Here is a clarification of the name of the Big Island of Hawaii: The Big Island is the nickname for the island of Hawaiʻi, the largest and youngest island in the Hawaiian chain.
Ten years ago, our adult children (except the eldest son), their partners, and young children came to the Big Island to spend Christmas with us. We rented two oceanfront houses next door to accommodate 14 of us.
A few months before we arrived on the island, we became aware of the lava possibly approaching the town of Pahoa, where the houses were located. Still, with everything booked for Christmas, including their flights, we decided to take our chances. Lava tends to move slowly, and we’d have ample time to relocate if necessary.
We never had to move when the lava flow stayed away from the neighborhood, but it was close enough for us to see the lava flowing in Pahoa. Who has an opportunity to see lava flowing in their lifetime? It was an interesting and unusual experience we’ll all remember.
When checking our post from ten years ago today, I’ve reposted what I wrote since many of our readers may never have seen the post so long ago. Here it is, and here’s the link:
“Lava is on the move again, faster this time…Closer this time…
This morning’s news announced that the lava flow from Mount Kilauea has escalated in speed and is advancing toward the strip mall where we shopped on Monday afternoon.
Apparently, the gas station owner at that strip mall will be selling off the gas at discount prices so that he can drain his storage tanks to fill them with water to avoid explosions when the lava arrives.
Oh, my. We’ve yet to see the lava since it’s illegal to go into the area where it’s flowing. A viewing area is being set up at the Pahoa Transfer Station that will soon be open to the public. As soon as that is available, we can share photos here. This is a phenomenon one most likely would never have the opportunity to see in a lifetime.
Now that we’re in the first house, we’re surprisingly less anxious about the lava flow than we were from afar. We’ll figure out if we must leave when our family arrives. All that matters is the safety and well-being of our family and the area’s citizens.
At this point, the lava is several miles away. At its current flow rate of 1200 feet per day, considering how many miles we are from the current flow, it could reach the ocean where we are located in about 30 days.
In 30 days, most of our family members will be on their way back to the mainland, leaving only two remaining: our daughter-in-law and one granddaughter, who will stay until January 9th. If there is a risk, we’ll send them home earlier than planned and find other accommodations for Tom and me.
Of course, the flow rate could change at any time, making our calculations irrelevant. We’ll continue to watch the local news for daily updates.
However, we can’t speculate any further than that which we know at this point. We choose not to worry or fuss over this. More so, we’re fascinated with this amazing fact of nature over which no one has control.
As for the house, we’re content. With screens on the windows, everything is wide open for the fantastic ocean breezes. Last night, we slept with the window open for the first time in so long I can’t recall. It was so cool that we left and cuddled up under the comforter. There’s no AC in the house.
Yesterday, at high tide at 11:48 am, we spent considerable time outside in the rear yard of the house watching and taking videos of enormous waves. Neither of us had ever seen anything like it. With the windows open, we can feel the ocean spray inside the house when standing near the windows.
The wear and tear on houses this close to the sea and surf is unreal. The house is well maintained, but apparent signs of the destructive nature of the salty sea air are everywhere, especially on the house’s exterior, where there are no metal or wood surfaces.
On the inside of the house, the curtain rods, shower rods, faucets, and some window handles show signs of corrosion due to the salty air and spray. We’re sure this is a major concern for owners of properties in such proximity to the ocean worldwide.
After the steps collapsed under our feet on our anniversary in Belize on March 7, 2013, during which we were injured, we hesitated to step out onto the lanai in the upper-level main bedroom. Click here for the story and photos we posted on March 9, 2013.
The lanai upstairs looks sturdy, but then again, so do the steps in Belize. We’ll proceed cautiously and advise our family members to do the same.
In the interim, we’re mesmerized by the roaring sea out the door. The roaring sound of the surf is almost earsplitting, and we love every moment. The house is relatively shaded by coconut and palm trees, but there’s a perfect spot in the yard where we can languish during our usual hours in the warming sun.
As we lounged yesterday, we had a clear view of the house next door, to which Tom and I will move on December 20th in a mere 17 days. We will then move back to this house again on January 3rd, when the contract on the second house ends, as most of the family departs. Thus, we must pack three more times (including the day we leave this island).
Tomorrow, we’ll post interior photos of the house. We have been a bit sidetracked with Mother Nature’s antics. She’s quite a gal, isn’t she?”
It’s interesting to reread a post from so long ago. Ironically, our views and perceptions have remained essentially unchanged. Not only did we enjoy having our family with us, but the unique experience offered by Mother Nature added another element.
Be well.
Photo from ten years ago today, December 3, 2014: