Walking again…Bread?…

In Madeira, we encountered several of these pine trees.

With my cough improving daily, I started walking again yesterday. The heart medication I am taking prevents my heart rate from getting high, and it’s a strain on my body to do anything that raises my pulse. Yesterday, I set the timer on my phone to go off once an hour and then head back outside to walk around the building again.

This morning, I started differently. Instead of walking around the building once, I am pushing myself to walk continuously for five minutes six times a day. Right now, a combined total of 30 minutes a day is all I can muster. I was pleased to walk the first five minutes this morning.

I set out my earbuds, and next time I go out at 10:00 am, I will bring my phone and listen to podcasts, hopefully getting my mind on something other than the strain of walking. Today is a beautiful sunny day with only a few clouds in the skies for a chance. The temperature is expected to be a high of 84F, 29C, a perfect day. Rain isn’t expected until Friday.

Yesterday morning, I made all the fixings for taco salads for both of us. I chopped onions, grape tomatoes, celery, olives, romaine lettuce, and grated cheddar cheese. For Tom, I cooked three pounds of ground beef, and for me, two pounds of lean turkey breast. I like spicy food, but Tom doesn’t, so making two batches makes sense.

You’d think five pounds of meat would last several days, but we’ll only get three of four dinners out of it. There isn’t much left once the meat cooks, and we drain it. Once drained, I put each batch of meat back into their respective pans, add one can of sugar-free tomato sauce, and season the beef with keto taco spices from Amazon and other herbs and spices, such as Himalayan salt, garlic and onion powder, and pepper. To add to the Mexican flavor, I add quite a bit of cumin to my meat.

When we had dinner, I made myself a tortilla with all the vegetables, cheese, Wholly guacamole, and Pace Picante sauce. I found the keto coconut flour tortillas on Amazon at this link.

An important point if you buy these is to fill the tortilla with hot meat and vegetables, but do not microwave it after filling it. Otherwise, it falls apart. It holds up well when not heated after filling. Finding a tortilla I can use to make wraps was a delicious treat.

Once the taco meat is gone, I will make shredded chicken wraps for me and grilled chicken breasts for Tom. He won’t eat the keto wrap and has never enjoyed wraps. He prefers plain white bread, which we don’t buy. So, it’s rare for us to make any sandwich. He enjoys burgers with the bun and Reuben sandwiches when eating out.

Often, I long for a sandwich or avocado toast. But I haven’t found any bread that works for my way of eating. I’ve seen a few possibilities, but at $24.99 a loaf, there is no way I’d pay that much. A few years ago, I could buy keto bread in South Africa for one-third of that price. But most keto bread in the US is made with wheat, and I don’t eat any grain, including wheat.

The only other alternative is to make my own keto bread using healthy ingredients. But right now, I don’t feel like baking anything. I don’t have the proper pans and ingredients to make keto bread. Once buying everything needed, the cost can be as prohibitive as the expensive loaves described above.

For now, I’ll be happy with the coconut tortillas. There are two packs of five to get me through ten meals since I’d never eat more than one per meal. Again, I’m looking forward to tonight’s dinner, mainly due to that tasty tortilla.

Right now, Tom is taking a nap. He had a fitful night with little sleep, and hopefully, he’ll feel better soon. He’s still coughing,  along with me, and neither has fully recovered. Hopefully soon.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, June 25, 2014:

This worm was several inches long. It’s a larger version of those we’ve found in our produce when washing it. No pesticides are used in farming on this island, which we like. After trash pickup, we found this worm on Tuesday’s bottom of the outdoor garbage bin. We set it out on the grass to continue its life. For more photos, please click here.

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