange buoy is a marker for a nearby scuba diver.
Rain or shine, we’re content with each day for the simple treasures we’ve been blessed to behold.

Have a happy weekend!

Photo from one year ago today, November 8, 2013:

The humidity in Kenya was so high that mold began growing on our deck of playing cards. For details on that date, please click here.

First package arrived yesterday…Second today with Tom’s laptop…Tonight’s superb dining experience!

This was the only grass fed ground beef I could find at the grocery store.  I purchased two one pound packages which I’ll use tonight to make taco salads.  See ingredient list below.

Its concerning that wherever we may live we may not receive a package of supplies we’ve ordered. Its happened a few times, once in Italy, another in South Africa. When packages have to go through customs shipping may be precarious.  This time in Hawaii, I’m less concerned.

Here’s a photo our friend Linda in South Africa posted in Facebook last week of the post office in Johannesburg, South Africa. with packages backed up to be delivered.  Is it any wonder one of our packages never arrived?

The first of two packages we were awaiting arrived yesterday with my two new pairs of shorts which I needed desperately in this warm weather and six tee shirts, a brand I love.

The unsweetened chocolate in this photo was for making low carb, sugar, grain and starch free chocolate fudge which I made on Monday.  Tom has a sweet tooth although I’ll also have a few pieces as an evening snack.   If you’re interested in the recipe please let me know and I’ll post it tomorrow. The blue and white packages of cream cheese are used in making the fudge. 

Yesterday, I threw away the six old worn tee shirts and one old pair of capri pants to offset the weight in my one large suitcase of clothing.  Now, I’m about a half pair of shorts overweight (the capris were longer than the shorts and weighed more).  I’ll find something else to toss to make up the difference before we pack again in a little over three weeks.

Zucchini is one of the most GMO, pesticide grown vegetables on the market.  As a result, I only purchase locally grown organic zucchini when available as shown here.  All prices for items are listed on receipt posted below.

Also, the box contained a few “girlie” items, cosmetics I just can’t find in any stores anywhere, a favorite “stay-put” lipstick that was discontinued long ago but I can still purchase from a remaining stock at and a few other items that would bore our male readers.

These two fillet mignon were priced at $23.36 at $18.99 a pound.  In Minnesota, over two years ago, these steaks were priced at $22 per pound.  We grilled last night and Tom had one of these steaks, freezing the other for a future meal. I had the mahi mahi listed below cooked perfectly on the grill on a piece of foil.

Another item we ordered was a ear bud splitter into which we can each plug  our own pair of ear buds since there’s only one port in my laptop in order to better hear downloaded shows which always seem to have low volume. We always watch shows together and often and the volume s just too low. 

Ear bud splitter we purchased online which arrived in the box of supplies.

With Tom’s 42-years-on-the-railroad hearing loss, we can both hear through our own set of ear buds.  Good idea, huh?  (Yes, we’ve done everything to increase the volume on the laptop to avoid this necessity).

Today’s arriving parcel will be Tom’s new laptop.  My job is to transfer all his data to the new laptop from the old, a job I don’t look forward to.  Never have.  Last time, we had it done professionally for around $50.  Here in Hawaii, it would be three times as much. 

This piece of mahi mahi was expensive at $15.49 per pound but would be no more expensive on the mainland.  My serving was a total of $10.07 and was delicious.  I could eat this every night for dinner! 

As I write here now at 8:00 am, Tom’s still sleeping, an oddity, and I have the AC off and both doors open to ensure we hear the UPS guy.  Yesterday, the first box was left outside the door when we were here and we didn’t hear a thing.  Surely, a laptop would require a signature.

Today, I mentioned posting these grocery items photos, prices and receipts for those who may be interested or curious as to the prices in Hawaii should they ever consider living here.  Honestly, food prices aren’t higher here than they were in Minnesota over two years ago.

The two 18 packs of eggs are free range, cage free, organic at $12.49 for both packs.  Not too bad, considering.  We use zero carb mayonnaise to make our salad dressing.  Although it has a few questionable ingredients, it doesn’t have an effect on how I feel.  Also shown are organic uncured hot dogs at $7.49 made without icky body parts and fillers.   Below are Kielbasa for Tom.  He won’t eat the “healthy” dogs.  The Italian sausages were on sale, one for $5.49, the other for $8.49.

As we’ve perused prices of commodities in Hawaii, we believe the cost of living is high due to high rental fees, utilities, fuel and transportation, not so much on groceries.  Plus, the way we eat, although we buy no processed or junk food, makes the cost of buying groceries higher in general.

Buying grass fed meat when possible and organic produce in the US is pricey. For many items I cannot choose grass fed and organic when neither are available or far surpass a price I’m willing to pay, such as $7.95 for one organic sweet red pepper.  Not worth the price.  Wash, wash and rewash, the non-organic peppers in the bag as shown, still knowing that evil may lurk therein.

These two packages of pork chops, unavailable in grass fed, were $6.53 and $6.79 enough for two meals for Tom.  On those nights I’ll have something else, most likely a huge dinner salad with chicken and avocado.

Tonight, with little prep time available for computer transfer-day, I’m making taco salads, minus the awful shell with a huge bed of lettuce for the base using the following ingredients:

1.  Grass fed ground meat, drained and cooked with sugar, wheat and starch free taco sauce I found at the store
2.  Organic romaine lettuce, shredded into bite sized pieces
3.  Organic tomatoes, diced
4.  Celery, diced
5.  Organic avocado, small chunks (me, only)
6.  Shredded cheese
7.  Sliced green olives

Notice the total for this week’s groceries at $271.08. Next week, I’ll get $22 back when I return to shop bringing this receipt using my Safeway shopper’s savings card which I’d forgotten to bring.  Next time I shop, I’ll be on my own and will bring my wallet. This receipt is wrapped around my Safeway card in my wallet ensuring I won’t forget to get the credit, especially when the cashier always asks for the savings card.  Essentially, the credit makes this total $249.08.

Does this ever make a great low carb, grain, starch and sugar free meal!  A dollop of sour cream on top for me and I’m in heaven.  Tom, plain food Tom, won’t do the sour cream. 

In all, we have enough meat from yesterday’s shopping for approximately 10 nights of dinners and we also had some steaks and lamb on hand from the last trip.  Eating fabulous homemade meals in Hawaii for under $25 per day is all we can expect.

I’d better hurry and wrap this up.  Before too long, according to the UPS tracking number, that laptop will be here soon and I need to go chop and dice for tonight’s dinner.

Tomorrow, we have a great wildlife video to share.  Please check back.

Photo from one year ago, November 5, 2013:

Jessica L. Grain Brain Success Story
A year ago today we posted this photo that appeared on Dr. David Perlmutter’s website, regarding his new book, Grain Brain.  To see the full story he had on his website, please click here.

What a morning!…

When we walked to a local beach, this bird was hanging out in a parking lot. It’s a Cattle Egret.

Nothing makes me hotter and sweatier than dealing with computer issues. Last night, Tom started having trouble with his computer regarding proxy settings.

At this local beach “park” an area is being renovated to “grow soil” for use as a future community garden. Note the backhoe in the bottom right of the photo which was in use when we were there.

He’d had similar issues, although not specifically the same since he purchased this laptop and I’m in a quandary as to how to fix it. I’ve spent hours trying since last night. We have to do something today or tomorrow. He can get online to some sites but not all, which is weird. 

Colorful pairing. This is a Golden Trumpet and I suppose Pink Trumpet.

Well, I won’t bore our readers with the depth and breadth of these convoluted issues. A resolution is what we’re after today.

After looking at hundreds of photos of tropical trees with berries, the best I could come up with is that this is some type of coffee tree. If you know otherwise or more details, please let us know.

Tom admits he’s had issues with this PC since he purchased the floor model in Boston in September when they didn’t have a model he wanted in a box. Costco people explained that we could return it at any time, no questions asked, as long as we did so within the 90 day period. It is.

Many nice beaches in Maui are located in parks with seating, outhouses, and parking as is the case here.

I’ve been trying to resolve these issues since last night and then again this morning at 5:45 am. It kind of kept me awake for a period of time last night trying to think of a solution. Neither of us cares to go through another data transfer again but it looks like we may have no choice.

Shortly after Costco opens at 10:00 am this morning we may be on our way or we may decide to go tomorrow after our appointment at 11:00 am on Monday. Unfortunately, Tom is an Outlook user which makes the data transfer all the more complicated when it requires we purchase Outlook again after we just purchased it online through a dealer in Vancouver. Ugh!

We walked this beach.

Either I do the transfer which I know how to do but despise doing, or we take it to a computer shop to have them do it with no choice but to purchase yet another copy of Outlook. Performing a transfer of files is not easy for us with the massive amounts of information we store on our laptops. Yes, much of it is online so there’s no issue there. 

Honestly, I don’t like doing it. Most definitely, Tom doesn’t enjoy doing what he’ll have to do either, creating all the new tiles in Windows 8.1. Oh, I know, lots of people hate Windows 8 or 8.1. We’re used to it and both like it now. The issues he’s experiencing now have nothing to do with Windows 8 or 8.1.

Walking in the other direction on a cloudy afternoon.

The alternative is to take the laptop to a pc repair store tomorrow morning when we go to the dentist in Kihei.  Most likely, it could be back working by the time our appointments are over at noon. 

It’s actually exciting to be getting our teeth cleaned after a two-year hiatus. The last time we’d done so was in Henderson, Nevada in December 2012 when we walked out of the dentist’s office at Christmas time with a huge, speaking of Costco, apple pie, an odd gift from a dentist…you know, sugar and all. 

With many varieties of palm trees, we see a wide array of hanging clumps of berries and pods, many difficult to identify based on what is available online.

Tom ate the entire pie in three days while I watched the liquid at the bottom of the pan grow juicier each day, gagging me. I don’t suppose we’ll get a pie tomorrow.

Today, Tom will decide what he’d like to do…buy a new computer by returning the old or, have the current computer repaired most likely for around $50. Purchasing a new laptop could result in an extra $300 – $400 since the floor model was greatly reduced in price and we’ll have to purchase Outlook again.

Although it’s currently not the blooming season, many varieties of Plumeria are growing throughout the island.

Whatever he decides, I’ll support. I have the external hard drive ready to go to transfer his files. We shall see how it rolls out. In any case, he can watch the Vikings Game on my laptop while I busy myself with making dinner and doing laundry, my favorite.

I can’t find the name of these little flowers.  Any suggestions?

We’ll be back tomorrow with more tales of the lives, albeit mundane, of two world travelers experiencing the same dull problems that everyone else experiences from time to time. 

Have a happy Sunday

                                          Photo from one year ago today, November 2, 2013:

Tom with a Python around his neck while we attended a reptile show while on our three-day mini-holiday on the one year anniversary of our travels. For details and more reptile photos, please click here.

Part 1…The road to Lahaina…Many photos from a great outing in the charming village….

Quaint little shops in Lahaina, mostly pricey are filled with beautiful merchandise. However, we got a kick out of perusing the shops. This time, the temptation to make purchases was harder for me to resist than usual, especially the clothing. There’s no room in the luggage for a thing.

This morning with clouds steadily rolling in, we spent a little bit of time by the pool as we anticipated raindrops at any moment. The weather in the Hawaiian Islands seems to change quickly, typical for most tropical climates.

Hawaiian tradition is powerful in the islands.  t is with great reverence and respect that we attempt to learn a little about their culture.

Never feeling disappointed considering all the sunny days, we hardly complain instead, packing up our towels, smartphones, and camera to head back inside.

The Humpback Whales come to Hawaii in order to care for their young beginning in December. We’re looking forward to Whale watching once we get to the Big Island.

As much as we love going out and about, we are so at ease in this condo and its ocean views, we don’t mind being indoors in inclement weather. Over the past week, almost every day we’ve turned off the AC, opened both the front screened door and the sliding door to the lanai for a robust breeze that is both comfortable and refreshing.

This netting covers the dangerous rock and lava walls that line both sides of the highway in places where falling rocks had been an issue. This netting could be used in many other parts of the world with the same hazard.

The temperature seems to vary only a few degrees during daylight hours, from 82F to 89F degrees cooling down to the 70s at night. Sleeping without AC is the bedroom is no issue at all, although we anticipated it maybe when we first arrived.

The first tunnel we’ve entered since leaving Madeira, Portugal three months ago.

Feeling a bit sluggish from my falling back to sleep for an hour at 8 am this morning, my usual energy level is at bay and for a moment I considered not doing today’s post and saving the photos for tomorrow.

On Highway 30, we made our way to Lahaina from Maalaea Beach. a pleasant 40-minute drive including several stops for photos.

Honestly, posting has never been a chore or a burden for me. Plus, I don’t care to miss a day when I’ve been so diligent about posting every day in so long I can’t remember. Oh, I may have missed a travel day, a no WiFi day, or a “lights out” day here and there in the past year, not much more. I don’t keep track of those.

It wasn’t easy to find a parking spot. When we did, we parked in a strip mall, later to discover when we returned there was a 30 minute limit in the spot we’d chosen. Luckily, we didn’t get a ticket.  Next time, we’ll be more observant.

When we arrived in Maui nine days ago, I promised myself that I’d go back to revising the zillions of errors in our posts going all the way back to the beginning on March 15, 2012. This is quite the task with well over 800 posts since the onset. 

An authentic Chinese restaurant on Front St. in Lahaina.

In many locations, a poor WiFi signal caused number alignment and photo posting errors, some of which are impossible to revise even now with a good signal. My only choice has been to do the best I can on the revisions and save them, know that the only alternative would be to delete them and that, dear readers, I have no intention of doing.

We’ve been communicating by email with a new reader, lovely Staci from Texas, who started reading every post from the beginning rather than starting at this point. She’s written a few email messages that we’ve both treasure for her candor and support. 

There was a tiny theatre next door to the authentic Chinese restaurant but it was closed when we walked by. Apparently, they have videos of Chinese history in Hawaii.

It is for this reason that we’d never want to delete a post. Keeping the continuity of our travels for new readers or those choosing to go back to the beginning is vital to maintain the flow of the ongoing story.

Each day I revise 20 daily posts which usually takes me from two to three hours. So far, I’ve only completed up to and including April 17, 2013, with hundreds more to go. 

Many charming restaurants, most of which have ocean views, offered fresh fish and seafood selections. Since we had a nice dinner awaiting our return, we decided to return for dinner at our next outing.

Amidst the time and effort it takes to correct the WiFi errors and my own typos and other errors, I’ve found it interesting reading what we wrote so long ago. That’s not to say that what we’ve posted is so interesting.  Instead, it speaks to my own curiosity to see how we’ve changed over these past few years, how we’ve adapted, and how much more tolerant and less fearful we’ve become. 

From that perspective, I’m motivated to continue on at the 20 posts per day. If all goes well, I could be finished in the five remaining weeks we have in Maui. That would be a relief, having this project behind me. Between writing the new posts and correcting the 20 old posts each day, I’m spending no less than five hours a day, often much more when there are many photos to manipulate.

Breathtaking ocean scenery is at every turn.

Even yesterday, when we were gone most of the day, when we returned from Lahaina before dinner, I sat down at my computer and got to work on the corrections, completing them before we finally sat down for dinner which I’d prepped early in the morning.

The street in Lahaina was considerably less busy than when I’d visited this quaint village many years ago before I met Tom. Each time I’d visited Lahaina it was during the winter months when many more tourists visit the islands.

I suppose that a part of me never really wanted to retire.  In reality, with the business aspects we’ve included as part of our site, I do have a part-time job. Fortunately, perhaps even oddly, I enjoy it as much today as I did in the beginning. 

Houses and townhouses are not unlike those anywhere else in the US, are located in Lahaina, Maui.

I suppose never tiring of posting is comparable to our ongoing world travels; we enjoy it now as much now as we did in the beginning or, as comparable to us enjoying spending time together; as much as we did in the beginning. 

Good thing that hasn’t changed!

                                            Photo from one year ago today, October 25, 2013:

With candles and lanterns, we were prepared in Kenya for the power outage continuing after dark which proved to be for 17 hours. The water had been out the prior day. For details of that date, please click here.

Grocery prices in Kihei, Maui, Hawaii including photos of products and receipt…

Here I am driving down the road on my way to the Safeway store in Kihei., totally at ease. By the way, for safety reasons, I didn’t focus the camera while driving. I simply held it up and clicked.

Yes, driving a car is like riding a bike, one doesn’t forget. The moment I pulled out of the driveway, I instantly felt at ease behind the wheel. With the directions on my phone, I had no fear of getting lost. As it turned out, I remembered how to find my way from the last trip to the Safeway in Kihei almost a week ago. Although I kept the navigation on during the trip.

As I entered the store, my eyes darted everywhere in awe of all of the “stuff” for sale.

Twenty minutes later I walked into the Safeway market attempting to turn off the navigation on my phone when I realized that the grocery store has free WiFi! I’d never have imagined a grocery store having free WiFi. Only in the US!

Please keep in mind that using the navigation in many other countries is pointless when the directions are never correct. We’d tried on many occasions in many countries to no avail. 

Having not purchased any meat at this store on our visit almost a week ago, I was pleased to see the prices on meats was no more than we paid in our old lives.

It was those past experiences when navigation wouldn’t be correct that intimidated me when Tom and I tried to find new locations and “she” sent us driving around in circles, “Turn right, turn right, turn right,” she’d say over and over again. We became sick of her monotone.

I guess I forget that we’re in the US where everything, literally everything, is accounted for, available, user friendly, and accessible. It’s hard to believe and above all, it’s more excessive than it was when we left almost two years ago.

I needed one box of Ziploc freezer bags in the half gallon size that surprised me at only $4.49.

The beautiful grocery store illustrated a perfect example of excesses. Every possible grocery item that I could imagine or want for even the most obscure of recipes was available, fresh, wrapped well, and priced accordingly.

I’m sorry. But those of you who believe grocery prices are so high in Hawaii are mistaken. They are no worse than the prices we paid in Minnesota over two years ago at the local Cub Foods where I shopped each week. None of the items I perused or purchased were more outrageously priced than prices in over half the countries in which we’ve lived.

I purchased this 3.32-pound package of three New York Steaks for $26.93 at $8.98 a serving. That was an excellent price!

To prove my point today, I’m sharing pricing and photos of some items I purchased yesterday including a copy of the receipt for the total bill. For those considering a move to Hawaii, unless you live in Africa, Belize, or Madeira, Portugal, our perception is that you’ll pay no more in Hawaii for groceries than in any other country we visited thus far. Although in some highly popular tourist locations, prices are higher.

I can’t speak for the cost of utilities and housing. Hopefully, while we’re here we’ll be able to explore these costs and share them. As far as fuel is concerned it maybe 20% more in Hawaii based on the prices we’ve seen at the pump, around $4.25 a gallon, certainly less than many other countries.

Upon returning home, I used the Ziploc bags to individually wrap each of the three steaks which Tom will eat while I’ll have the rack of lamb.

In Maui County, the sales tax on most items is 4%, not the 6.875% in Minnesota (as an example), 7.875% for the maximum local surtax, and a maximum of 10.775% on prepared foods. And yes, there’s a tax on items in Hawaii not taxed in Minnesota such a groceries and clothing. (We’ll discuss prices and taxes on both the Big Island and Kauai after we’ve shopped on each of those islands).

Of course, one must take into consideration the types of foods one purchases. We don’t buy pricey snacks (other than nuts) and processed food. I noticed the cost of numerous brands of cold cereal at no more than $4.50 for a large box, certainly no more than in other states in the US and other countries.

I cut this free-range rack of lamb into three portions which I’ll have when Tom has the above steaks. At $20.15 for the entire package, it is $6.72 per serving.  We’ll cook the lamb and the steaks on the outdoor grill that overlooks the ocean, which we’re anxious to use.

I wish I’d been more diligent in taking photos with prices. I was so busy trying to find the items on my list, I was distracted. Figuring my way around a new market has always taken a few trips to get it under control. After yesterday’s second trip to Safeway in Kihei, I feel comfortable that I’m able to find most products.

Last week, when the cashier encouraged me to sign up for a Safeway Club Member card I shrugged it off. This time I decided to go for it when she explained I’d save quite a bit, which I did, saving a total of $15.16 as show on the receipt. 

This receipt is not easy to read resulting in my listing the items above for details and clarification.

I didn’t feel comfortable holding up the line when I filled out the form. I offered to step aside to complete it but the cashier explained it was necessary to do it now in order to get the offered discount on my items. I apologized to the others in line as I hurriedly filled in the form with name, address, and email in my illegible handwriting.

When I realized how much I saved, I was thrilled, saving a total of 7% on my entire bill. Please keep in mind that I purchased several non-food items when I was excited to find a few items that hadn’t been available in any other grocery stores in our travels; a few cosmetic items at $22.67, Crest Whitening Mouthwash at $8.49, two small paring knives at $4.29 (last week I’d purchased a larger knife that disappointingly wasn’t sharp enough). 

Tom’s gluten-free, low carb, starch, and sugar-free pizza with fresh mushrooms, green olives, onions, and Italian sausage, topped with shredded mozzarella and parmesan cheese.  This will last for three delicious nights.  We never mind repeats three dinners in a row.  The crust is made with cheese and egg.

These non-edible items totaled $35.45 excluding tax. Taking this amount off the total bill of $215.58 leaves $180.13 for the remaining grocery items with tax.

When food shopping I tend to consider, “How many meals will we get out of a trip to the grocery store?” In this case, I purchased enough meat and produce to last for more than a week, in the following manner:
Protein                                   Total Cost           
3 New York Strip Steak             $ 26.93                     
Rack of lamb                            $ 20.16                     
2 packages Italian Sausage       $ 12.00 (for Tom’s LC, GF pizza)                     
1 4lb package ground beef        $ 19.06                      
2 package nitrate free bacon     $ 13.98                     
Chicken Sausage                      $  6.00 (for my pizza – LC, GF)
Total                                       $ 98.13

Of course, I purchased vegetables and other items to accompany the above meats including:
Zucchini                                   $  2.57
Eggplant                                  $  1.79
Tomatoes                                 $  5.50
Cabbage                                   $  6.85
Romaine lettuce                        $  6.99
Bag Bell peppers                        $ 6.00
Total Cost                                $ 29.70

Miscellaneous Items 
Black pepper                            $ 6.29
Anchovies                                $ 3.09
Enchilada sauce (GF, SF, LC)     $ 3.69
Taco sauce (GF, SF, LC)            $ 4.09
Pork rinds – 4 bags                   $ 9.56
LG. grated cheddar cheese        $10.49
LG. Ziploc freezer bags (20 ct.)  $ 4.49
Bleach                                     $ 2.99
Total cost                                 $44.69

Total of above                       $207.97
Tax                                               8.62
Grand Total                            $216.59

Based on the receipt, the total bill was actually $215.58. After carefully perusing the receipt I can only assume the $1.01 difference must have been an additional discount I couldn’t find on the receipt or a tax adjustment on a particular item. In any case, it’s close enough to illustrate the point.

We already had a few ingredients on hand to accompany the above items in making full meals but, overall this list is comprehensive. From the above products, we’ll be able to make the following meals (for two) which we began last night, starting with making with our LC, GF, SF pizza:

Pizza –  3 dinners
Steak – 3 dinners (for Tom while I’ll have the rack of lamb on those three evenings)
Ground Beef – 3 dinners (taco salad for two nights, Italian meatballs with pasta sauce and mozzarella for one night)

My pizza made with free-range chicken sausage, anchovies, onions, olives, mushrooms, red and yellow bell peppers, organic zucchini, eggplant with mozzarella, and parmesan cheese. This crust is also made with cheese and egg and is low carb and gluten, sugar, and starch free.  Love it!

In the worst-case scenario, we’ll have nine dinners for the above $180.13 averaging at $20.01 per day (includes the cost of non-edible grocery items, not toiletries). 

This amount is slightly less than our daily average in our old lives. Also, for us, we don’t eat starches, lunches, and desserts, although I’ve made breakfast every other day this past week since we arrived (thus, the bacon purchase) in Maui.

Gosh, I’d love to see how others manage their groceries and how much they spend. It’s not a topic that readily entered into the conversation as if what one spends on food is sacred or in some cases embarrassing and private.

For us, it’s all a part of the process of making our lives work with delicious homemade meals befitting our way of eating which Tom has joined with me during our time in Maui. Every item listed is low carb, gluten-free, sugar-free, and starch free. As much as possible the foods are organic. (Grass-fed meat wasn’t readily available all of the cuts we desired).

The gorgeous Maui scenery on the return drive to Maalaea Beach.

I hope this provides our readers with a perspective while dreaming of living in Hawaii at some point. We certainly understand the passion for this dream as we languish in Maui feeling relaxed and somewhat lazy, not yet up to getting out and about.

Although, at the moment the pool and two chaise lounges are calling us on this beautiful sunny day in paradise.

                                          Photo from one year ago today, October 22, 2013:

Aerial view of home (middle house).
It was a year ago today that we posted the second house that we booked for Big Island for our family reunion upcoming in December. For more photos and details, please click here.

Kilauea lava flow heading toward the vacation homes we booked for our family vacation…Cause for concern…A year ago…A meal in the bush with wild animals surrounding us…

October 8, 2014 - small scale lava flow map
By drawing a straight line to the ocean from the current northeast flow of the lava to the darkened rectangular area on the coastline, this is the area where the two houses, next door to one another are located. This is a current map from the National Park Service.

When the lava from the Kilauea volcano on Big Island changed directions on June 27th and lava began to flow toward the village where the two houses are located that we rented for the holidays with our family, of course, we were very concerned.

When the varying daily lava flows slowly worked its way to the ocean near the two houses, we started following updates on a variety of websites including the National Park Service and United States Geological Service. 

The current narrow lava flows from Kilauea heading to the northeast. (Not our photo.)

Maps on both of these sites indicate that the lava is flowing to the neighborhood where the houses we’ve rented are located.
With poor WiFi signals on the past two ships, we were frustrated and worried over the almost month at sea. It wasn’t until we arrived in Honolulu on October 5th, that we had a strong signal and more than anything, have been able to get daily updates on the activity of the flow on the local news.

The two vacation rental houses are in the village of Pahoa as shown in the upper right of this map.  (Not our photo).  Please click here for notes from a meeting held in Pahoa in the Puna District on Friday evening with professionals on hand to discuss the status of the lava flow.

Why didn’t we post our concern? We didn’t want to alarm our family, many of whom read our daily posts until we had more information. 

Our biggest concerns have been as follows:
1.  The lava flow could wipe out the houses or we’d have to evacuate while in the houses.  (The lava flow is 100’s of feet per day at most providing ample time if evacuation is necessary).
2.  The road to the houses would be inaccessible when we arrive or are ready to depart
3.  We’d have to find another house large enough for our family that is still available for the Christmas holiday, a difficult proposition or, hotel rooms if necessary.

Thermal image of the lava flow.  (Not our photo).

As of this point with $1000’s paid in deposits and airline tickets, the owners of the two houses aren’t prepared to return our deposits until more is known over the next few weeks. The lava flow is difficult to predict. 

Last night an announcement was made on the local news that an emergency access road is in the works and will be completed in 45 to 60 days. This fact provided us with considerable relief. But, until we know the final course as the lava flows to the sea, we will stay on alert, prepared to make alternate plans as quickly as possible.

A view into one of the skylights of the lava tube supplying lava to the June 27th lava flow.” (Not our photo).

Everything we’ve heard and read is that the flow will make it to the main road two weeks from now, giving us time to make backup plans. It won’t be an easy task although we have no doubt that we’ll figure it out.

Obviously, our first concern is the safety of our family and secondly, to provide a worry-free environment in which we all can enjoy our precious time together.

Hawaii in general is a geological hot spot. The islands were created millions of years ago as a result of volcanic eruptions beneath the sea. Earthquakes are common on all of the islands. Please see this article for detailed information on the formation of the islands. Each of the islands in the Hawaiian Archipelago maintains active and currently inactive volcanoes as indicated in this article.

We’ve had “safari luck” in our travels, safety being the number one priority. We can only hope and pray that “safari luck” continues and soon, we can put the worries behind us to enjoy an amazing experience with our family.

                                            Photo from one year ago today, October 12, 2013:

A specially made breakfast was prepared for our safari group of six, with our guide Anderson happily preparing our table. We were excited to experience our first meal in the bush, the wild animals all around us in the Maasai Mara. What a glorious experience!  For details, please click here.

Five days until we’re off to Maui…Two days until Pearl Harbor tour…Shopping online…A year ago…Close up Lion photos…

We walk along the busy streets of Waikiki seeking shade from time to time.

We’re excited about moving to Maui, more than we anticipated. Without a car in Honolulu, unable to cook meals with no nearby grocery store and longing for more space to maneuver, we’re anticipating the six weeks in Maui with much enthusiasm.

This is the cutest store!  They custom make flip flops while the customer waits.

As we mentioned in several past posts, it will have been 77 days that we haven’t cooked a single meal.  Honestly, I’m chomping at the bit for some home cooking. Tom is also looking forward to our favorite meals, although he’ll be joining me in my usual restrictive diet. 

The Pualeilani Atrium Shops at Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach Resort.

We’ve learned to make fabulous dinners and the planning, grocery shopping and even putting the food away, are tasks that we both enjoy. Learning a new grocery store is not difficult. Usually, within a week or two, we’ll breeze through with ease finding all the items on our list.

Beautiful gardens and fountains at the Hyatt mall.

We’re especially intrigued by food prices in Hawaii wondering if, in fact, they’ll be as high as others have reported. Last night, we purchased a four-pack of toilet paper at a local ABC convenience store for $2.86 which didn’t seem higher than we often pay. Of course, once we shop in Maui next Thursday or Friday, we’ll certainly share the prices we discover. 

Entrance to the King’s Village Shopping Center in Waikiki.

Often, we’ve heard others say they’d love to live in Hawaii wondering if it’s possible with the higher cost of living. After all, it is rated with the most expensive cost of living than any other state in the US. We shall see how that rolls out for us over the next several months.

The clock tower at the King’s Village Shopping Center. Once inside this boutique type mall, we walked along with an upper-level hearing someone calling out to us. It was a couple we’d met on the slot pull on the most recent cruise, dining in a sidewalk café in the mall. We sat with them for quite a while engaged in an interesting conversation.

On Monday morning at 6:55 am, we’re scheduled to be picked up outside the Aston Waikiki for the seven-hour Pearl Harbor tour. Tom’s been chomping at the bit for the opportunity to see this historic site. 

Pearl Harbor, not unlike Normandy, with its powerful and emotional significance, no doubt will be meaningful for both of us, taking photos every step of the way which we’ll share the photos the next day or at the latest on Wednesday.

We would have tried this scale if we hadn’t used all of our change doing laundry which, by the way, was only $7 for two loads in the coin-operated laundry in the hotel as opposed to $28 for the same amount in Paris and London.

As for my shopping online…oh, it would be nice if I could walk into a shop and find things that fit me, that were practical, durable, and cool in hot climates, I’d be thrilled. But, it’s not the case. Plus, the thought of browsing through numerous stores at the largest mall in Honolulu, the Ala Moana Mall, looking for these specific items is pointless. 

This was my Cobb salad at our new favorite restaurant, Cheeseburger Paradise in Waikiki. We love this very busy place serving over 1400 guests per day, planning to return again tonight. It’s imperative to arrive by 6 pm to ensure getting a table. I ordered extra avocado for $2 and loved the Blue Cheese dressing which they assured me was gluten, sugar, and starch free.

I prefer tee shirts that are made with 5% spandex for durability (they don’t get stretched out) that are somewhat fitted. Wearing more fitted tees appears more dressed up (to me) than a typical baggy tee shirt. This way if I add a skirt, a pair of jeans, or longer shorts, I feel acceptable in public.

Currently, I own only one pair of shorts which just won’t cut it for a long-term stay in Hawaii. I’d intended to “cut off” two of the last three pairs of jeans I ordered, received in a box of supplies in Madeira five months ago.  But, having worn those three pairs of jeans so often these past several months, I realized that I didn’t want to reduce my inventory down to one pair of jeans.

Tom was smiling when he read the menu with multiple options appealing to him. There were 16 TV screens in the sports bar area of Cheeseburger Paradise.  I offered to sit where he was sitting so he could watch the screen but if it’s not the Minnesota Vikings he has no interest.

Yesterday, I placed an order for six tee shirts and two pairs of 11″ long shorts also with 5% spandex for comfort from two of my favorite online stores, knowing their sizes will fit me without trying them on. 

With free shipping, I had them sent to our mailing service, where they’ll box them up and ship them and a few other supplies to a local UPS store in Maui that I noticed on google maps is not far from our condo. 

Tom ordered a Reuben Sandwich on white rye with onion rings.

Now, that I know these items will be on their way to Maui within a few weeks, I’ll throw away the old worn-out tee shirts that these new items will replace. “Buy new, throw away old.” No room in our luggage for added weight. 

In an effort to save on spending in Honolulu we’d decided to avoid the high cost of taxis and walk everywhere.  There are numerous buses and trolleys that run along the boulevard but, with endless restaurants and points of interest in Waikiki Beach, we’ve been content traveling on foot.

Hibiscus in the mall.

When we return to Oahu for nine days at the end of May, we’ll stay in Honolulu to have an opportunity to explore that end of the city and to be near the pier for the upcoming cruise to Sydney, Australia on May 24th. At this point, that seems long away. In no time, it will be here. 

Time flies when we’re having fun.

                                            Photo from one year ago today, October 11, 2013:

This male lion was waiting for a meal of baby warthogs which he hoped the nearby female lion would capture from a nearby hole where their mother placed them when she spotted the lions. For more details on this story and many more of our close up lion photos, please click here.

The peculiar Hawaiian Banyan tree…The magic of coconut oil…One year ago…An injured Hippo…

Tom, standing by only a portion of the branches that grow downward from the Banyan Tree.

Over the past few days, it has been hot, humid, and challenging spending time outdoors in Honolulu during the daylight hours. Everyone is talking about the trade winds arriving soon which hopefully will cool it off. As I write this, it’s 90F, 32C, with the weather report stating it feels as if it’s 93F, 34C.

The first Banyan Tree we discovered on a walk.

This is far from the hottest climate, we’ve experienced in our travels. Dubai, UAE was the hottest and most unbearable when we visited for 13 nights in May 2013. Although Dubai is a dry desert climate, 105F, 40C was difficult to endure.

This Banyan tree either fell victim to graffiti or is dated for some unknown reason.

Hawaii is known for its year-round tropical climate that drives many retirees and vacationers to visit for both short and extended periods. Add the beauty of the volcanic created scenery, exquisite vegetation, clear blue waters, and friendly people results in Hawaii being one of the most desired places to visit in the world.

Unusual vines fall from the tree and attach themselves building a new root system.

Some have criticized Honolulu for its hustle and bustle lifestyle, the constant stream of tourists, and high prices.  For us, we’re enjoying every moment. Much to our surprise, we’ve run into three couples we’d met on the cruise as we wandered about the streets of Waikiki, including one couple from Australia while we investigated a shopping mall off a side street. What a coincidence!

The vines before attaching to the ground.

We’ve had nothing but great dining experiences, spending an average of $57 per day including the purchase of nuts and a new plastic jar of coconut oil from a GNC store (for our teeth). Near the end of the most recent cruise, I dropped and broke a glass bottle of oil in the bathroom in our cabin. Luckily, the oil was solid due to the cool temperature in the cabin, making cleanup easier which I did myself, rather than ask the cabin steward.

Impressive tree.

In each country we’ve visited we’ve searched for organic, extra virgin coconut oil, hard to find in many locations. The 16 oz. weight prevents us from stocking up. In Hawaii, we’ll have no trouble finding it when there are GNC stores on each island which we stumbled upon yesterday. We continue to use coconut oil for keeping our mouths and teeth clean reducing tarter and bacteria. Here’s a video from Dr. Bruce Fife regarding the use of coconut oil that may inspire others to try it.

An exquisite simple yellow Hibiscus.

Tom and I have used coconut oil since the onset of our travels and during both recent cruises never becoming ill aboard ship. (We’d contracted the “cruise cough” on three past cruises). Whether it was the coconut oil or the obsessive hand washing that benefitted us, we’ll never know for sure. Perhaps, the combination of the two added another layer of protection. Coconut palms are grown in all eight of the Hawaiian islands as explained in this article

The ever-popular common Hibiscus in beautiful shades of orange and pink.

Speaking of vegetation, a few days ago while on a walk on the grounds outside the Honolulu Zoo (we don’t visit zoos often, preferring animals in the wild) which is next door to our hotel, we were in awe of one of the most interesting trees we’ve ever seen, the Banyan Tree as shown in today’s photos. Many tourists make a special trip to this area to see these unbelievable trees. Please click here for information on the Banyan Tree and its origins.

After looking at hundreds of flower photos online, we’ve yet to find the name of these flowers.

Needless to say, vegetation in the Hawaiian Islands is like none other we’ve seen anywhere in the world. As it cools off over the next several days due to the trade winds, we’ll further explore in hopes of finding more interesting and unusual vegetation on the island of Oahu.

Nonflowering plants may be colorful in Hawaii.

The flower growing seasons of spring and summer in Hawaii have long since passed, although we continue to find many common beautiful flowers, as we walk the busy streets in Waikiki as shown in our photos. 

We’ll be back tomorrow with many more new photos we’re anxious to share with our readers. Please stay tuned.

                                           Photo from one year ago today, October 9, 2013:

This hippo we spotted appeared to have an injury on her left shoulder. For details from that date, please click here.

Video and photo of an breathtaking sky over Hawaii…And a year ago sky in Kenya…

This sky captured our attention for a short period
before darkness fell. 
There are times that nature presents us with such profound beauty that it’s difficult to take our eyes away. The above video we took on Friday evening from the balcony on the ship was exactly one of those situations. 
Taken aboard the ship, this intrigued us when the long narrow line along the horizon added considerable appeal to the scene.
I was inside the cabin struggling to upload a photo for the next day’s post while Tom was on “sunset watch” on the veranda in our cabin. As soon as he said, “Hurry, bring the camera. We’ve got to do a video!” I jumped up dashing outside with the camera.
The protrusion in the upper left is the ship’s bridge which was impossible to avoid in taking this shot to illustrate the beautiful coloration.

Gasping in wonder as to this exquisite sky, I couldn’t get the video going fast enough. It was so beautiful that I had trouble speaking into the microphone on the camera. I apologize for the choppy dialogue.

The reflection of the sun peeking through the clouds created quite the scene.

As passionate observers of nature, we’ve found that each area of the world that we’ve visited thus far, has its own unique signature in the sky, whether it’s a sunrise, a sunset, a full moon and a cloudy day, or night. We love it all.

We refer to these scenes with holes through the cloud with the sun filtering through as “the eyes of God.”
Months ago in Madeira, we were enthralled with the clouds and fog rolling in from the sea creating a mysterious ambiance. In early 2013, we were captivated by the sunset and moonlight in Belize and later over the Indian Ocean in Kenya. 

Today, we’re sharing more new sunset photos in Hawaii that we were unable to post while on the ship.  With all the horrible news throughout the world, it’s a welcome relief to revel in nature’s boundless beauty.

We hope many of our readers were able to see last night’s lunar eclipse.
                                            Photo from one year ago today, October 8, 2013:
Ironically, it was a year today, that we took this photo at dusk in the Masai Mara while in Kenya on safari.  Appropriately befitting today’s story and photos.  For details from that date, please click here.

Links for tonight’s times for lunar eclipse. Waikiki, a busy place…Dining out…Not as pricey as we thought…A year ago…a favorite safari photo…

Please click here for worldwide times of upcoming lunar eclipse.

Sunday night’s waning sun on a overcast evening; a sailboat and a glimpse of the sun in the horizon.

We took off on foot to find a restaurant for our first dinner out in Waikiki. After checking Trip Advisor, we gave up trying for top rated restaurants, many of which required a cab ride.

Waikiki Beach on a sunny day.

With many popular establishments within walking distance, we decided to wing it for this short period in Waikiki when preferring to walk as opposed to taking taxis. Why pay an extra $25 a night for a round trip taxi fare when many good restaurants are nearby?

The clouds rolled in quickly for a stormy night.

After an amazing dinner on Sunday night in a popular hotel’s restaurant, Kuhio Beach Grill, we look forward to trying it another night. Each evening, this restaurant, located in the Waikiki Beach Resort and Spa, has a varying buffet theme for $29.95 on Monday through Thursday and for $37.95 on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday with a 20% discount for early birds between 5 and 6 pm.

We had no expectations of good food in Waikiki but the experience at Kuhio Beach Grill gave us hope, especially when the chef visited our table to discuss my dietary concerns. He made a fabulous dinner salad with grilled chicken, avocado, and veggies, adding freshly made fresh blue cheese dressing. We were impressed, to say the least.

Although at quite a distance, it was fun to see flamingos.

Tom, not a fan of salads and various side dishes, stuck to the prime rib and mashed potatoes, going back for seconds along with a few pieces of cake for dessert. He didn’t take another item off of the buffet. With crab legs, shrimp, and fabulous sides, he stuck with the meat and potatoes forgoing any of the wide selections of bread and rolls.

Once we land in Maui in nine days, our first outing will be the grocery store to buy items for preparing our own meals. Tom will then join me in eating “my way” hopefully losing a few of those “cruise food” pounds he picked up while out to sea. 

Again at quite a distance, we spotted this bird.  If you know the name of this bird, please comment. 

There are reports that claim that the average cruiser gains six pounds on a 14-night cruise. I can easily imagine how that transpires with the readily available eye-catching foods at any time of the day, including mountains of sweets and baked goods. Surely, without my restrictions, I would definitely have gained weight as well when it would’ve been difficult to resist some of the temptations. 

We’re getting used to this modest one-room condo and are doing well, especially after making the few modifications we mentioned in yesterday’s post. Neither of us feels we could live here for an extended period but with only nine days remaining, we’ll be fine.

Busy Waikiki Beach at dusk.

Walking the streets of Waikiki Beach is entertaining, to say the least. Tourists line the streets as well as the locals appearing happy to be living in Hawaii hopefully having figured out how to manage with the high cost of living. 

Yesterday, while on a walk, we stopped to read a menu at the top of a flight of stairs of a local restaurant, running into a couple we’d met on the cruise, as they exited the restaurant after breakfast. We all giggled at the irony of running into them in this busy area. They are staying at a hotel, next to ours. Small world.

The menu at the Kuhio Beach Grill as opposed to choosing the $37.95 buffet. The chef made a special chicken and avocado salad for me along with special salad dressing.

From what we’ve seen, it’s certainly no more expensive in Hawaii than in Paris, London, or any other big cities we’ve visited in our travels, including Boston and Vancouver. Urban Honolulu is rated among the most expensive cities in the US, based on varying reports online.

But, like everywhere, one can learn to adapt.  We’ve been able to dine out the past two nights for around $65 including a 15% tip, with no cocktails or beverages. We’ve found that by avoiding the added cost of beverages to our bill we’re able to keep our dining out costs under control. 

My main meal chicken and avocado salad with special bleu cheese dressing were delicious.

It’s easy to see how adding a few glasses of wine or cocktails for each of two diners, can easily shoot the bill upwards of $100. We’ve budgeted $100 a day for our meals while in Honolulu and are certain we’ll be able to stay within this amount.

As always, it’s about trade-offs. Tom purchased a bottle of brandy, duty-free, on the ship before we disembarked. If he decides to have a cocktail or two before dining out, he usually has no interest in ordering another in the restaurant, preferring tap water with his meal. I only drink water and tea rarely bothering to order bottled water with a meal providing that the water is safe to drink.  

Tom’s prime rib and mashed potatoes from the buffet at Kuhio Beach Grill. He went back for an identical second serving when the meat was so tender he cut it with a butter knife.

It’s these simple steps that ultimately save us $100’s when dining out for extended periods such as the most recent 77 days in a row.

The sunsets over Waikiki beach are amazing although we missed Sunday night’s sky clouded over. While we dined it was raining in buckets. Our server gave us a plastic bag to cover the camera, making running back in the rain to our condo less worrisome. 

Clouds rolling in.

On the return run in the rain, we stopped at a local grocer to buy creamer for Tom’s morning coffee and of course, Macadamia nuts for me. After all, we are in the land of Macadamias. Who knew that Macadamia nuts originated in Australia? Here’s a link to some interesting facts about the production of the nuts.

Honolulu/Waikiki Beach is an interesting place to visit. It’s hot, humid, and crowded and surely, we look forward to the less hurried pace of islands to come. In the interim, we’re living in the moment, reveling in every bit of our surroundings.

                                           Photo from one year ago today, October 7, 2013:

This photo was posted one year ago today from our safari in the Maasai Mara. Using no zoom on the camera, we got this photo that clearly illustrates the bugs on his nose. We were very close, keeping our arms inside the vehicle. Notice the zebra carcass behind him. He seemed relatively uninterested in us as we sat there for quite some time, watching him. This is the photo I currently use for a screensaver on my laptop which so bespeaks the extraordinary experience we had, never to be forgotten. For more photos and details from that date, please click here.