A long haul ahead of us…Happy October…

Flowers in Hawaii are breathtaking. This is an Anthurium. Wow!

We no longer bother with the complimentary breakfast in the hotel, offered each morning from 6:30 to 9:30. The mass-produced, greasy foods, fake scrambled eggs, and eggs boiled in vinegar are not to our liking. Since we’re currently having two meals a day, breakfast and dinner, it made sense to start making our breakfast, which consists of eggs and bacon for Tom and eggs topped with guacamole and Picante sauce for me.

Lately, feeling under the weather, I don’t get up until around 8:00 or 8:30, and once showered and dressed for the day, I make breakfast. Tom would happily do it, but I feel it’s crucial for me to continue preparing meals to keep me more active.

I cannot start walking the corridors again, and I have no idea when this will be possible. When we leave the hotel room, we’re still using the wheelchair. It will be quite a thrill to walk again eventually. But, for now, I accept this as my reality and strive to stay upbeat.

A few of our readers have written asking if the housekeeping issues have been resolved after my lengthy conversation with the general manager. It’s 25% better. They show up every other day but always fail to bring enough supplies we want to be refreshed for the next few days: four bath towels, two hand towels, two washcloths, two dish towels, two toilet paper, and four dishwasher soaps. It’s not that hard.

But they breeze in and out each time they come, leaving us short on half of these supplies. We have to ask them to add the correct items, let alone the proper amounts. They are supposed to make the bed every other day, but they do not. When we ask, they pretend not to understand.

Right now, more than ever, these simple requests are more important to us than in the past. After all, we’re paying premium prices for this hotel close to Cleveland Clinic. The shuttle guy is fantastic, always getting us to our appointments in plenty of time. On October 11, I have an appointment outside the clinic at a location associated with the clinic that is further away, and he will gladly take us there and to my remaining ten appointments over the next 4½ months. Whew!

Many of our readers have written over the past several days, insisting we keep them updated on what’s happening. I suppose I hesitated, fearing I was boring our readers with my constant health updates. Thank you for all of your support. Many of our readers have written about their health issues, for which we offer our love, support, and prayers for well-being.

I make a point of responding to each of these messages, acknowledging that none of us is exempt from experiencing frightening and worrisome health issues as we age and at any time in life. We’ve received many messages from readers as young as their 20s and 30s who also deal with heart issues, generally seen more frequently in the senior population.

Please don’t hesitate to write to us, even via email, about your health concerns. This enables us to return the kindness and consideration of providing support and a safe arena to share your concerns and worries. Of course, we aren’t medical professionals and cannot offer medical advice. But being able to offer an unbiased ear is something we all may need from time to time.

Tonight, we’re having Italian meatballs topped with Rao’s marinara sauce (which I spruce up with additional seasonings), fresh sliced portabella mushrooms, and mozzarella and parmesan cheese. I am having chicken meatballs, and Tom will have beef and pork meatballs. We’ll have a side salad, and Tom will have rice, which he always includes as a side dish.

That’s it for today, folks. And when we say, “Be well” at the end of each post, it’s done so from the bottom of our hearts.

Photo from ten years ago today, October 1, 2014:

Tom is thrilled to be in Hawaii. Me, too! For more photos, please click here.

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