We’ve arrived in Botswana…A relatively easy travel day…

Chobe River from the air. Check out those green circles.

I am writing most of this post while on the Airlink flight from Nelspruit/Kruger/Mpumalanga Airport in South Africa to Livingstone, Zambia. The flight is full, with 37 passengers and three crew members. It’s an hour, 50-minute flight that hopefully is smooth and uneventful. Lunch and beverages, including wine and beer, will be served soon at no charge once the plane is airborne and leveled off.

Tom surprised me and had a beer, but I passed on the wine. It’s too early in the day, and besides, it has too much alcohol for me. While on this trip, I will have white wine spritzers with Sprite Zero since, most likely, they won’t have low-alcohol wine.

The Zambezi River from the plane…

The drive this morning from Marloth Park to the airport was uninterrupted. It took us slightly over an hour to arrive at the airport.
The anticipated protests won’t occur until next Wednesday while we are still away. We hope the protests will have ended by the time we return on Sunday, August 27th.

Last night. 11 of us had dinner together at Jabula, including new readers/friends Marylin and Gary and their friends Jolyn and Brian from Utah, Rita, Gerhard and Lee, Louise and Danie, and the two of us. We started the evening on the veranda but had to move indoors when the weather changed. Suddenly, it was windy, rainy, and cold.

Dawn and David were accommodating to ensure we were all seated in the bar area. The boys sat at one end of the table and the girls at the other. It’s funny how that always happens, and no one seems to mind. As expected, the laughter and animated conversations flowed with ease. The night sailed by. Before we knew it, it was time to go. We all had safari plans over the weekend and needed a good night’s rest.

The Chobe River in Botswana.

Once back at the house, we did a bit more packing and settled in the bedroom to stream a show before going to sleep. I dozed off a few times during the show while sitting straight up. Tom always waves his hand in front of my face when he sees me fall asleep when we are streaming a show.

Even if I am doing, I respond to his gesture and say, “I am awake,” even if I wasn’t. He knows I will have trouble sleeping later if I sleep during a show. So true. The night was fitful. We planned to leave the house at 8:30 am but didn’t set the alarm. We always awake early enough; we don’t need one.

As soon as we opened the bedroom door, we saw Norman in the garden waiting for us. My heart did a little flip flop, wondering if he’ll return after we do in eight days. He’s become such a part of our everyday life. It’s hard to imagine life in the bush without him. It was the same with Little, whom we haven’t seen since we moved into the current house on May 24 this year. I will always miss him.

Beautiful river views from the air.

Once we arrive in Livingstone in a little over an hour, as I write this now, our usual tour guide and driver, Chris, will greet us and drive us to the Botswana border. This is the fourth time we’ve made this trip for a visa stamp, and we have enjoyed ourselves each time. Most likely, this time will be equally enjoyable.

Today I am including a few photos I took from the air. South Africa is very unpopulated in many areas and is exquisitely beautiful.

The mountains, the bush, the plains, and the sea all offer incredible experiences we are considering, perhaps for some future travels. Who knows what the future holds?

Soon, our flight lands, and we will travel from Livingstone to the Botswana border. It should take about three or four hours until we arrive at the Chobe Safari Lodge and can settle into our room and begin our evening overlooking the Chobe River.


We’ve arrived at the lovely Chobe Safari Lodge. Fifi, the staff member at the reception,  greeted us warmly and provided us with a riverfront view on the ground level, conveniently located to everything. As soon as I upload this post, we’ll head out with the camera for sundowners on the veranda overlooking the Chobe River. Hmm…nice.

Tomorrow, we’ll be back to share the details of getting through the border between Zambia and Botswana, an entirely new experience from those on our last visits to the country. Plus, we’ll share details of confusing money changes when we stay in two countries during this one week away.

We’ll walk up the hill tonight to the gourmet restaurant, remembering all too well the fantastic meals we had there in the past. Food photos will follow.

Thanks for coming along with us on this journey…this short one and all the journeys in the past. You all mean the world to us.

Be well.

Photo from one year ago today, August 20, 2021:

Frank eats his seeds at the old house from the veranda railing where no warthogs or bushbucks will bother him. I miss Frank, or any francolins for that matter. Maybe soon, we’ll get one. For more photos, please click here.

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