How time has flown since the above photo of us was taken on July 4, 1995. He was 42, and I was 47. Oh, good grief! When we think back over the years since we met in 1991, as most of us can, so much has transpired, most of which seems as if it was only yesterday. Now, on his 72nd birthday, in many ways, he still feels and acts as young as he did then. I totally agree.
He’s still a kid at heart, with the maturity that years provide while maintaining a playful attitude and sense of humor that’s hard to top. He keeps me on my toes with frequent teasing and good humor while still being the adorable man he’s always been. We are undoubtedly “glued at the hip,” as they say while being able to flourish in our own tastes, desires, and attitudes.
Ironically, we have little in common besides our lifestyle and passion for travel. Still, somehow, we blend our differences into a magical potion that remains fresh, entertaining, and interesting, never taking our lives or one another for granted. We couldn’t ask for or want for more.
I have no gifts or even a card for him today. Long ago, when we began traveling, we decided to forego gifts and cards, but on each occasion, we felt loved and appreciated. So, I baked him his favorite cake, German Chocolate, which he savored after dinner last night. He will do so again when we return from dining out tonight at Luna Rosa, a fantastic, elegant Italian restaurant a short walk from our building in Lake Las Vegas.
Tonight, we’ll take photos of our meals and each other and the Christmas decor in the Village, which is breathtaking at night. Before heading to Luna Rosa, we plan to go to Happy Hour at The Pub at 4:00 pm, located at the bottom of the steps from our building. Drinks there are $5 from 4:00 to 7:00 pm, while drinks at the expensive restaurant average $15 to $25 each.
By the time we get to the restaurant for our 6:00 pm reservations, I’ll be ready to drink water, having had my two small glasses of wine at The Pub. That savings pays for one of our meals.
I realize we sound overly frugal, but one can’t travel for over 12 years and is not be mindful of saving money here and there while still having a great time. We are never obvious or embarrass ourselves being frugal, and, above all, we are generous tippers, knowing how hard servers work to make their customers happy.
And, although we don’t give one another “tips,” we both still find ways to show our appreciation for the many things we do for one another each and every day.
It’s almost noon, and I just returned from my workout in the fitness center. I’m feeling good about what I accomplished. I have a schedule: the fitness center on one day and the BetterMe yoga exercises on an alternate day. Daily, I get plenty of steps logged on my Fitbit watch, ranging from 5000 to 7500 steps. I feel I’m doing all I can without overdoing it.
That’s it for today, folks. We’ll be back tomorrow with more as we make our way into Christmas Eve with plans for a pleasant evening and Christmas Day.
Be well.
Photo from ten years ago today, December 23, 2014: