The expat or the world traveler route?…Which is better for you and why?…

The red dot on this map indicates where the island of Madeira is located.

“There is a difference between being an expat and traveling slowly to see the world. Each path offers unique experiences and challenges. An expat’s life revolves around settling in one place and becoming part of the local community. On the other hand, slow travel is about taking time to explore each destination deeply.”

In an increasingly interconnected world, the concepts of “expat” and “world traveler” have become more prevalent, reflecting different ways people choose to live and explore. While both groups share a love for experiencing new cultures and environments, their lifestyles, motivations, and experiences differ significantly. Understanding these differences can help clarify the nuances of these two distinct paths.

Definitions and Basic Differences

Expat is short for expatriate, a term used to describe individuals who live outside their native country for an extended period, often for work or personal reasons. Expats typically settle in one country for months or years, integrating into the local community to varying degrees. Their stay is usually characterized by a semi-permanent or permanent relocation, influenced by employment, family, or retirement plans.

On the other hand, a world traveler moves from one place to another, often for shorter durations, driven by a desire to explore, experience, and enjoy diverse cultures and environments. World travelers may stay in one location for days, weeks, or months before moving on to the next destination. Their journey is often continuous, with no fixed home base, emphasizing exploration over settlement.

Motivation and Purpose

Expats often relocate due to job assignments, career advancement opportunities, or company transfers. They might also move for personal reasons, such as joining a spouse or family member, seeking better living conditions, or pursuing retirement in a more favorable environment. Their primary motivation is usually practical and long-term, focusing on stability and integration into the new country.

In contrast, world travelers are driven by curiosity, adventure, and a passion for discovering new places. Their motivation is more about experiencing diversity, learning about different cultures, and seeking personal growth through travel. The purpose of their journey is exploration and enjoyment rather than settling down or establishing roots.

Lifestyle and Daily Routine

Expats often lead lives similar to those they had in their home countries, though adapted to their new environment. They might rent or buy homes, enroll their children in local or international schools, and establish work, social activities, and community involvement routines. Over time, they may develop a deep understanding of and connection to their host country’s culture, language, and traditions.

For world travelers, the lifestyle is more transient and flexible. Depending on their preferences and budget, they might stay in hotels, hostels, short-term rentals, or even camp out. Their daily routine is less structured, often dictated by travel plans, sightseeing, and spontaneous adventures. They are constantly on the move, with no fixed abode, leading to a more fluid and unpredictable way of life.

Integration and Interaction with Local Culture

Expats have the opportunity to immerse themselves deeply in the local culture. Over time, they may learn the language, understand societal norms, and build lasting relationships with locals. They often become part of the community, participating in local events and contributing to their host country’s social and economic fabric.

While they may make meaningful connections and gain cultural insights during their short stays, world travelers generally do not have the same depth of integration. Their interactions with local cultures are more superficial and fleeting, often limited to tourist attractions, short-term acquaintances, and surface-level experiences. However, their exposure to various cultures can lead to a broad, albeit less deep, understanding of the world.

Financial Considerations

Expats often have stable income sources through employment, savings, or pensions, which support their long-term stay in a foreign country. Their financial planning includes considerations for housing, healthcare, education, and other long-term needs. The financial stability provided by employment or other steady income allows them to establish a more permanent lifestyle abroad.

World travelers may have more varied and uncertain income sources. Some work remotely, freelance, or take up short-term jobs to fund their travels, while others rely on savings or travel on a budget. Their financial strategy often focuses on cost-effective travel, accommodation, and daily expenses, allowing them to sustain their nomadic lifestyle.

Emotional and Social Impacts

Expats can experience a range of emotional and social challenges, including homesickness, culture shock, and the difficulty of integrating into a new society. However, the potential for building a new support network, forming deep friendships, and feeling a sense of belonging can be highly rewarding.

For world travelers, the constant movement can lead to feelings of isolation or disconnection, as they rarely stay in one place long enough to build strong relationships. The excitement of new experiences and the freedom of a nomadic lifestyle can be exhilarating, but the lack of a stable support network can also be emotionally taxing.


While both expats and world travelers share a love for exploring new places and cultures, their lifestyles, motivations, and experiences are markedly different. Expats seek stability, integration, and long-term living arrangements in foreign countries, often driven by career or personal reasons. On the other hand, world travelers prioritize exploration, adventure, and the thrill of constant movement, driven by curiosity and a desire to experience as much of the world as possible. Understanding these differences can help in appreciating the unique journeys of both groups, each enriching the global tapestry in their own distinct way.

As our long-term readers are well aware, from the beginning of our travels, we have chosen the world traveler lifestyle rather than becoming expats who choose to live in one location. Will this change in the future? It could depending upon the outcome of current medical concerns, which will be addressed over the next several months. We will keep you updated.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, July 8, 2014:

Royal Caribbean’s Explorer of the Seas is a larger capacity ship with cabins for 3835 passengers than yesterday’s posted Celebrity Solstice at 2850. We prefer smaller ships, but it’s not always possible to find both the preferred size, itinerary, and dates. The ship’s size is near the bottom of our criteria list. For more photos, please click here.

A lovely Mother’s Day and into the evening…Thanks for all the warm wishes!…

A gorgeous pink rose in the garden at our new Campanario, Madeira (Spain) location.

Somehow, Greg and Heather found a lovely restaurant for Sunday’s Mother’s Day Brunch at Cosmos Restaurant in the Lofton Hotel in downtown Minneapolis, close to the Target Center. With all the bad press about downtown Minneapolis being dangerous these days, this location was safe, and we felt comfortable.

The beautiful location had ample seating and no waiting, which is odd for Mother’s Day, as waiting to be seated and served on this busy day can be tedious. The food was fresh, hot, and well prepared, and our table for eight worked out well. In attendance were Tom and I, Greg, Maisie, 17, and Miles,16, whose birthday is today (Madighan was at work), Heather and two of her four children, Megan, 15, and her son, Doug, 23.

The time went quickly, and before we knew it, the brunch ended, and Tom and I were on our way back to the hotel with no plans for the remainder of the day. We arrived at 1:00 pm after stopping and picking up a Chicken Bowl from Chipotle (not as good as I remember) for me for dinner. Tom had Panera Chicken Wild Rice soup that he heated in the microwave in the hotel’s kitchen on the main floor, along with plenty of crackers.

In no time, evening rolled in, and we had dinner and streamed a few movies while settling in for the night. It was all pleasant and relaxing after several busy days in a row. We’ll celebrate Miles’ 16th birthday at dinner at Pizza Luca, a short walk across the hotel parking lot. Today, Miles goes for his driving test and hopefully passes, adding all the more cause for celebration.

This morning at 8:00 am, we headed downstairs for the included breakfast at the hotel. It’s not a big deal breakfast as is the case for most included breakfast at any hotel, usually consisting of premade scrambled eggs, pancakes, sausages, cereal, fruit, coffee, and tea. Fortunately, they have hard-boiled eggs, and I don’t eat premade scrambled eggs since they contain wheat and chemicals.

Dining out frequently creates a few issues for me, but I always find something suitable for my way of eating. Tonight at Pizza Luce, it’s easy when they serve gluten-free meatballs with sugar-free sauce topped with mozzarella. I love this dish and often order it when we go there for dinner.

This morning, I called a well-known physical therapy clinic nearby to see if my insurance would pay for services. Lately, as my heart issues have escalated, I’ve had more difficulty walking and using my arms. As much as I try to exercise on my own, I need professional help and monitoring to build my strength for surgery over the next three months.

I am waiting to hear back from them after they check with my Medicare and Plan G to ensure I am covered. If I can build my strength and stamina before the surgery, I will do better after it’s over. We’ll see how this goes.

In the interim, we should get a call back for an appointment with Costco’s Hearing Aid Center for Tom. He’s finally decided to buy correctly adjusted and fitted hearing aids when his hearing has worsened over the past few years. It will be great for him and for me to have a conversation with him without raising my voice. If he can’t read my lips, he can’t tell what I am saying.

That’s it for today, dear readers. Thank you for countless and thoughtful Mother’s Day wishes from many readers, family, and friends. I am very grateful.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, May 13, 2014:

We couldn’t imagine that tourists would visit during the peak of summer due to the heat. For more photos, please click here.

Happy Mother’s Day to all!…We’re off to brunch with the family…

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms and grandmas!

This morning, we’re rushing to get out the door to go to Mother’s Day brunch at a fabulous restaurant downtown Minneapolis, Cosmos, with Greg, our three grandchildren, Heather, and two of her children, whom we’ll meet for the first time. We would have been just as content to go to a Perkins or other casual restaurant, but on this day, it would be impossible to get a table without waiting for an hour or more in the crowded lobby area.

I am making this a short post since we’ll have to get out the door in about 20 minutes to arrive at the venue for the 10:45 reservation. Parking downtown will be at a premium, so we want to ensure we arrive on time.

Since we arrived here last Wednesday evening, we have been busy every day and evening with family and have had a great time. Knowing this will continue over the next few months, making the time pass more quickly until my upcoming appointments at Cleveland Clinic on August 28, gives me peace of mind while we both thoroughly enjoy ourselves.

We thought last night would be quiet, spending time in the hotel room while we munched on items we’d purchased at the grocery store for light meals when we didn’t feel like dining out. This hotel room has a refrigerator but not a microwave or stove. However, we can use the microwave in the main floor kitchen whenever we’d like.

As we settled in for the evening, Tom noticed a message from nephew Kevin asking if we wanted to come to Mary and Eugene’s home to play cards. We jumped at the chance, and by 4:00 pm, after stopping for food to bring, we were situated at their table, ready to begin playing Buck Euchre. We had a great time and returned to the hotel by 11:00 pm.

We move to another nearby hotel with a kitchen on May 23. We’ll decide whether to stay there through the long wait or return here during that period. The determining factor will be determining how important a kitchen is to us. We like this Hyatt hotel but will try a Residence Inn until June 11. We shall see how it goes.

It’s time for us to head out. We’ll be back tomorrow with more.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, May 12, 2014:

The jewelry prices were very reasonable in the souk in Marrakesh, Morocco. For more photos, please click here.

Busy and fun times…

The two of us were in front of the “White Mosque” in Abu Dhabi, UAE, in May 2014.

Gosh, we are having a great time! Not only have we loved time spent with family in these few short days since our arrival, but we met a lovely couple at the hotel with whom we’ve had breakfast the past three mornings, who left to return to Wisconsin.

We were contemplating what we’d do tonight, and then Tom’s nephew and friend Kevin contacted us to ask if we’d like to come to Mary’s and Eugene’s home to play Buck Euchre. Of course, we said a resounding “yes!”. This will be reminiscent of the month we just spent in Apache Junction playing cards day after day, night after night, with the same group of Tom’s family members, now that everyone is back here.

On our way to Mary and Eugene’s home in Andover, another 45-minute drive, we’ll stop and get some prepared food trays to bring since these get-togethers are often more about snack foods rather than big multi-item dinners. Everyone usually brings snacks to share, which essentially proves to be equivalent to a full meal. We already have my light white wine to bring, and Tom has his beverages of choice.

As it turned out, Tom’s sister Rita, who visited Apache Junction while we were all still there, has been in hospital in Rapid City, South Dakota, for several days after being diagnosed with bacterial meningitis shortly after she returned from Arizona. It was “touch and go” for Rita during the first 48 hours. However, she has turned the corner and is now on the mend.

This condition is highly contagious, and the incubation period was as long as 11 days, which constituted the last time we were all together. Thank God, none of us “caught” it from Rita, and all is well.

We’ve been very busy since we arrived here on Wednesday. Last night, we met up with more of Tom’s family members at Billy’s Bar and Grill in Anoka, Minnesota, a 45-minute drive from our hotel. There were 11 of us gathered around make-shift tables, and we enjoyed food and drinks at the festive establishment.

Yes, I know I should have taken photos, but the lively and animated conversations kept me distracted and made me forget about taking photos. I know this happens a lot, but our entire lives aren’t always played out online in photos unless we travel to interesting and exotic places. Hopefully, those days will come again some time in the future. Only time will tell.

This morning, Tom headed to the bank to get cash for playing cards and a birthday gift for my grandson, Miles, whose birthday is on Monday. While he was at the bank, they sent me a code to authorize the transaction since the account has my phone number number. Tom can’t ever remember our phone numbers, so he was delayed in getting the cash.

I’ve encouraged Tom to memorize both of our numbers and turn off “Do Not Disturb” on his phone each morning, especially while we’re in Minnesota when family and friends are attempting to reach us.  If he doesn’t turn on “Do Not Disturb” when we go to bed, his phone invariably wakes me up during the night. I am a light sleeper and when startled by the phone, have a hard time going back to sleep.

Tomorrow, Mother’s Day, we’re going to brunch with Greg, and our three grandchildren and Greg’s girlfriend Heather and two of her children. It will be fun to meet Heather’s children and spend more time with our grandkids.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, May 11, 2014:

Roses grown in Morocco are beautiful in the spring. (Previously posted). For more photos, please click here.

11 days and counting…Looking forward to the next step…

The sun was filtering through the uneven slats on the ceiling of the souk in Marrakesh. This display was colorful scarves, so often worn in Muslim countries.

Once we start getting close to the end of our time in any specific location, we both start looking forward to our next adventure. Even leaving this fantastic location in Nevada allows us the luxury of enthusiasm for our next step, which is upcoming in 11 days. The countdown has begun.

There’s no specific number of days that we start posting the days until our departure. It happens organically when I suddenly enter the countdown in our daily headline, perhaps mentioning it in the body of the post. Counting down the days until we depart a location has little bearing on whether we’re anxious to leave.

In this case, when we’ve enjoyed this location and condo so much while working our way into a delightful routine, we still have no problem knowing we’ll be leaving soon. The only time I feel disappointed to be leaving is when we are in Marloth Park, leaving all the wildlife and our delightfully engaging friends. But I can’t think about that now.

Will this upcoming visit to South Africa be our last? With my heart situation, traveling so far away may not be wise. However, after the cardiology appointment next Wednesday, I will know if this will be the hard facts about winding down our journey. That doesn’t mean we won’t keep traveling; it may change where we go and how long we stay.

Many world travelers only stay for a week or two in any location. But, as seasoned readers know, we tend to stay for a few months in any given area, partly because it’s easier than moving every week or two. We also love becoming immersed in a location, living somewhat like the locals, and learning as much as possible about the culture and surroundings.

We often read posts from other world travelers and find those who move around every week or two are usually much younger than us. Plus, few can constantly be on the move for the long haul and afford the added cost of moving frequently. When we stay in any location for a few months or more, we save money from added flights and travel expenses.

Also, short trips often require hotel stays or higher costs for holiday rentals for brief durations. We’ve often been able to negotiate a better rate for holiday rentals directly through an owner, sometimes saving thousands of dollars on long-term rentals.

There have been many exceptions over the years, especially when dealing with visa restrictions or traveling to meet up with a cruise or multiple cruises. In the past year, we embarked on three cruises, which required us to fly to specific embarkation points with many flights, layovers, hotel stays, and other travel expenses, such as transportation, tips, and meals.

As mentioned in yesterday’s post, road trips to the seven states we’ll visit between April 1 and June 17 will require a lot of time and expense in the next few months before we fly to South Africa again.

Not much is happening today. Soon, I’ll prepare vegetables and salad for tonight’s dinner, when our main course is the final of the three-day portion of our delicious, most recent recipe. All is good here.

I’ll head out for another long walk in the corridor to ensure I meet my walking goals. I never miss a day or excuse myself from the responsibility. Since starting the yoga workouts from BetterMe, I’ve faithfully followed the routine each day for the past 23 days and will continue to do so along with walking.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, March 21, 2014

Humphrey Bogart is in front of Rick’s Cafe in the movie Casablanca, which we watched ten years ago in Morocco. There is an actual Rick’s Cafe in Casablanca, fashioned per the movie. For more, please click here.

Thanks for all of your comments…A little bit of this and that…

This photo of us was taken in January 2013 while on our first cruise through the Panama Canal.

Yesterday, after writing about Tom being under the weather with what appears to be a cold, we received more messages and comments than I could have possibly imagined. Unfortunately, as much as I’d like to respond to each one individually, I am writing a general thank you to everyone who wrote thoughtful comments. I hope you realize how time-consuming it would be if I wrote back to each one.

In any case, thank you all, with very similar comments that he may easily have become infected on his trip to Minnesota on December 19. Since he didn’t exhibit any symptoms until December 26, he may or may not have become infected on those flights or at the Union Christmas party.

However, where he picked up the virus is less important now. His recovery is of the utmost importance to us right now. So far, his symptoms haven’t escalated, and he’s feeling the same today as he did yesterday. No change. No coughing. No fever. No aches and pains.

A few suggested he may have Covid. Although we have some Covid tests left, we didn’t bother to test him. He’s only around me, and we have no plans to go out until he’s fully recovered. Thus, if he has a highly infectious virus, he’s staying away from people. I don’t have any sign of having been infected. I still feel great.

Instead, we’re laying low, cooking lovely meals and relaxing, except for me running around the house doing various tasks such as laundry, cooking, and cleaning up. Our condo is clean and tidy, and once Tom is fully recovered, we’ll do a whole-house cleaning, which should be easy. I don’t see any dust on any surfaces, and there’s hardly a crumb on the floor.

On Friday, we’ll have been here for two weeks, and everything is in good order, clean and neatly arranged. If we suddenly had company, there is nothing we’d have to do to get ready.

It is nice that we both are good at picking up after ourselves. Neither of us leaves a dish in the sink or a towel on the bathroom floor. Each morning, I make the bed the moment I get out of it. Tom takes care of all of the dishes, pots, and pans while I wipe down the counters and electric stove top after each meal.

Neither of us ever finds it necessary to comment about one of us not doing our “jobs,” contributing to our day-to-day lives being pleasant and cheerful. Overall, our tasks are balanced. It’s funny how we never decided on “who does what.” Somehow, it evolved seamlessly, never requiring specific conversation when Tom retired.

When he worked  12 hours daily for the railroad in our old lives, I did most of the household tasks. We had a weekly cleaner, which helped a lot. Although I also worked, I had more free time to take care of things. Since I cooked a lot more in those days, I had to do the kitchen floor after each meal.

At that time, we had carpeting and two little dogs, which also required more attention to cleaning when, at times, they entered the house with wet or muddy feet. I taught both of those two adorable dogs, Ben and Willie, to wait by the door for me to grab a treat. In no time at all, they learned, “Wipe your feet, get a treat.” They’d wipe their little feet on the rug in front of the door.

We often think of those two little dogs. Ben passed away in 2009 and Willie in 2011. It’s funny, but if they’d been alive in 2012 when we began our journey, we’d never have left when we did. The thought of leaving dogs in the hands of others was beyond our comprehension.

Many part-time travelers have mentioned how difficult it is for them to travel when trying to figure out where to board their dog(s) in their absence and how much they miss them while they are away.

It’s hard to believe New Year’s Eve is almost here. We don’t have any big plans while we’re here. If Tom is feeling well, we might go outside to see the fireworks from the Las Vegas Strip. Las Lake Vegas is elevated, and we can see the strip at night.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, December 28, 2013:

Taking this photo without zoom gives a perspective of the small size of this island, somehow appealing to her for its varied vegetation. For more photos, please click here.

Oh, dear…Tom is sick…How did that happen?…

I couldn’t resist posting this photo of Tom one more time with the “germy” sombrero on his head. At the time, I thought this photo was hilarious. Maybe not so much now.

When we were out to dinner on Saturday night at Lindo Michoacan, I had mentioned to the hostess it was Tom’s birthday, thinking he might get a complimentary drink or dessert. Moments before the staff came to our table, they celebrated a little girl who also had a birthday on December 23.

The waitstaff sang the birthday song at her table after they’d placed an oversized sombrero on her head. When Tom saw this, he said, “Oh, that hat must be dirty from being on so many heads!” I shrugged it off. We’ve often been exposed to things others have handled, sick or not. I’ve often thought about those pagers you get in restaurants while waiting to be alerted that your table is ready.

Moments later, they came to our table; they handed Tom a complimentary Mexican dessert, plopped the oversized sombrero on his head, and sang the song. Trying to be a good sport, Tom went along with it, although it was evident that he was horrified he had that germy hat on his head for what proved to be no more than three minutes.

He ate the dessert, and we continued the lively conversation with Richard. Yesterday, three days later, he started sneezing like crazy, with his nose running incessantly. Most likely, it’s a cold, but the question in our minds is, “Did he catch a cold from the sombrero?”

There is no other location we’ve been to since we arrived except for Costco and  Smith’s Marketplace. He certainly could have caught it in either of those two locations.

I got out my arsenal of cold treatment products: zinc, Vitamin C, Tylenol (Paracetamol), and a twice-a-day nasal spray. When Tom grew up in a large family, they didn’t use Kleenex. Instead, he learned to “sniff it back up” rather than blow his nose. As a result, he refuses to blow his nose and sniffs every 30 seconds.

Need I say, the constant sniffing is very annoying, but I don’t say a word. “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” Tom, I am not implying you are an “old” dog but more a mature dog with well-established habits that I can’t change, especially not by nagging, which I prefer not to do.

Fortunately, he sleeps on his right side at night, and I sleep on my left, so we aren’t facing one another. Plus, the bed here is king-sized, which helps us keep our distance under these circumstances. I hope I don’t get it, and I am making every effort to avoid doing so.

We do not expect this cold to be Covid or RSV. He has no apparent symptoms of either. So far, he has no cough, sore throat, or headache. These days, after the pandemic, it’s easy to surmise one may have something more severe than a simple cold. We are keeping a close eye on his symptoms.

Did he catch the cold from the sombrero? Perhaps. Perhaps not. We’ll never know for sure.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, December 27, 2013:

This photo was taken a few days ago with the sun in my eyes. It wasn’t until I downloaded it to my computer that I realized the two birds, oxpeckers, were on the impala’s back. Check out the babies sitting in the grass near their mom. For more photos, please click here.

We’re back online!…An unreal experience on the road in Ecuador

The condo has special lighting to create a mood, all operated digitally with the option of changing colors. We’re thrilled with the large refrigerator, dishwasher, range, and many amenities, except for a microwave. We are the first renters to occupy this holiday home.

Note: We’ll post a few photos of our condo and its grounds daily. Stay tuned for more. Thank you, reader/friends, for all your well wishes, love, and support during some challenging times.

We’re sitting on the comfy sectional in the beautiful great room of our new holiday home in Lake Las Vegas, Nevada. We love this place and couldn’t be more pleased with it and to finally be here. The lovely condo is fully equipped with almost everything we need to make this feel like “home” for the next 105 days.

Deciding not to post for two days wasn’t an easy decision. After the long day of travel before we departed Ecuador and our expected late arrival in Las Vegas, I didn’t feel like preparing a post while we waited for boarding. We were seated at the gate, and I couldn’t motivate myself to take out my rickety laptop and try to type when the screen would flop down with no way to support it.

We flew on Copa Airlines. The first short flight had entertainment screens, but the longer seven-hour flight did not. It was a long seven hours with nothing to keep us occupied. A baby behind me cried hysterically for over an hour, and the kid kept banging on my seat while on the dad’s lap. I only cared about getting to the US safely and ending the flight. The baby was a mere annoyance.

Then, on Friday, with only two hours of sleep, preparing a post was out of the question after we’d arrived at the condo at 3:00 am, which was 6:00 am to us. I never fell asleep until 4:00 am and awoke two hours later.

Yesterday, I was dragging more than ever. It wasn’t jet lag since the time difference wasn’t a big deal. Lack of sleep was the biggest problem. Tom was tired but slept a little longer and handled it better than me. We had a busy day ahead of us, and I knew it would be another long day with lots of walking.

The big TV monitor has DISH TV and lots of amenities. Our digital equipment is charging on the floor.

We started with breakfast at Denny’s, which was close to Costco, where we had to pick up my new laptop (which I am using now that is set up with all my files-very nice) and at Walmart, where we’d buy paper products, soaps, and some staples. We had sticker shock when the bill came for our breakfast. It was $46 with tax and tip. Wow! I guess we’re in the US now!

Before I get further into yesterday’s events, I’m anxious to share details of the harrowing event during that 3½ hour drive from Mirador San Jose to the Guayaquil airport. We started on reasonably good roads at 8:15 am as planned, and all was going well. Our flight wasn’t scheduled until 2:53 pm, so we had plenty of time and didn’t need to rush on the two-lane roads with many trucks and slow-moving vehicles. Tom didn’t speed.

When we were about halfway to Guayaquil, Tom mentioned there was a cop with flashing lights pulling him over. My heart sank. Oh no. He hadn’t done anything wrong, wasn’t speeding, and was following all the lines on the road, allowing passing at specific points.

Tom calmly rolled down the window. He was not asked to provide his driver’s license or his name. The cop used a translation app on his phone, which stated he’d passed two vehicles where it wasn’t allowed. This was not true. He didn’t hesitate to say the fine was US $190 (they use US currency in Ecuador).

Of course, we objected that he hadn’t done anything wrong, but the cop (with two others with him) held steady on the amount of cash we had to pay. We asked for a ticket. He said, “No ticket.” Pay the $190, or “they” will come to get you.” Oh, good grief. He was threatening jail.

There was no negotiating with him. Of course, this was a scam. They saw our vehicle loaded with luggage, knowing we were tourists heading to the airport and most likely would have cash on us. Thank goodness we did. We handed him $100 at one point, suggesting that was enough! This didn’t satisfy him. Those three cops would be splitting our $190.

We had no choice but to pay. There was no alternative. After we handed over the cash, I asked for a receipt to make the point that we knew it was a scam. No go. He wasn’t about to give us a receipt!

We spent about a half hour dealing with this. Tom carefully drove away, checking periodically to see if they were behind us. They weren’t. We both looked at each other as we took off and said, “Get me out of here!” Neither of us could wait to leave Ecuador.

The comfy velour sectional sofa is perfect for us. The owner, Zoltan, and his wife Agnes brought us a fluffy blanket for lounging.

We arrived at the airport in plenty of time for our flight. There was a 22-minute delay when the plane didn’t arrive at the gate. But about 15 minutes into it, we were able to board. Weird food served. Tom ate nothing for 36 hours until yesterday morning’s breakfast at Denny’s. I ate a few bites of chicken.

After breakfast, we headed to Walmart, where we spent over $300. Tom was desperate for a haircut, and we found a nearby Great Clips with a 20-minute wait. I was happy to wait in the car to rest my weary body. While waiting, I searched online to buy a clothes drying rack. There isn’t one here. When I found one, I got out my wallet for the credit card company and noticed my wallet wasn’t in the bag.

While we were having breakfast, my bag fell off the booth’s bench and ended upside down on the floor. I carefully scoured the floor to see if anything fell out. Nothing had. Then, while waiting for Tom, ready to make the purchase, I suspected my wallet had fallen out of the bag when it fell on the floor at Denny’s.

When Tom returned after his haircut 30 minutes later, we had no choice but to return to Denny’s to see if they found my wallet. It wasn’t there. Oh, no, I thought, what if someone found it and kept it? Worrying about this only increased my exhaustion when we went to Costco to pick up my new laptop and buy groceries. We didn’t buy any perishables at Walmart and needed meat and produce from Costco.

We are content with the fact there isn’t a dining room and prefer sitting at the counter for our meals.

As it turned out, my Fitbit showed we’d walked over three miles by the time we returned to the condo. Our unit is a long walk from the parking area to the condo. Shortly after we arrived, the owner of the condo, Zoltan, and his wife came with a few odds and ends for us to use. They are both so kind and thoughtful. The only item the unit is missing for our needs is a microwave. We’ll try to figure out how to live without a microwave, which we often use.

Much to our delight, my wallet was on the nightstand when we returned to the condo. In my tired state, I hadn’t realized I left it behind. Whew! That was a relief.

Tom had quite an ordeal getting all the groceries from the car to our distant unit. But he used a luggage cart that made the task considerably more manageable.

We didn’t prepare dinner last night. Tom bought an apple pie at Costco and was happy with a piece of that, and I ate a bowl of Greek yogurt and raspberries, which hit the spot. I spent most of the evening setting up my new laptop, and I’m completely done. I wanted to ensure I could use it this morning to prepare the post.

By 9:00 pm, I headed to bed, falling asleep shortly after that. Unfortunately, I awoke at 4:00 am and never went back to sleep. I feel fine today, and after uploading the post, I will finish unpacking after we watch the Minnesota Vikings game at 10:00 am this morning.

We are both content in this amazing location and living in this lovely area and good-sized, well-appointed condo. Ah, what a relief!

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, December 16, 2013:

At first glance, these could be a fashion-forward pair of women’s black boots. Nope. They’re the hind legs of a warthog. Actually, all four legs have these spiky heels. This made us laugh. For more photos, please click here.

Two days and counting…The power came back on…We got lucky…

This was the adorable “cria,” alpaca that the owners named after me when Tom and I attended to her birth while they were away. They presented her to me on my birthday when they returned. Wow! What a delight!

When the power returned yesterday, 11  hours after it went out, we finally opened the refrigerator to see the status of the remaining food. We had defrosted beef tenderloin and fish, which I worried about the most. The meat and fish had been defrosted the prior day.

Much to our shock, everything in the refrigerator was still very cold. Even Tom’s leftover cubed watermelon was iced cold in the metal pan. The temperature on that fridge was set low, most likely because everything stayed cold for so long. We decided to eat our leftovers.

I made another batch of chow mein for Tom using the tenderloin, leftover green peppers, celery, fresh ginger, and garlic. We had enough spices left to make it flavorful, and Tom enjoyed it last night and will again tonight and tomorrow. I ate the fish, cole slaw, and broccoli. Tonight and tomorrow, I’ll make myself a ham and cheese omelet using the eight small eggs we have left. We’ll have used up all the remaining food except for a few condiments.

When the power returned, we were thrilled to be able to entertain ourselves by streaming videos, although my “on-its-last-leg” laptop is having a sound issue where the sound cuts in and out. Last night, while Tom and I were still in the living room and he was watching football games. I ended up watching a series on Hulu on my phone.

As I write this, the power has gone out again. We aren’t complaining this time. I had our last load of laundry in the clothes dryer. Surely, we hope, it will be restored in time for us to dry this last load. If not, we’ll hang it around the house until the power returns.

As mentioned above, I purchased a new laptop at Costco yesterday using the $215 balance on the shop card (gift card) we got from cruising in August. The Acer laptop with all of my preferred features was initially priced at $799, but after a $200 holiday discount, good until December 15, and using the shop card, our out-of-pocket cost was down to $384. I couldn’t place the order quickly enough.

During the checkout process, which wouldn’t allow me to use our VPN, their system picked up that I was purchasing in Ecuador, and I couldn’t complete the purchase without calling Costco for assistance. On their end, their system suspected fraud from a foreign country. Once I called, a highly competent rep helped me complete the process. I requested the computer be sent to the closest location to Lake Las Vegas, a mere 3.4 miles from the condo.

They will notify us by email when it has arrived for pickup, which could be as late as a week from now. If I close this laptop with its broken hinge, I may never be able to open it again, or after traveling, it may finally quit working. (I’ve saved all my folders on an external hard drive). If that’s the case, I will only be able to post using my phone, which is slow since I am a lousy typist on the phone, picking at the keys one at a time.

Unlike the younger generation, we cannot hammer out a text in seconds. We are single-digit pickers. However, I will continue to post each day. Since we leave on Thursday at 8:00 am, I will write the post on my phone during the 3½ hour drive to Guayaquil airport and upload it once we are checked in and have WiFi at the airport.

It was a relief to get the purchase resolved, and now my next focus is watching for the prescription drug I need arriving from Singapore before the end of the month. I will run out of the drug one week after we arrive, around December 20. If it doesn’t come by then, I’ll head to a Minute Clinic at a CVS pharmacy. I called to confirm they’d help me out, and they will. So, no worries there.

Instead of shopping for groceries at Costco, since it’s quite a hassle during the holiday season, I will order groceries online at Albertson’s Market, which is about 12 minutes from the condo. They have a promo with a $30 credit for ordering online and picking up the groceries at the door. Since we don’t know the procedure for receiving a grocery order at the condo, we jumped all over this promo.

I downloaded their app, and in the next day or so, I will prepare the order and then submit it the day before we arrive to be able to pick up our groceries the following day, December 15. That way, we won’t have to shop in another busy store. We’ll take our food back to the condo to unload it. Tom is thrilled with this plan since he doesn’t like waiting for me while I decide on purchases at the market. It’s a win-win.

That’s it for today, folks. Although the power was out, I could still write the text and save it on the offline app, Notepad, in case the power didn’t return. It did. We are fine.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, December 12, 2013:

Various groups of kudu males came to call throughout the day. For more photos, please click here.

Six days and counting…

When we had dinner in the bush in Kruger National Park in 2013, and Louise and Danie presented an exquisite Christmas event with fabulous food and decor, a praying mantis landed on an empty plate. Amazing!

This morning, I awoke with a smile on my face…in six days, we’ll be heading to Las Vegas to our 107-day booked condo in lovely Lake Las Vegas. After this most recent disappointment, my expectations are in check, but being close to stores, restaurants, family, and friends certainly contributes to a positive state of mind.

If the condo isn’t perfect, so be it. Knowing we can enjoy ourselves otherwise, we’ll make the best of this. A good bed, strong WiFi, and reasonably comfortable living room furniture, coupled with the property being in good condition, is all we need to make it work.

With excellent reviews for the condo, we feel at ease knowing many tourists found it complete with many amenities and plenty of kitchen supplies. Often, like here in Ecuador, the kitchen supplies are limited. But, when many travelers only spend three or four days in a holiday home, eating out for most meals, they have little use for kitchen gadgets.

For instance, we’ve been functioning with only one medium-sized glass bowl. Instead, we’ve used various sizes of pots as bowls, and it worked fine. There is no can opener, so the tuna and coconut cream we purchased had pull-top tabs for opening. I have my own three little paring knives, which have helped with all the daily chopping and dicing I do, and they come in handy.

We’ve used one sizeable sharp knife to cut meat and large vegetables. The only bowls for serving coleslaw and other vegetables are small-sized side dish bowls that are a part of the basic set of dishes. There is no roasting pan or cookie sheet. But, we’ve used the four various-sized pots with stainless steel handles that can go into the oven for roasting meat and chicken.

There is one medium-sized square Pyrex pan that we’ve used on occasion, but it is hard to wash, and we couldn’t find parchment paper at the market. Instead, we purchased two rolls of tin foil, the best quality they had. But it was impossible to get any of it off the roll since it was so flimsy. We’ve managed without tin foil.

Over the years, we’ve learned to live without many kitchen utensils and gadgets. In our old lives, we had every kitchen gadget you can imagine. It’s been quite an adjustment adapting to using what’s available. If there’s no large bowl at the condo, I may buy one as I did in Florida. That’s the one item I miss the most. I make a mess trying to stir ingredients in the small bowl and pots.

The bed here is comfortable, and so is the living room furniture. We’ve never dined at the dining room table since we prefer to eat at the granite center island, with two barstools.

Since our HDMI cord broke and the one here is rusted from the humidity and doesn’t work, we’ve each entertained ourselves at night by reading the news and watching videos on our laptops. The nights have passed quickly, and with only a handful of nights to go, it hasn’t been as boring as I anticipated.

Every so often, we stop what we’re doing to chat while sitting across from one another. I usually go upstairs to bed about an hour before Tom, where I’ll finish watching a show on my phone, respond to our reader’s email messages that I hadn’t gotten to during the day, or play games on my phone.

Both of us are now relaxed and will soon begin thinking about packing. As mentioned, we could be packed in an hour or two if necessary. There’s no rush.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, December 8, 2013:

Nothing like a little brotherly love. Zebras are very affectionate with one another. For more, please click here.