As it turns out, the bite I suffered on Saturday was a bee sting. We weren’t able to get the stinger out when I got bit, but this morning almost 48 hours later, I felt it when I ran my hand over my red, hot, swollen, and itchy upper arm and easily pulled it out. The reaction was allergic, and I don’t believe it’s infected. Allergic to bees, we carry an EpiPen but fortunately didn’t need to use it.
Every few hours, followed by a fresh application of Calamine lotion, the ice pack seems to be most effective in providing temporary relief. It has improved in the past 48 hours, so I do not need medical care. The past two nights have been tough, and I’ve hardly slept the past two nights. Once Zef or Vusi comes to clean and change the bedding, as they do each Monday, I’ll probably take a nap, if possible.
It’s a gorgeous sunny morning with a temperature of 83F, 28C, humidity at 59%, and a dew point of 67. The high today will be a tolerable 91F, 33C, with humidity dropping throughout the day.

Octomom and her eight piglets have been here for the past two hours. They are lying in the shade; all cuddled up to her and each other. She is such a good mom. It’s a delight to see them each day, knowing they are well-loved and cared for by this conscientious mom. Ah, the miracles of Mother Nature! We can’t ever get enough of these wonders.
Speaking of the wonders bestowed upon us, fortunate enough to be in Marloth Park, Jaco, an Honorary Ranger, posted this incredible story on his Facebook page a few days ago, as shown below with photos (not ours).

It will be exciting to hear the lion couple’s roars at night from their location in Lionspruit. As it turns out, in Marloth Park, not counting the separately huge fenced area of Lionspruit, eight lions are roaming among the parklands and bush houses at this time. Lately, they have been spotted in the area of our holiday home. Thus, we avoid walking on the roads and are careful getting in and out of the car, especially at night.

We aren’t fearful. But, we are cautious, as everyone should be, knowing these fantastic beasts are roaming free nearby. We are constantly listening for the lions’ low “rumble sounds, ” which are more frequently heard than an actual roar, as one might expect.
That’s it for today, folks. We hope all of our readers/friends are doing well in the New Year.
Photo from one year ago today, January 9, 2022: