Gosh, we are having a great time! Not only have we loved time spent with family in these few short days since our arrival, but we met a lovely couple at the hotel with whom we’ve had breakfast the past three mornings, who left to return to Wisconsin.
We were contemplating what we’d do tonight, and then Tom’s nephew and friend Kevin contacted us to ask if we’d like to come to Mary’s and Eugene’s home to play Buck Euchre. Of course, we said a resounding “yes!”. This will be reminiscent of the month we just spent in Apache Junction playing cards day after day, night after night, with the same group of Tom’s family members, now that everyone is back here.
On our way to Mary and Eugene’s home in Andover, another 45-minute drive, we’ll stop and get some prepared food trays to bring since these get-togethers are often more about snack foods rather than big multi-item dinners. Everyone usually brings snacks to share, which essentially proves to be equivalent to a full meal. We already have my light white wine to bring, and Tom has his beverages of choice.
As it turned out, Tom’s sister Rita, who visited Apache Junction while we were all still there, has been in hospital in Rapid City, South Dakota, for several days after being diagnosed with bacterial meningitis shortly after she returned from Arizona. It was “touch and go” for Rita during the first 48 hours. However, she has turned the corner and is now on the mend.
This condition is highly contagious, and the incubation period was as long as 11 days, which constituted the last time we were all together. Thank God, none of us “caught” it from Rita, and all is well.
We’ve been very busy since we arrived here on Wednesday. Last night, we met up with more of Tom’s family members at Billy’s Bar and Grill in Anoka, Minnesota, a 45-minute drive from our hotel. There were 11 of us gathered around make-shift tables, and we enjoyed food and drinks at the festive establishment.
Yes, I know I should have taken photos, but the lively and animated conversations kept me distracted and made me forget about taking photos. I know this happens a lot, but our entire lives aren’t always played out online in photos unless we travel to interesting and exotic places. Hopefully, those days will come again some time in the future. Only time will tell.
This morning, Tom headed to the bank to get cash for playing cards and a birthday gift for my grandson, Miles, whose birthday is on Monday. While he was at the bank, they sent me a code to authorize the transaction since the account has my phone number number. Tom can’t ever remember our phone numbers, so he was delayed in getting the cash.
I’ve encouraged Tom to memorize both of our numbers and turn off “Do Not Disturb” on his phone each morning, especially while we’re in Minnesota when family and friends are attempting to reach us. If he doesn’t turn on “Do Not Disturb” when we go to bed, his phone invariably wakes me up during the night. I am a light sleeper and when startled by the phone, have a hard time going back to sleep.
Tomorrow, Mother’s Day, we’re going to brunch with Greg, and our three grandchildren and Greg’s girlfriend Heather and two of her children. It will be fun to meet Heather’s children and spend more time with our grandkids.
Be well.
Photo from ten years ago today, May 11, 2014:

Have a wonderful Mother’s Day Jessica, I hope you have a great, fun, happy and loving day.
Sending lots of Love
Cousin Phyllis
Thanks, Phyllis! Hope you had a lovely day as well.
Love you,
Jess & Tom