We are leaving in 90 minutes for Blaine for my lunch with Theresa. Tom will drop me off and pick me up when I am ready to go. In the interim, he’ll head to his sister Patty’s home in Blaine and visit with her while he awaits my call to come pick me up. Then we’ll drive to Andover, about 20 minutes from there, to play cards for the afternoon and evening.
It will be such fun to see Theresa. We’ve been friends for over 20 years and enjoy getting together when it works out while Tom and I visit the US. We always have lively conversations that seem to end too soon as time flies by when we’re together. Today we’re going to a restaurant she suggested. Oliver’s, meeting up at 11:30.
Nephew Kevin is back in town for a wedding and will join us playing Buck Euchre this afternoon. These games tend to go on for hours. Since I am more of a morning person than a night owl, I may bow out of the game by midnight, most likely sitting on Mary’s sofa nodding off. We’ll see how it goes.
The rest of this week is a little busy. Tom will watch trap shooting with Vincent on Thursday evening while I stay behind, and Friday evening is Vincent’s graduation party. The weekend is free right now, but surely it will fill up with something. We need to start scheduling more time with old friends now that we’ve been here for a month and have spent lots of time with family, with many more great times yet to come.
Time seems to be passing quickly. I can’t believe that in a mere 11 days, we’ll be on the road again, on our way to Sister Beth’s Jubilee Celebration, after 70 years as a nun. We’ll stay two nights in a hotel and then return to this hotel with a new booking beginning on June 16.
I’m pleased I haven’t felt anxious about heading to Cleveland in 2½ months. I’ve resigned myself to this reality and can put it out of my mind while enjoying our time in the US. Sure, I think about it a few times daily, mostly when walking is difficult. Yesterday, I went to the reception desk to collect a few of the Amazon packages that had arrived. One of them was a larger box, although not that heavy, along with two smaller packages.
When I walked across the parking lot back to our room with the packages, I was exhausted, although not necessarily out of breath. I can see that the sooner I get my valves replaced or repaired, the better I will hopefully feel. I still feel like I am holding my own as the disease progresses, which is inevitable with this condition. Many people with valvular disease are much worse off than I am.
My walking plan has fallen flat, but I will continue to try. Avoiding a fall is of the utmost concern when I am unsteady. Preferring not to draw attention when I am walking, I make every effort to appear to be walking normally, which ultimately enhances my progress.
It’s getting to be time to get going. I have a few things to do before we walk out the door.
We hope you have a lovely Monday.
Be well.
Photo from ten years ago today, June 3, 2014: