Last night’s attempt at sleeping was fitful, filled with short naps and vivid dreams. As it turned out, I forgot to remind Tom to put “Do Not Disturb” on his phone, and every few hours, it beeped, waking me up when a message came in. Since he doesn’t hear the beeps with his impaired hearing and without his hearing aids while sleeping, he doesn’t notice.
But my sharp hearing picks up every little sound during the night, especially since I am a light sleeper. It was a long and uncomfortable night. I imagine that, with a bit of anxiety about today’s appointments flooding my thoughts when awake, I couldn’t find a way to escape them, regardless of how hard I tried to reframe my thinking.
When I got up this morning, I felt better and ready to tackle the realities of today, but going downstairs for a big breakfast in the restaurant was the last thing on my mind. Instead, Tom brought me decaf coffee from the complimentary service in the lobby. I ate one of my new favorite, very healthy protein bars, IQBar, which can be found at Amazon (please click our Amazon link on our site) and here.
These bars have the most healthy ingredients of any bars I’ve tried and are delicious, a perfect meal replacement or snack. That was all I needed today. The “My Chart” notes didn’t indicate that I’d need to fast for any blood test. I’m sure I’ll have many blood tests down the road, but not today.
Using the HDMI cord, we’re watching the “Garage Logic” podcast from the Minnesota State Fair on the TV monitor. It’s fun to see the guys at the fair. Had I not been having the breathing issue and needing a wheelchair, we certainly would have gone to the fair to see them. Joe continues to mention “the Traveling Lymans” every broadcast, five days a week, which always brings a smile to our faces.
At 11:00, we’ll call the front desk to have them order the Cleveland Clinic shuttle, which will take us to the building specified in “My Chart” for my first appointment. My last appointment is scheduled for 3:30 and lasts one hour. We should know something by the end of the day, but we are prepared that we won’t know much until the next round of tests, the dates for which are yet to be determined.
We should return to the hotel by 5:00 when we assemble a roast chicken dinner from the grocery order we placed yesterday. There will be enough chicken, rice, and salad for a few dinners. At that point, we’ll settle in for the evening and stream a few shows. Without a car, we would not be interested in going out for the evening.
That’s all we have today, folks. Soon, we’ll order the shuttle and be on our way. We’ll be back with more tomorrow.
Be well.
Photo from ten years ago today, August 28, 2014:
Ah, my heart flipped at the sight of this warthog at the Museum of Natural History in South Kensington, Londo. The first time we had seen a warthog was in October in the Maasai Mara, Kenya, while on safari. Of course, later in South Africa, we joyfully saw them several times a day. Click here for the first time we saw a live warthog (scroll down the page. For more photos, please click here.