Finally, we’re beginning to have a social life!…Fun time out last night with photos!…

Some of the patrons at the table behind Tom warmly greeted us and chatted for a bit before the remainder of their group of eight arrived.

Last evening, when we headed to Kokomo for the second time in a week, we anticipated it would be closed again after we’d stopped by on Saturday evening, and no one was there. We’d heard that it was open on both Wednesdays and Saturdays, but that Wednesday was $5 burger night.

As it turned out, much to our delight, the lights were on, and the door opened. There stood Sylvie, Igor’s property manager, greeting us and inviting us to a table. She doesn’t speak English, but we were able to communicate. Our Google Fi doesn’t work around here, so there was no way we could use Google Translate when the restaurant had no WiFi signal for guests.

When we arrived at Kokomo restaurant a few minutes after 5:00 pm, we were the only patrons there. By the time we left at 7:30 pm, every table was full. I didn’t take many photos of the patrons, preferring not to intrude on their dinner.

Looking at the menu, it is mostly in French since many of the locals are French Canadians who speak English, French, and a little Spanish. Following is a copy of the menu. I took a photo of it so that before we go next time, I can translate it and figure out something else to order than the burger patty I ordered without sides. All of the items are in US dollars.

We noticed locals eating salad, but most had been here for many years and may have built up an immunity to the tap water used in washing raw vegetables at local establishments. After my awful experience of eating a salad in Morocco in 2014, I learned my lesson then, and I don’t eat raw vegetables in countries where it may not be safe.

There wasn’t a typical sit-at-bar, but the tables were close enough for some friendly banter.

Tom had the $5 burger and fries, but after seeing so many people order the lasagna and club sandwich next Wednesday, he’ll order something else. Tom had a large-sized beer, and I drank something out of character for me: a Coke Zero. I couldn’t get down one more bottle of water after all the water I’d been drinking lately. I won’t make diet cola a habit, but it tastes good, and I am not drinking wine for a while.

Tom was able to find a beer he liked, Pilsner.

As it turned out, the restaurant was fully packed by 6:00 pm. Every table was filled, and another couple, Doris and John, sat with us while we chatted on and on, having a great time. Many others stopped by our table to welcome us to Mirador San Jose. Finally, we had the blissful feeling of being able to have a social life here.

Next Wednesday, we’ll head back to Kokomo, but this time, we’ll know some people and feel all the more welcome. In the interim, I will translate the menu and see what else I can order that will work for me. If not, I can always have a bite to eat before we go out. No big deal. It’s only food. It’s the social interaction we so much appreciate.

Shortly after we arrived, locals were coming for Wednesday’s $5 hamburger night. It’s the only night the restaurant is open at this time. Soon, “snowbirds” will come, and perhaps the restaurant will be open more often.

Yesterday, I had a perfect first day of renewing my health. I did the indoor stepping as planned for over eight hours. Also, I found a video on my Fitbit with a gentle yoga class, which I will do again today and every day going forward to regain some flexibility. Yesterday was a perfect “diet” day for me. I ate plenty of vegetables (except at dinner), protein, and moderate fat but less food in general, hoping to shed those pesky ten pounds I’ve been hanging onto for the past few years. I am logging my food intake into the free app Chronometer, which helps me stay on track.

When I started thinking about how long I have been inactive, I realized it all happened when we got COVID-19 and after that, over 18 months ago. Basically, since then, I have been relatively inactive when the COVID-19 symptoms lingered, and then the Afib escalated, which started the day I tested positive. I genuinely believe that COVID-19 began this entire mess since, before that time, I never had Afib, nor did I have so much trouble walking.

Colorful glass blocks were built into a wall.

This morning, we did laundry and prepped the food for tonight’s dinner: ribs, rice, and green beans for Tom and sauteed seafood mix, green beans, and avocado for me. It will be a lovely dinner and evening for sure. Soon, we’ll head to the little store in this gated community for more water and a few odds and ends. It’s like a Quick and Easy with a limited inventory but carries a few things we need occasionally.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, November 2, 2013:

I love this look on Tom’s face as he’s learning how to handle the python at the resort in Diani Beach, Kenya. Like an infant, the python’s head must be held up to avoid injuring it. For more photos, please click here.

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