We’re back after a medical ordeal…

A lovely scene of a beach in Madeira while on a road trip.

It all started on Thursday morning. I went for a short walk, and we headed to the bank’s ATM for some cash and then to Aldi. I had only been to one Aldi in the UK, but I was curious about what a US store was about. Upon entering the store, within a few minutes, I saw it wasn’t for me.

I had no idea about the “off-brand” products and wouldn’t have time to use them to determine their quality. Plus, it mainly was packaged, processed foods that we don’t eat. After grabbing the four spices we needed, I headed to check out. It was at this time that I began to feel light-headed and shaky,

From there, we drove to the Cub Market to pick up our awaiting grocery order, which I had placed earlier in the day. Once we returned to the hotel, Tom carried in the groceries I put away. I still felt light-headed, shaky, and dizzy. I sat down, hoping the awful feeling would pass. But ten minutes later, I felt worse.

Thinking that it might be a breakthrough Afib and possibly an increase in blood pressure, I took my blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is roughly 120/80. Mine was 240/142, outrageously and dangerously high. I took the reading three times, and it didn’t budge. I told Tom we needed to call 911.

Within minutes,  help arrived with police and firefighters, and shortly after that, paramedics with the ambulance. The 20-minute ride in the ambulance was bumpy and unsettling. Still, before I knew it, we arrived at Methodist Hospital, and I was rushed into a room in the emergency department where I was hooked up to lots of equipment and given nitroglycerin, and blood tests were done.

Heart and valve problems definitely impact blood pressure. Blood tests were taken, and it was determined that I hadn’t had a heart attack but had what is called malignant blood pressure, described as follows from the Cleveland Clinic:

“Malignant Hypertension

Malignant hypertension occurs when a sudden spike in blood pressure puts you at risk for organ damage. It often happens in people with a history of high blood pressure. But it can also occur in people with normal blood pressure. The condition is a medical emergency that requires immediate care.”

We both felt I was in good hands. Once I was stabilized, the doctor suggested I stay overnight for some tests. I explained that I had scheduled appointments at the Cleveland Clinic beginning on August 28 after leaving Minnesota on August 25. I explained that my objective was to determine if it was safe for me to wait for treatment for the upcoming appointments in Cleveland and that nothing was going on that required we leave sooner.

By 10:00 pm, after six hours in the emergency department, I was escorted to a spacious private room on the cardiac floor. During the night, I had scans and didn’t get much sleep.

After the tests during the night and more the next day, it was determined I was safe to wait for the month until we’d get to Cleveland. Still, if I had another episode of malignant hypertension, I’d need to return to the hospital for treatment.

Two days later, I was released with no new drugs or prescription changes, and yesterday afternoon, we returned to the hotel by 2:00 pm. I certainly didn’t feel like going out to dinner, but instead, based on the items we purchased from Cub, I could slice the vegetables for us to put together our desired bread-less subway-type sandwiches.

It was so good to be back at the hotel, albeit slightly tentative, feeling weak and exhausted after lying in bed for two days and nights. But I am attempting to walk a little every 30 minutes.

Thanks to our readers who wrote about our well-being. We appreciate all of you!

Be well.

Photos from ten years ago today, June 28, 2014:

Late blooming Bird of Paradise, aptly named in Madeira. For more photos, please click here.

Comments and responses We’re back after a medical ordeal…

  1. Thelma May Reply

    I am so thankful you are ok. Was so concerned about you. Please take care of yourself and know that I am praying for you and for Tom.

    Your friend,
    Thelma May

    • worldwide-admin Post authorReply

      Thelma May, your ongoing love and support means so much to both of us. Hope you are doing well

      Jess & Tom

  2. Lisa Reply

    Oh Jess, that’s so scary! I’m glad things are going better but please allow your body to rest. It’s when our body tissues and systems heal. Any deconditioning is reversible, but not allowing your body to rest can cause permanent damage. I’ll be praying for you.

    • worldwide-admin Post authorReply

      Lisa, thanks for reminding me to rest. You are so right!

      Thanks for support and encouragement


  3. Joanette K. Larson Reply

    I’m so glad you are feeling better. Hope it doesn’t happen again and all goes well with your Cleveland appointment. Adding my prayers for you and Tom.

    • worldwide-admin Post authorReply

      Joanette, thank you for thinking of me! Heart issues are scary and I am grateful they were able to stabilize me. We appreciate your ongoing love and support. Hope you are well.

      Jess & Tom

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