Stuck indoors on a rainy day…One big task accomplished..

Zoom in to note the difference in size between this massive elephant and the nearby male impala. For more photos, please click here.

In yesterday’s post, I mentioned how I was procrastinating over a few tasks that I’d listed in the story., As of this writing, I have one of these tasks completed, the new spreadsheet for 2022 expenses. Wow! Accomplishing a nagging task is so gratifying it’s indescribable. It spurs me to work on the remaining tasks to achieve more of this “high.”

Perhaps once today’s post is uploaded, I’ll strive to tackle these other challenges instead of getting into mindless drivel. Dinner is already made for tonight, laundry is done, and nothing is like a rainy day to get things done!

Several kudus stopped by for a short visit, eating some pellets and drinking from the pool.

Our house was in excellent condition, but there were always little projects that could be tackled. In our old lives, on a day like this, we might have been heading to Home Depot to buy the necessary products to do some “fixing” around the house. Or, I may have called a friend to meet me for lunch or visit the kids and grandkids.

Shopping was also a possibility when I kept an ongoing list on my phone of needed groceries or other items that may precipitate a trip to a local mall or Costco store. We only shop for groceries once every ten days due to the long drive to Komatipoort. As for any other shopping in Komati, it’s limited. Only on a few desperate occasions have I entered any store, other than the pharmacy or the Spar Supermarket,

Our good friend, Hal, visits from time to time but not as often as Broken Horn.

With most of our closest friends returning to their home countries or other locations, social events are at a minimum here in the park during the upcoming holiday season. Also, with concern over Omicron, many locals stay close to home to avoid contact with others. We certainly understand this.

We’re grateful we have a Christmas Day party to attend and will wait and see if a New Year’s Eve party materializes over the next few weeks. If we had a bigger house, we might plan something, but this house doesn’t have adequate space for entertaining more than four guests, especially when the weather is unpredictable and could require entertaining indoors.

A young kudu was checking out the action in the garden.

Thank goodness, we have our fun Friday nights at Jabula and may, over the holiday season, go there for dinner on both Fridays and Saturdays when socialization is at its best. Tom’s birthday is coming up on December 23rd, a Thursday. He doesn’t want to inconvenience locals to attend a party for him so close to Christmas. As a result, we’ll go to Jabula and celebrate with our friends there, including friends/owners, Dawn and Leon.

Unfortunately, we don’t have many new and exciting photos. With the awful heat, these past several days and now the rain, both occasions during which wildlife stays undercover, our photo-taking ops have been limited. Also, with the bush so lush and green, we’ve tossed less than half the pellets than during the sparse winter months. We’ve barely gone through one bag a week instead of the usual three bags.

Young Daddy is looking at us, wondering where his pellets are.

Of course, this is good for the wildlife. Grazing off the natural vegetation, most suitable for their diets, has been excellent over these past several weeks since everything became green once again. As a result, we’ve had 65% fewer wildlife visitors than we had in the past.

We haven’t even seen Little and Narrow in the past two days. Perhaps, they’ll stop by later this afternoon at their usual 4:00 pm, 1600 hrs, time slot. We’ll have an eye out for them, even if we are stuck indoors.

We hope you have an enriching day filled with many wonders.

Photo from one year ago today, December 7, 2020:

This photo was posted one year ago today while in lockdown in a hotel in Mumbai, India, on day #259. Tom and I and Lisa and Barry, our new friends. They visited us in Ireland in 2019, and we are close in touch. For more photos, please click here.

Sightseeing day…Rental car pick up issues…More museum photos…

These characters were most likely used in parades and local celebration.

“Sightings from the Veranda in Costa Rica”

“The variegated squirrel is a tree squirrel in the genus Sciurus found in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, southern Mexico, Nicaragua, and Panama. Fifteen subspecies are recognized.”  Tom spotted this squirrel in the yard, alerted me and I took this photo through the glass wall to avoid scaring it away.

Yesterday morning at 11:00 am we were scheduled to pick up the five-day rental car at the Mercado Coopeatenas cafe as we’d done a few times over these past weeks.

Miscellaneous antique items.

We called for a taxi at 10:30 which arrived at our gate five minutes later.  By 10:47 am we were seated in the outdoor cafe waiting for Edgar to arrive with the vehicle.  When 11 came and went, we were a little concerned but decided to wait patiently for 30 more minutes after which we’d call Aad to see what happened.

A collection of voice control devices and more toy cars and trucks.

We’d heard on the news that there was traffic stalling protesting occurring in San Jose on Monday which could easily attribute to delays in Edgar getting to us on time. 

Old equipment used by the railroad.

It’s always our intent to be patient and avoid being the “ugly American” and complaining when life often moves at a slower pace than we’d be used to in the US.  Some refer to is as “island time” regardless of whether one is on an island or not.

At 11:30, we called Aad.  Ten minutes later we received a call from the agency to explain the car we’d booked “broke down” and another car would arrive within an hour.  At this point, it was 11:42.  OK.  We would wait the hour.

A piano and variety of electronic devices used in years past.

Our intention had been to get the car and explore a little, then return to the market to do our main weekly grocery shopping, avoiding keeping perishables in the car in the warm weather. 

Decorative representation of the railway.

With an hour left to wait for the car, I suggested we should forgo the plans to explore and grocery shop during the hour we had to wait.  Instead, we’d head out on Tuesday morning after I’d uploaded today’s post.

Display of toy cars and trucks.

Thus, today, I’m rushing a bit to get done and off we go, free as birds to see our next chosen spot to tour.  We’ve mapped out a location and will share photos and details in days to come.

A clock in the design of a watch.

At 12:50 pm, with our grocery cart filled with the week’s purchases, Edgar arrived having no knowledge of our almost two-hour wait.  We asked him what had happened and he hesitated unsure of the reasons for the almost two-hour delay. 

What could we do?  This is the best car rental deal in town and we weren’t willing to make a fuss and ruin the opportunity to rent a car again.  We smiled while Tom filled out the paperwork, paid our US $1250 (CRC 720,494) and inspected the car with Edgar for any dents or dings.

Syringes used for medical treatment.  Ouch!

Edgar was proud he’d brought us an upgraded vehicle, a Corolla as opposed to a cheaper Yaris.  We were thrilled the car had automatic door locks which in manly cases is a luxury upgrade.  Humm…

Tom is interactive in the museum operating a high stand switch.

By 1:30 we were back at the villa spending the majority of the afternoon putting everything away, taking care of the produce and making dinner.  The time flew by and at 5:00 pm, we were ready for dinner.

Old computers on display.  Brings back memories, don’t they?

Since we only eat one meal each day with an occasional low carb snack, the early dining time seems best, especially for me, allowing plenty of time for the meal to digest considering my ongoing gastrointestinal issues which continue to improve in baby steps.  By eating early, my meal has more time to digest before going to bed.

Juan Ramon was proud of everything in the museum showing off a few of his favorites, in this case a whistle.

So, I’m wrapping it up earlier today hoping I haven’t made any errors we’ve missed.  The sun is out and we want to get on the road before the afternoon rains and thunderstorms begin.

Have a fabulous sunny day!


Photo from one year ago today, September 19, 2016:

Collecting coconuts on the beach in Bali.  For more photos, please cllick here.