It is peculiar that I will be alone in the bush house for the next ten days while Tom travels to the US for his brother Jerome’s funeral, which will be held in Minneapolis on Wednesday. By leaving today, he’ll arrive tomorrow after over 35 hours of travel time with layovers in Cape Town, South Africa, Washington DC, and then the final leg to Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Leaving today rather than waiting until closer to Wednesday, allows him a day to recover after losing considerable sleep during the long journey, especially the 16-hour red-eye flight, which is, by far, the most difficult of the flights. The cost to book an upgraded seat in Business or First Class is thousands of dollars, which we don’t care to spend for the 16-hour convenience.

After all these years of flying worldwide, we’ve become used to long flights, frequently getting up to walk around, wearing compression stockings, and busying ourselves, watching countless movies to avoid boredom.
I charged and tested our new portable phone charger, which works great. He took it with him so he won’t run out of power on his phone while on the plane. Then, while in Minnesota, where he’ll surely be using his phone often, he won’t have to worry about running out of power when he’s out and about.

All he has to remember is to charge the portable charger overnight while he’s sleeping. I will remind him of this when we talk. He can easily become distracted by the activity around him and forget this new step in his routine. He will stay with his daughter Tammy and undoubtedly be distracted in their busy and active household.
I am staying in today. I already made a hearty salad with various greens and am cooking chicken in the oven right now to go with it. Load shedding occurs this afternoon at 1:00 pm, 1300 hrs, when I can’t use the oven, so I decided to cook the chicken now. It’s enough to last me for two or three days.

Breakfasts are easy with eggs and avocados. I don’t plan on cooking much while Tom is gone, so I purchased plenty of wild-caught tuna and salmon to get me through several days. I don’t snack often, but if I feel like I need something, I purchase plenty of imported Emmenthal cheese which is always a satisfying snack to hold me until the next meal.
It’s going to be very weird to me with Tom gone. I doubt I will do sundowners on the veranda, especially since some disgusting slimy black worms are slithering around. Once they are gone in the next few days, as predicted, I’ll look forward to spending more time outdoors with our wildlife friends. But, I don’t drink wine alone, even my lightest of wines, so most likely, when I do sundowners, it will be with a big chilled mug of cinnamon green iced tea.
Perhaps, a few of our friends may stop by to visit while Tom is away, but if not, before I know it, Friday will arrive once again, and I’ll be heading to Jabula with friend Sindee who offered to pick me up and bring me home. I only agreed to allow her to do this if she let me buy her dinner both nights. It will be a fun “girl’s night out” for both of us, along with all of the other locals we’ll chat with who often appear at the bar.

Before I know it, I will be writing here that Tom is returning, and we can settle back into our old routine of this glorious life in the bush, enjoying abundant wildlife and friends.
Sending love and prayers to Jerome’s children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and new great-great grandchild, Tom’s siblings and all of their family members, and everyone who knew and loved Jerome, of which there are many, including us. W will miss him.
Tom just sent me a Whatsapp. He arrived safely at the Nelspruit/Mpumalanga/Kruger Airport, checked his bag, and is now boarding the plane. I have a feeling we’ll be sending lots of messages back and forth in these next ten days.
Be well.
Photo from one year ago today, March 5, 2022: