Feeling good…Enjoying life and each other…Are other patrons friendly in public venues in the US?…

Dawn and Leon are dear friends and owners of Jabula. This photo was taken on the day of my 75th birthday when the four of us went out to lunch when my birthday party, which they also attended, was a few days later.

With our coughs almost completely gone., we’re both feeling great and grateful at the same time. We had an excellent night’s sleep, and after a few cups of coffee, we are ready to tackle the day.

Today, I won’t be chopping and dicing for dinner since we’re heading out to a restaurant in The Village, down the one flight of stairs to the lovely area. We were heading to The Pub at the bottom of the steps when we found their menu appealing to both of us. We’re hoping it’s good since their prices are reasonable, and we may decide to dine there more often than once a week.

Tomorrow, we’ll report what we’ve discovered with photos and comments about the environment and the food. It appears to be somewhat of a sports bar, which we don’t mind at all. Hopefully, it will be a friendly place where we can chat with a few other locals and visitors to the area. But, our expectations regarding socializing in a restaurant in the US are in check. In all the years we lived in Minnesota (Tom, all of his life), we seldom chatted with other patrons in any public venue.

An occasional “hello” in passing while walking was all we could ever expect. On occasion, someone would talk to me at the supermarket, but never at the health club or any other public environment. I will always remember the time I met a lovely woman at a CVS pharmacy, and we chatted for 30 minutes.

And yet, we can recall during our world travels when we conversed with other patrons, and there were few countries where this transpired. You may say, “Do we make an effort to converse with others?”

And yes, we do. We are both friendly and approachable when we say hello and smile at other patrons, encouraging conversation. But our friendly approach is often ignored when the person turns away. Of course, there are exceptions to this, but they are few and far between.

The number one most friendly environment we’ve experienced in our world travels has been on most cruises, with only three cruises we’ve found to be less so….the Mekong River cruise in 2016, the Antarctica cruise in 2018, and, again, most recently, on The Galapagos Islands cruise. In each case, the passenger count was low: 60 passengers, 160 passengers, and 14 passengers, respectively. (No offense intended for any of the few passengers on those three cruises with whom we may have interacted occasionally and thoroughly enjoyed).

Cruises with larger passenger counts seem the most friendly, perhaps mainly based on the numbers. However, we have had exceptional social experiences on cruises, making many friends with whom we remain close.

Then, of course, the most friendly of all has been at Jabula Lodge and Restaurant in Marloth Park. South Africa. I know we’ve mentioned this repeatedly, but there is nowhere like it in the world that we have seen during our over 11 years of travel or…even in our old lives. Is it any wonder that we are looking forward to our return?

The food, the ambiance, Dawn and Leon, the owners, and all of the locals whom we’ve come to know over the years we spent sitting at the most fun bar in the world. We often equate it to the same kind of bar many of us watched on the old TV show, Cheers, “Where everyone knows your name!”

So, we don’t expect the restaurant and pub where we’ll dine tonight to be anything like Jabula, but as we have in the past, we will thoroughly enjoy each other’s companionship, lively chatter, and hopefully good food.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, January 20, 2014:

Tom was thrilled once again to be back on the water since it was seven months since our last cruise. We were on the Blyde River on a tour of the Blyde River Canyon in South Africa. For more, please click here.

Memorial service this morning…Why so many passports in the past ten years?…

Nina and Norman often visit together. Such a handsome couple.

It’s hard to get myself ready for the day when there is load shedding every morning from 7:00 to 9:30. The bathroom is dark unless I open the blinds, and I wouldn’t say I like opening them and showering with the window facing the street. Humans walk on the street in the mornings on their way to work, but if it isn’t humans, a kudu or wildebeest could easily stand at the window and look at me. This can startle me and yet be funny at the same time.

I tried to nap a few days ago (no luck), and first, a kudu stood at the window with her nose touching the glass, looking for me. Minutes later, a wildebeest did the same. They had a look on their faces that asked. “When are  you comin’ out?”  Pellets were on their minds.

The poor animals are hungry, and some have begun to look very lean. Hopefully, the rains will soon fill the bush with tasty green vegetation for them to eat. Last week, we had glorious rain for two days, but we need much more in the days to come.

They posed for the camera!

We have fed lucerne, carrots, apples, veggie scraps, pellets, meat for the mongoose, yogurt for the bushbabies, and bird seeds. Yesterday, we tossed out a few ripe bananas for the bushbucks, but before they got to them, a starling came by, pecked open the peel, and pecked at the tender contents. Even the birds are hungry.

The bales of lucerne have been especially nourishing for them, which we’ll continue until the rains come.  October is the very beginning of the rainy season, as shown in the graph below:

Photo from one year ago today, October 4, 2021:

Frank’s and The Misses’ chicks came to call! For more photos, please click here.

First of many fantastic evenings with friends in the bush!!!…No bag yet…

Don and Rita were toasting the occasion.

Last night, it was cold and dark on the veranda at Jabula Lodge and Restaurant, but the seven of us weren’t hindered at all by the weather. The food and service, as always, were superb, and the companionship was over the top. Finally, Kathy and I were together once again and well as my friend Rita.

The three of us girls sat at one end of the table, and the boys, Tom, Don, Gerhard, and their friend from Germany, Achim, came to visit them for a few weeks. It was a celebration of Gerhard’s birthday. He doesn’t care for cake, but Dawn and Lyn have decorated the table for the occasion.

Our gift to Gerhard? Four bales of prepaid Lucerne from Daisy’s Den, to be delivered whenever he and Rita decide.  On Wednesday, we stopped to purchase the bales, seeds for Frank and The Misses, hornbills, and a big bag of sweet potatoes for the wildlife. We included the receipt for the Lucerne in the birthday card with a note explaining the gift, included with Daisy’s Den’s business card, making the ordering as easy as a quick phone call.

Now, as I type this, we hear the funny little chirping of the mongoose who’ve arrived in a small band. Tom raced indoors to get his leftover rib bones from last night’s dinner. Mongooses are carnivores, and they like bones, but hilariously, they try to crack them open on big rocks in an attempt to get to the marrow. It’s rather funny to watch.

Tom, Gerhard, and Achim to the right. Happy birthday, Gerhard!

As for last night’s get-together, the conversation was delightful among the group as a whole and in the male and female groups. We had so much catching up to do after being gone for four weeks. It was wonderful to be back with our friends once again.

Kathy and Don are hosting a goodbye get-together this upcoming Wednesday at their riverfront bush home. We’re bringing our meat, the dessert; apple crisp served warm, topped with vanilla ice cream. Rita’s bringing the salad, and Kathy and Don will host the side dishes.  We all bring our beverages, making hosting a dinner party so much easier when planned this way.

Kathy and Don each ordered the jumbo prawns.

Today, another cool day with sunshine that will hopefully warm the day soon, we’ll stay in. I have to get back to work on post corrections which I’ve ignored for the past week. This morning upon arising very early, I got to work organizing things around the house.

Before we’d left, I filled a large tote with items I’d planned to go through once we returned, mostly old clothes I had to consider giving the heave-ho. It felt good to empty this huge container and make the proper decisions about replacing old worn-out items. Also, I did three more loads of laundry, hung them on the clothes rack, and started chopping and dicing for tonight’s dinner, homemade taco salad.

This is Gerhards’ eisbein, a huge pork knuckle.

Since those flat little taco seasoning packets contain wheat and tons of chemicals, I found a good low-carb recipe for taco seasoning. It took only five minutes to measure and put together the various spices and shake them until blended. Soon, I’ll cook the big package of mince (90% hamburger meat) in a large pot atop the stove, adding the spices after the meat is cooked and drained.

While we were in the US, both enjoyed taco salads, which aren’t necessarily available in South Africa, other than in big cities like Johannesburg or Cape Town. When making these salads, we don’t use prepackaged grated cheese, which also is infused with chemicals. Here’s an article on why pre-shredded grated cheese is not worth eating.

Now, I have to finish working on dinner and then get to work on corrections. In the meantime, I’m on hold with United Airlines for the 10th time to find out where our bag is and when it will be delivered since it didn’t arrive yesterday as promised. It’s frustrating.

We’ll be back with more tomorrow! Have a pleasant Saturday!

Photo from one year ago today, July 31, 2020:

From the year-ago post while in lockdown in Mumbai, India, on day #130.A surprising close-up of what appeared to be a blue stalk from afar. For more, please click here.

Yikes!!!…Monkey in the house!!!…Quite a sighting on the river…A meaty mishap…

Water spouted out of his mouth after he took a big gulp of water.

“Sighting of the Day in the Bush”

An appropriately named Fish Eagle stood to watch over his “catch of the day.”

Each day brings new excitement. Whether it’s the sighting of a new bird, beast, or blooming flower, not a single day passes without one form of adventure or another. It becomes a matter of paying attention more than being lucky. There’s never a shortage of opportunities.

We’re always hoping to have the camera on hand for such occurrences, but sometimes something happens so quickly a photo isn’t possible. This morning was exactly that case.

Last night, while viewing the Crocodile River in Kruger National Park from Serena Oasis, aka Amazing River View, we noticed this solitary giraffe approaching the water.

Tom was outdoors and noticed many Vervet monkeys trying to get seeds out of the bird feeder. When this occurs, he often takes the bird feeder down from the tree, which requires the use of a long pole we keep close to the front door. He did precisely that while alerting me to the monkey’s presence.

I was busy indoors, chopping vegetables for wildlife and to roast for tonight’s dinner. While he was busy in the yard, a monkey ran into the house, onto the kitchen bar stools, perused what was available and countertop, and snatched an apple in a literal second in time. There wasn’t enough time with my wild response to grab anything more.

And respond, I did!  I screamed at the monkey to “Get out!” while yelling at Tom, “Monkey in the house!” There was nothing he could have done that I wasn’t doing, chase the darn thing back outdoors.

Several times, he bent down, preparing to take a drink but hesitated, standing and looking around.

This all transpired in literally 20 seconds or less. Of course, my first thought, once the monkey was back outside, was, “Darn, I wish I could have taken a photo!” 

Generally, while preparing food, I don’t plan for photo ops and didn’t have the camera beside me on the wet granite countertop. But, when I’m not in the kitchen or bedroom, it’s always within a second’s reach. Oh, well, this time, we can only tell, not show, what happened.

We prefer to keep the door to the house open, and while we’re on the veranda, generally, the monkey won’t approach the house. This unique and isolated case of circumstances is just right for the monkey and is not so suitable for us.

Giraffes are vulnerable when they slowly bend to drink when predators such as lions, cheetahs, leopards, and crocodiles attack.

Many people are fascinated with Vervet monkeys and baboons. However, as we’ve mentioned in the past, they are highly destructive and can tear a house apart in a matter of minutes. That’s why most of the houses in Marloth Park have some type of protection over their windows, not necessary screens (which are seldom seen on windows in Africa) but bars and other protective materials.

With my heart pounding, I retold the incident to Tom, and we both chuckled, grateful nothing was damaged and intrigued by this first experience. Luckily, we were out only one apple for the “other” wildlife. We’d never had a monkey in the house. Such an oddity. Have you?

As for last night, we had a farewell dinner with Kathy and Don. They’re on their way to Pretoria on Sunday but fortunately are returning in about three weeks.  We have such fun with these two fine people, and last night couldn’t have been more perfect.

He didn’t stay down for more than a few seconds, fearful of his vulnerability.

We met shortly before five at Serene Oasis, a bar/restaurant located in a local park with outstanding river views from their veranda. They don’t allow visitors to sit and watch unless they purchase a beverage and food. We’d decided to have “sundowners” there and once the sun was set, head to Jabula for the best food in Marloth Park.

It proved to be a perfect plan, after all. Not only did we capture many of today’s photos, but we had a fabulous time sitting outdoors yakking up a storm while enjoying nature at its finest.

Carefully bending his knees, he gracefully dipped for the first drink.

When darkness fell, we drove to Jabula for a delightful evening with great food and again conversation. Dawn, the owner (with husband Leon) her assistant, Lyn, always welcomes us with hugs and kisses and the land’s most satisfactory service and food. 

Now, on to the “meaty mishap.” It goes like this…on Thursday, we grocery shopped, ending up at the butcher when we were done at Spar. We purchased ZAR 798 (US $60.40) in meats, from chicken breasts, beef mince, pork tenderloins, to bacon.

Another quick sip…

Twenty-five minutes after leaving the butchery on Thursday, we were back home putting everything away.  We hadn’t used the little car for 26 hours since purchasing the meat when we left yesterday at 4:30 pm to meet up with Kathy and Don.

Upon getting our seatbelts on, I asked Tom, “What’s that bag in the back seat?”  He turned around and touched the bag.

This morning I was cutting vegetables for roasting when the Vervet monkey entered the house. There were two apples near this pan. He took one of them.

“Oh, no!” he exclaimed, “That’s the bag of meat!”  He had a pained look on his face. “Yesterday, I put it in the back seat, not the trunk, which was already full.  Then, when I brought everything inside the house, I forgot about the bag in the back seat.”

Since we both avoid “blaming” in such situations, my thoughts revolved around trying to make him feel better and not beat himself up. It could have been a lot worse. In the realm of things, it’s no big deal. Sure, no one wants to be out the money, and it’s only a minor “hit” and not worth stress or frustration.

The monkey didn’t have time to grab any of these grape tomatoes I’d washed with me, shooing him outside while yelling all the while.

Soon, when we’re done here, we’ll head to the butcher store, another branch of the store in Komatipoort, and re-purchase the items we lost. We found a dumpster and unloaded them before we entered the restaurant for fear the smell might attract wild animals while we were at dinner. 

Tomorrow morning, we’ll be posting but doing so earlier than usual. We have an exhilarating day planned. We’re meeting up with friends Cathi and Rick in Kruger National Park, whom we met in Kauai, Hawaii, in 2015. (We’ve booked another trip and will share details). 

This big bowl of vegetables, for the wildlife, also caught the monkey’s eye, but he opted for the big apple as I shooed him outside. 

Avid photo safari enthusiasts, having been to South Africa in the past, we thought it would be fun to meet up in Kruger rather than some other location. They have other friends with them. Otherwise, they’d have stayed with us for a few days.  But, seeing them for lunch tomorrow in Kruger will be such fun.

If we leave by 10 am and take our time driving in Kruger, we’ll easily contact our prearranged destination in Lower Sabie, where there’s a popular restaurant. It will be excellent for all of us to be driving through the park seeing wildlife on our way to our get-together.

On Monday, we’ll report back with photos and details!

Have a fabulous weekend!

Photo from one year ago today, June 9, 2017:

Perfect pink orchids at Butchart Gardens in Victoria, British Columbia. For more photos, please click here.

Busy morning…Off to a brunch at Frikkie’s Dam, in Lionspruit in the African bush…

Although they all had their backs to us, we were thrilled to see these elephants through the fence between Marloth Park and Kruger National Park.

“Sighting of the Day in the Bush”

“Have you got one more bite for me?” asks Mr. Kudu as he began to walk away.

It’s 9:50 am Sunday, and in 70 minutes, we have to be out the door to head to Frikkie’s Dam in Lionspruit for brunch in the bush with Louise, Danie, and a group of their friends, most of whom we’ve yet to meet.

I prepared a brunch egg casserole (low carb, of course) which goes into the oven in 10 minutes and will bake for about an hour. When done, we’ll tightly wrap in foil and bath towels to keep warm until we arrive at the destination.

Several were off to the side on their own, which may have been part of the herd.

It’s a rare occasion I have only 70 minutes to prepare a post, but not knowing what time we’d return, I was determined to get it done before leaving at 11:00 am.

There’s never a time we’re not excited to see elephants.

There could have been more time to get things done this morning if I’d dragged myself out of bed a little earlier than 7:30, but after a fitful night, I struggled to get up, showered, and dressed for the day.

By the time I entered the kitchen at 8:00, I had got busy preparing the dish, chopping and dicing onions, garlic, and mushrooms to saute in a buttered skillet. 

There were about a dozen elephants at the Crocodile River from our vantage point.

You know how mornings may go…one getting distracted by a variety of tasks around the house; I washed a small load of laundry, set out dishes and flatware for tonight’s dinner, and put away dishes Tom had washed that I’d used in the food prep.

We waited quite a while for this hippo to turn around for a better photo, but they were busy munching on the grass.

Then, I packed a bag with forks, spatula, paper plates, paper towels, bottled water, etc., that we needed to bring along to serve our solitary dish at the outdoor brunch in Lionspruit, the wildlife conservancy located within the borders of Marloth Park. 

Indeed Louise and Danie have been preparing food for hours, and yet they just stopped by to drop off a pass for us to use to get into Lionspruit. They’re always thinking of us. They didn’t want us to cook anything saying they’d have plenty for us. But, good grief, I had to contribute something!

The elephant on the left appeared much larger than the other.  She must have been the matriarch.

Then, of course, we had two female kudus stop by distracting me for another 20 minutes or more. Yesterday, I’d cut up tons of veggies for them and wouldn’t miss out on the opportunity to provide them with a nutritious breakfast. They hung around for another half hour, looking wondering if we’d come up with more.

But, I wanted to save some of the veggies for later when we return for the evening while waiting for Scar-Face to show up. We haven’t seen him in two days and we became a little concerned. 

Their peaceful grazing and the way they honor one another is a sight to behold.

Last night at dinner at Jabula with Kathy and Don and their friends Jill and Beau, we all discussed the fact that we’d only seen wildlife yesterday morning but none in the afternoon. 

That seems the case most weekends when there are more visitors in the park, more traffic, and more noise, keeping some of the wildlife undercover in the bush. Maybe we don’t need to worry about Scar Face.

After the drive along the river, we decided to stop by and see the house on Hornbill that we rented four years ago. 

We had an excellent evening at Jabula. Dawn and Leon, owners and friends of the best restaurant around, always fuss over all of us, making the extra evening special. Of course, the food is consistently exceptional. Tom had the ribs and chips (fries), and I had grilled chicken breast with creamed spinach (no flour added). We brought home the bones for Scar Face in a doggie bag. 

Last night, dear friend Don told us his story of spotting a leopard in Marloth Park on his daily walk. I must admit we were jealous. That would be quite a sighting!  Perhaps, one day soon, we’ll spot it too.

It brought back a lot of beautiful memories of our first time living in the bush. Now, here at the “Orange…More than Just a Colour” we’re building new memories.

We apologize for today’s less-than-perfect photos and short story. The images were taken at a distance our camera cannot easily handle, nor can I, without the tripod with me. Let us start taking it with us when we go for our almost daily drives in the park.

We’ll be back tomorrow to review the news regarding the earthquakes and erupting Mount Kilauea on the Big Island in Hawaii. We were there in 2014/2015 when we had the unbelievable opportunity to see lava flowing when our family visited for Christmas. The lava was flowing toward the town of Pahoa where our holiday rentals were located on the sea.  More on that tomorrow with links and photos from our original story.

Have a peaceful and fulfilling day, dear readers!

Photo from one year ago today, May 6, 2018:

One year ago today, we arrived back in the USA via the Big Island, Hawaii, as we continued on the cruise.  For more details, please click here.

Wrapping up details for Zambia…Dinner at Jabula with friends…

After we stopped at Obaro farm store, we spotted this woman selling cooked food on the side of the road, an African-style food truck, minus the truck.

“Sighting of the Day in the Bush”

We had no less than a dozen kudus stop by for apples, carrots, and pellets. Check out the adorable baby kudu near the tree, most likely only a few weeks old.

It’s Sunday morning, and once again, we’re on the veranda enjoying the view.  It was only 8:30 am when I started the text content of today’s post after deciding on which photos to upload, which is always a challenge. 

So far this morning, we’ve had five different species of visitors as the holiday crowds dissipate and the animals are more prolific in our yard.  It’s odd how this happens. For days, we had few visitors while the park was jammed with holidaymakers. Now, as they’ve departed, the action in the yard has escalated to where it was before the “school holiday,” Easter holiday, and “spring break,”

Through the bushes, we could see the kudu heading our way.

This morning’s planned “brunch in Lionspruit” was postponed. Several of the confirmed guests canceled last minute, so Louise sent me a text informing us they’ll schedule for another day this morning. 

We are fine with the change of plans, which allowed me to get today’s post completed early instead of later in the day since we’re invited to dinner at Sandra and Paul’s home at 5:00 pm. 

One by one, they entered the yard until finally, there were more than a dozen.
This morning as I riffled through thousands of photos, it became all the more apparent to me regarding the time required to keep our zillions of photos in order. Often, one may perceive all we have to do to upload a post is write it, edit it and add a few photos. But it’s much more complicated than that.

I keep used photos in a separate folder on my desktop to ensure we don’t post the same photo twice. I have several other photo folders to keep the old, used, and newly separated. Managing photos is a huge daily task that requires the first hour of each day, once I’m showered, dressed, and situated at the big table on the veranda.

The baby kudu was nursing and not interested in solid food quite yet.

Typically, I download all the day’s photos at the end of each day to ensure the data card on the camera (s) is cleared for the next batch. It would be too confusing to leave hundreds, if not thousands, of photographs accumulating on the card, which some travelers tend to do.

Also, I don’t want to risk accidentally deleting photos or being unsure of the circumstances as to when they were taken. Most often, the photos we share are from the previous two or three days, sometimes longer. 

We heard something on the tree closest to the house to discover this lizard.

Weather conditions, backgrounds, and scenery can change from time to time, so we attempt to keep the posted photos as current as possible. Then, there’s the reality that some days, what we have on hand may be redundant or less interesting to our readers, meaning we need to get out to take more interesting photos. 

It’s all a part of the delicate balance of trying to keep our posts interesting and current. But, from time to time, especially here in Africa, there are many of the same animals and similar photos.

This lizard wasn’t quite a meter long from head to tail. 

That’s the reason why, almost every day, we head out in the little rental car in search of new and exciting scenes to share with all of you. Please bear with us if there is redundancy. 

We’re excited that we’re heading to Zambia next month, which will surely provide us with plenty of photos to share over many weeks, even after returning from the one-week getaway.

It appears they were trying to determine if it was worth tackling the bird feeder for a treat.  We put an egg on the ground, but she showed no interest when the lizard hurried past it.

In the past day, we’ve been working back and forth via email with the highly-rated Chris Tours located in Zambia but crosses over to other bordering countries for a greater range of options.

Here’s the schedule we’ve booked with Chris for the week we’ll be in Zambia, during which we’ll also enter Botswana for the Chobe tour:

May 11th, 2018 – Meet, Greet, and Private Transfer from Livingstone Airport to Protea Hotel
May 12th, 2018 – Guided Tour of the Victoria Falls on both Zambia and Zimbabwe sides
May 13th, 2018 – Free Day
May 14th, 2018 – Chobe Day Trip in Botswana
May 15th, 2018 – Free Day
May 16th, 2018 – Boat Cruise on the Zambezi River by the Lion King
May 17th, 2018 – Free Day
May 18th, 2018 – Private transfer from Protea Hotel to Livingstone Airport

By arriving on May 11th and departing on May 18th, we won’t be doing any tours on either of those dates. The highly-rated Chris Tours is our choice for all tours based on five-star ratings at numerous sites online.  We’re comfortable we’ll be in good hands.

This lizard climbed down the tree to the ground then running into the bush.

It was essential to book all of these now, especially after discovering the limited options for available hotels during our required time slot to hopefully accommodate our visa renewal time slot. Please see yesterday’s post for details regarding the immigration concerns.

In all, we’ll be added three more countries to our travel map as shown on our homepage: Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Botswana. All of these will be good experiences for us, and if, for some awful reason, South Africa doesn’t let us return for any more 90-day time slots, we’ll have seen a little of these other countries to determine if we’d like to return.

Yesterday, a small group of mongoose stopped by for a plate of eggs.

This time, instead of dreading immigration concerns, we are excited for the opportunity to see these particular areas in these other countries. As for photos, we’ll be bombarding our site with an endless array of what we’ll see during the tours and throughout the small town of Livingstone, Zambia, on the free days, as shown in the above itinerary.

Last night we had dinner with Kathy, Don (Don’s cousins, Sandy and David), with Janet and Steve joining us shortly afterward. The conversation on Jabula’s veranda around the table for eight was robust with conversation and laughter. The food, as always, was excellent and the pricing reasonable.  Dinner and drinks for Tom and I totaled ZAR 478 (US $39.39). 

For a change of pace, I’ve switched from wine to gin and tonic when we found sugar-free tonic at the little store in Marloth. I limit myself to one shot per day, loading up on ice, lime, or lemon. We found these metal cups that keep the drinks cold at Obara, and I brought them with me to Jabula last night, along with the sugar-free tonic. Thus, I only ordered the tiny shot of gin as shown in the little cup dividing it among two drinks.

Many of our friends come and go to Marloth Park and homes they own elsewhere. While some are away, we spend time with the others, going back and forth between houses for dinners and dining out. It all works for us, and we’re so grateful to be a part of these great groups of people.

So, that’s it for today, folks. We’ll continue to be on the lookout, literally and figuratively, for more photos to share with all of you every day.

Have a pleasant day! 

Photo from one year ago today, April 8, 2017:

This was the view from the next-door neighbor’s house, which was up for auction.  For more photos of an expensive home in Fairlight, Australia, please click here.