As we approach the time when the pandemic began worldwide, as we were preparing to leave for India in 2020, I can’t help but easily recall the days leading to our departure from Phoenix after visiting with Tom’s sisters in Apache Junction for a few months.
Little did we know what was ahead, but according to a quote from our post on January 27, 2020, I think we’d already begun to prepare ourselves, in part, for what was yet to come. But, little did we know…
“Then, besides packing, we’re thinking a little about the Coronavirus, but not as much as some may. There have been only a few cases so far in India, and they’ve been testing all arriving passenger’s temperatures at all major airports. So far, they’ve sent 12 passengers back to China, refusing entry. Hopefully, this diligence will continue.
This morning, I purchased more wipes for our hands and surfaces that we’ll wipe down wherever we go, including the armrests and tray tables on both planes and all characters in our hotel room, including phone, remote, door handles, etc.
Today, our 100 disposable face masks will arrive from Amazon. I had difficulty finding them online, including on the Amazon site. We’d seen a news report in China where people lined up hundreds deep at a pharmacy, hoping to purchase face masks when they were almost sold out.
We’re taking every precaution and striving to be sensible and practical. However, if we had planned to visit China, then I am confident we would have felt the need to change our plans.
Last night, we hosted a happy hour for our neighbors and Tom’s family. We gathered around the outdoor table and enjoyed a few hours of lively conversation, snacks, and drinks.“
Here’s what was happening with Coronavirus in January 2020:
Photo from ten years ago today, January 27, 2015:
We posted this video ten years ago today as we first became familiar with the Laysan Albatross nesting in a neighborhood near us. For more, please click here.