It’s 10:30 am. I slept poorly last night and almost didn’t post since I felt so tired. But once I showered and dressed, I started to feel a little better and got to work on today’s post.
Regardless of that, yesterday was an enjoyable day. Lunch with Theresa at Oliver’s was a pleasure. The food was fine but pricey. But we plan to get together again in the next few months before we leave for Cleveland in 82 days. The food was OK but pricey. I ordered the Waygu beef burger (3 ounces – no bun) topped with cheese and bacon with roasted Brussels sprouts.
Everything was too greasy for my liking. The Brussels sprouts were prepared with a sweet Asian sauce I could easily have done without and weren’t cooked well enough to make them easy to cut and eat. However, the delightful conversation with my dear old friend was more important then the food. Catching up on our lives since we last got together in September 2023 was lively and animated.
Of course, Theresa was concerned about my upcoming surgery, but we hurried through that discussion to move on to more cheerful topics, which was easy. I never want to be one of those people whose only conversations focus on health issues. No doubt we see this more and more with people our age.
Sure, it’s essential to express our health concerns with friends and family as they offer us love and support. But many more points of discussion make get-togethers memorable and meaningful.
As it turned out, Tom dropped me off at the restaurant in Blaine and intended to visit his sister Patty, who lives nearby. As it turned out, Patty had things to do, so he left earlier than expected. Unbeknownst to me, he was sitting in the parked rental car outside the restaurant, patiently waiting for me to be done.

I planned to call him when Theresa and I were ready to go. When I called him at 1:30 after our two-hour lunch, he cheerfully explained he was parked outside, not far from the door to the restaurant. I felt terrible he had waited so long, but he didn’t mind. That’s my guy, always looking out for me with a smile. When we came outside, he exited the car to give Theresa big hug. I did the same, and we were on our way to Mary and Eugene’s home, about 15 minutes from that location.
Shortly after we arrived, nephew Kevin, niece Jean, sisters Mary Ellen and husband Eugene, Patty, Collen, and Margie were there, and the day and evening’s card playing began. It couldn’t have been more fun, and we didn’t wrap it up until around 11:30 pm.
Mary served spaghetti, meatballs, and bread for dinner, which I don’t eat, but I gobbled up plenty of nuts that Kevin brought from Costco, eating way more than I should have. When we returned to the hotel, I felt stuffed and uncomfortable. Early in the evening, I drank two small glasses of low-alcohol red wine and later switched to a massive mug of Crystal Light Iced tea, adding to feeling full.
I tossed and turned all night, even getting up to take a few Rolaids around 2:00 am, and finally, by 3:00 am, I nodded off, awakening at 7:15 am. That was not much sleep, but perhaps a nap is on today’s agenda.
This afternoon, Tom will drive less than one mile to Cub Foods and pick up a grocery order I placed a while ago. I ordered two roasted chickens for tonight and tomorrow night’s dinner. All we have to add is rice and salad. Easy peasy.
That’s all, folks! Have an enjoyable day, whatever you do.
Be well.
Photo from ten years ago today, June 4, 2014: