An interesting road trip on the way to our next location…

This has been our view for the past two weeks.  This has been an excellent place to stay!

Fascinating Fact of the Day About Falmouth

“In 2016, the town was credited with the highly prestigious accolade of GB High St Best Coastal Community.”


We’re packed and ready to go.  Tom hauled all the bags downstairs and now has to haul each 23 kg (50-pound bag) up two flights of stone steps to reach the car.  
As it turned out we have a choice parking spot and once at the top of the steps, he can begin loading the bags into the car.  Our lovely and helpful neighbor Sheena came by to assist Tom in hauling the bags!
Check-in time at our next location is 4:00 pm but the owners promised to notify us if we can get in earlier.  Most likely, we’ll dine out tonight in our new town, St. Teath, Bodmin, Cornwall.  We won’t have room in the car for groceries if we stopped to shop on the way.

We’ve decided to do as we’d done in Falmouth, we didn’t unpack.  We lived out of our suitcases after taking out only toiletries, a few clothing items, and odds, and ends.  If we need something else, we can dig through the bags to find it.  It made packing quick and easy.

At this point, both needing new clothes, which we’ll purchase in Minnesota (there’s no state sales tax on clothing, saving us 8%) we’ll continue to wear the same items over and over again, saving a few nice items for outings. 
We’ve had a good time in Falmouth, having a chance to scour the area and we’re left with great photos and memories of our time in this charming seaside town, the largest city in Cornwall with a population of 27,700 as compared to Cornwall’s over 555,0000.
Overall the house has been comfortable having everything we’ve needed.  As mentioned in past posts, the only drawback has been the parking situation and the 25 uneven stone steps to reach the road.  But, we’ve certainly had the benefit of some extra exercise while here.
I’ll always remember Falmouth for another reason…it was here that I finally became well after coronary bypass surgery when I stopped three medications.  I began the weaning process while in Ireland, completely stopping them while here in Falmouth.
Finally, after all this time, I can walk, climb steps, and bend over for the first time in almost seven months.  This morning I dropped my phone and it ended up under the bed.  I was able to get on my hands and knees to retrieve it when only three weeks ago, this would have been impossible.  
No words can describe how pleased I am to feel better.  It’s not perfect and it may take a full year before I am 100%.  But, in the interim, I am capable of enjoying our world travels with the enthusiasm we’ve come to know from the beginning on October 31, 2012.  Soon, we’ll celebrate our seven-year world travel anniversary!
In only 63 days, we’ll be in Minnesota to spend time with our family.  In the interim, we’ll continue to revel in the wonders and fascinating scenery and history of Cornwall from three different perspectives and one in Wales.
We’ll be back tomorrow with all new photos from today’s road trip and arrival at our new home.
Be well.
Photo from one year ago today, September 6, 2018:
Two Ms. Bushbucks and the baby, waiting for the pellet delivery.  For more photos please click here.

Changing our criteria…Last full day in Falmouth…Tomorrow, “on the road again”…

Our holiday home is located in this colorful grouping of attached yet individual dwellings.  We captured this shot from across the harbor.

Fascinating Fact of the Day About Falmouth

“Falmouth was made the Royal Mail Packet Station in 1688. In 1805 the news of Britain’s victory and Admiral Nelson’s death at Trafalgar was landed here and taken to London by stagecoach.”
Tomorrow at 9:45 am, Tom will load our bags into the car, and we’ll be on our way to our following location, entitled Mill Barn in Tredarrup, Treveighan, St. Teath, Bodmin (yes, all of these).
A red barge with a crane, seen from across the harbor.

From what we can tell from the photos, the property is ground-level and has a master bedroom with an ensuite bath on the main floor. This will make moving in and out much easier than it’s been in Falmouth.
Don’t get me wrong, we’ve loved this location but getting our three 23 kg (50 pounds) bags down from the second level of the house, following the walkway to the stairs, and then hauling them up 25 steep and uneven stone steps is no easy task even for Tom who is quite strong.

Fishing ferry for rent.

I’m of little assistance since I must carefully navigate the steps to avoid a fall while still a little unsteady on my feet. He won’t even let me haul any of the carry-on bags up the stairs.
In the future, we’ve agreed to be more mindful of renting properties with relatively easy access. We don’t mind a flight of stairs leading to the bedroom. It’s a good exercise, especially when I tend to go up and down a dozen times each day.  

As we drove as far as we could along the oceanfront roads, it was easy to see how close properties were to one another.

But, a one-bathroom house with the bathroom upstairs is bothersome. From now on, we’ll strive to book properties with at least a ½ bath on the main floor if it’s a two-story property.  Otherwise, one bathroom is satisfactory.  

As for the parking situation here, or the lack thereof, we’ll also investigate the availability of a designated parking spot, whether close to the property or nearby.

The blue sea and bright green neatly trimmed oceanfront property.

Otherwise, everything else here has been suitable for our needs.  However, we’re grateful Tom isn’t taller than his six feet. If he’d been three inches taller, his head would have hit the kitchen ceiling.  

But, we understand the nature of oceanfront properties and the limitations that may arise when they are remodeled with the intent of using every available inch of space to enhance the potential rental income.
Many of the small towns in the area have banners flying to the main part of town where shops and restaurants are located.

We’ve enjoyed our time here, and yet we’re ready to move along.  How do we like staying in one location for only two weeks? These four properties in England will give us a clearer view of whether we prefer shorter-term stays instead of our usual two or three-month stay.
We’ve been living out of our suitcases except for a few items we each stored in drawers and cupboards. Packing has been quick and easy. We’re both done packing except for the toiletries items we’ll use in the morning, the non-perishable groceries, the digital equipment, and a few odds and ends here and there. 

Entrance to a pretty park in the neighborhood with park benches.

There’s no more packing required today. We can sit back and relax, reveling in a sunny day with marvelous views. Since Tom landed a close parking spot, we won’t be heading out today to ensure we hang onto that spot, making loading the car more effortless in the morning.
Tomorrow morning, we’ll prepare a post, upload it before leaving. On Saturday morning, we’ll share photos of our following location. We won’t be posting “final expenses” until after our stay at the fourth location, grouping all the English countryside properties into one total.

May your day be meaningful and stress-free.

Photo from one year ago today, September 5, 2018:
My friend Little was lounging in the garden. It’s not easy lying down and getting comfortable when you have tusks. For more, please click here.

Dinner at a pub with new friends…Two days and counting…

Chris, Barbara, and Tom are standing in the pub at the Boathouse.

Fascinating Fact of the Day About Falmouth

“Some of the surrendered German U-Boats were dispatched to Falmouth at the end of World War I. It is thought that this was for ‘explosive trials’ testing for weaknesses in their construction. According to the Atlantic Scuba Dive Centre, the UBoats now lie off Castle Beach, Pendennis Point, and Dodman Point.”

It’s always a special occasion to have the opportunity to meet new people. Barbara and Chris are local property owners and summer residents of Falmouth, which made the evening all the more meaningful.

Their knowledge and love of the area were inspiring and educational. They had a captive audience with enthusiasm for this fantastic seaside location rife with history and neverending charm.
We returned to the Boathouse Pub and Restaurant since it was a convenient walk for all of us with their property only a 15-minute walk from the pub and ours, a mere five minutes, downhill on the way and somewhat challenging on the uphill return.  
Seafood chowder with tomato sauce, scallops, hake, mussels, clams, and prawns. It probably contained more tomato sauce than I should have in a single dish, but it was delicious!
We appreciated they were willing to walk further than us on the hill roads. I suppose the locals who walk these hills become pretty fit. We’ve seen several seniors who seem to be managing the mountains with ease. Undoubtedly, after years of walking up and down the hills, they acquired quite a degree of fitness.

When we walked in the pub’s door, Barbara and Chris had already arrived a few minutes before our planned 5:45 pm. It was such a pleasure to meet them both, referred to us by theirs and our friend Liz from Bristol, where they spend most of the year. They have several rental properties in Falmouth which are not necessarily holiday rentals. They arrange the rentals in such a way they can spend the majority of their summers in Falmouth as avid boaters and outdoor enthusiasts.
Tom’s bacon cheeseburger with chips and a side salad.  He handed the salad over to me.

Their adult children and grandchildren come to visit while they’re here during the summer months while they all take advantage of the many water-related activities readily available in Falmouth and its surrounding villages.

As it turned out, our meals at the Boathouse were fantastic. I had one of the best dishes I’ve had in a long time, meeting my dietary requirements; a rich seafood chowder made with a sugar-free tomato sauce. The portion was huge, and I savored every bite.

Tom, not much of a seafood kind of guy, had a burger with chips. He blissfully devoured my mini-loaf of crusty bread, which usually would be used to “sop up” the juices in the chowder.

Barbara and Chris’s shared plate of fried calamari.

Barbara and Chris also had seafood, sharing a massive pot of mussels and a platter of fried calamari. The conversation was lively and animated as expected…a friend of Liz’s would be a friend of ours!

Back at the house, we watched a few shows, drifting off the bed by 11:00 pm. We both had a good night’s rest feeling refreshed and invigorated this morning. We gathered the last few items of laundry to wash in preparation for tomorrow’s packing. With the cool and humid seaside weather, clothes can dry for days.

At this point, I’m 90% packed, with only odds and ends we’re using around the house. We’ll have consumed all of our perishables and packed such items as coffee, coconut cream (for coffee), tea, and spices. With our concern for baggage fees, we purchase all new spices each time we move from location to location.

Barbara and Chris’s pot of cooked mussels.  
This will be the second time since 2012, we’ve been able to drive to the following location, taking our remaining foodstuff with us. This time, the packing is easy when we have no concern about the individual weight of our bags.  

The weight of our bags won’t be a concern until we fly from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to Minneapolis, Minnesota, on November 8th (after the upcoming transatlantic cruise). It’s hard to believe we’ll be in the US in a mere 65 days!

For those of you still working, enjoy “hump day,” and for those retired folks, enjoy yet another day in the life…
Photo from one year ago today, September 4, 2018:
In the late afternoon, we had so many visitors. We lost count. For more photos, please click here.

Dinner at a local pub with photos…Unusual sunrise…

View (overlooking an umbrella on the veranda) from the second-level dining area at the Boathouse Pub and Restaurant.

Fascinating Fact of the Day About Falmouth

“Falmouth is home to one of the leading art universities in the UK, but in addition to the creativity the students bring to the town, there are many creative industries located in Falmouth. With a host of shows and exhibitions, Falmouth arguably holds the title for the most creative town in the entirety of the UK!”

On the last several days of the cruise, Tom and I each came down with a cold. His cold resulted in a runny nose, and mine was an outrageous cough. In an attempt to avoid writing more about medical stuff, I didn’t mention it here.
Tom ordered our drinks at the bar.  I had one glass of red wine while he had a beer.
Of course, I was concerned about the dreadful cough turning into pneumonia which is more likely to be an issue after open-heart surgery. Fortunately, I never had a fever, and after about three days, it started to turn around.
His cold has since entirely resolved while my cough continues, but he is obviously on the mend. You know how that goes…once it loosens up, it feels as if it’s on its way out.
The sitdown bar.  We moved to the dining room located on the other side of the wall for our meal.
Once we arrived in Falmouth, I purchased several packs of Hall’s sugar-free cough drops. For the first time, I found the cough drops helped. This morning I ran out. I don’t cough that often, but when I do, it’s loud and annoying. Otherwise, I feel blissfully delicate.
Tom didn’t care to drive to the pharmacy to purchase more cough drops with the parking situation here. Nor did I ask him to do so. He’d gone around the block for 40  minutes a few days ago looking for a spot and didn’t want to deal with that again.  
My “Sunday Roast” with lamb, cooked cabbage, mashed pumpkin, carrots, green beans, and peas. I traded my starchy vegetables for Tom’s cabbage.
I can’t stress how problematic it is to find a parking space in this area. When finally finding a spot, it often blocks away from the property, requiring a strenuous walk up and down endless steep hills. It’s not pleasant.
This morning he insisted on walking to the pharmacy without me.  I wanted to join him, but he felt I wasn’t quite ready for that long a walk up and down these hills. I pleaded with him not to go since I didn’t need the cough drops. I’d be fine without them. He wouldn’t listen.
Tom’s Sunday Roast with beef, oven-roasted potatoes, cabbage, carrots, mashed pumpkin, and Yorkshire pudding.  The potatoes were his favorite.
He took off on foot to the pharmacy, a hilly walk about 10 minutes each way. There was nothing I could say or do to keep him from going or let me join him. Considering that Tom is not an exercise-kind-of-guy who prefers not to walk long distances, I knew this wasn’t his idea of a good experience.
However, he recently returned with four packs of sugar-free cough drops and a little brown bag containing two donuts filled with cream and jelly. That’s my guy, always making lemonade out of lemons.
Of course, it’s killing me watching him eat the donuts. In my old life (eight years ago), an occasional donut would be a favorite treat. I began eating this way in August 2011 but seldom consumed processed sugary foods before this date.  
Sunrise this morning when Tom was up shortly after 5 am.
Now, all these years later, I haven’t so much as a taste of sugar, starch, grains, or carb-laden foods. At times, I’ve thought, “a lot of good that did me,” but the heart doctors explained I would never have survived if I hadn’t been so conscientious about diet, exercise, and health my entire life. So it continues.
Speaking of food, last night we went out to dinner at the mentioned Boathouse, a short hilly walk from here. We’d made a 6:00 pm reservation, arriving around 5:00 pm for happy hour.
The food was fresh, hot, and overall good but nothing compared to the Sunday Roast we’d had at the Andover Arms in London while staying in South Kensington for two weeks in 2014. It was one of those memorable meals we’ll never forget.
Upon taking this sunrise shot, Tom noticed what appeared to be a duck in the cloud formation.
Last night’s dinner was good but not necessarily noteworthy. We’d preordered my dish as gluten-free and starch-free, but Tom’s plate was both gluten and starch-free when the meal was first served.  The server returned both plates to the kitchen and started over.  
There were still many items on my plate that I’d specifically stated I needed to avoid, including sugary carrots and starchy peas. I passed my carrots to Tom and pushed my peas around the plate. I love peas, and it was difficult to avoid eating them.
It was disappointing that the indoor part of the restaurant doesn’t have a bar with barstools, allowing guests to mingle. There is a bar, but it’s used for handing over beverages to guests and servers, not for socializing. The main bar is outdoors on the veranda, but it was too cool and windy to sit outdoors comfortably.
Zooming in, he could more clearly define the shape of the duck in the clouds.
By 7:30 pm, we were back at the house, spending a pleasant evening streaming a few favorite shows, me sipping tea, and Tom, his ice tea. It was a good evening, as usual.
Today will be a low-key day. I have some “paperwork” to handle and two separate meals to prep. Tom will have bunless bacon cheeseburgers with a side of rice, while I have crabmeat salad stuffed into two halves of a small avocado with veggies on the side. 
May your Monday be filled with good food and beautiful surprises!
Photo from one year ago today, September 2, 2018:
A pair of laughing doves, commonly seen in the parks and our garden. For more details, please click here.

A walk in the hilly neighborhood…

Vegetables for sale in a front garden.  We selected a zucchini and a small pumpkin.

Fascinating Fact of the Day About Falmouth:

   “Falmouth was originally known as Smithwick, home to the Killigrew family at Arwenack Manor. In 1613 John Killigrew began to build houses around the harbor, despite opposition from the ancient towns of Helston, Penryn, and Truro, and a new town began to emerge, split into two hamlets called Smithicke and Pennycomequick. Finally, in 1660, King Charles II decreed that they should be known as Falmouth.”
Three days ago, I was official “off” the heart medication Bisoprolol, which caused severe side effects, including difficulty breathing, difficulty walking, extreme exhaustion, and a constant feeling of general malaise.
This is the sign for the produce garden products.  We dropped the appropriate coins in the letterbox after we’d selected a few vegetables.
The side effects of the medication withdrawal may include dangerously high heart rate, excessively high blood pressure, breathing problems, and severe palpitations.  
During this gradual withdrawal process, I experienced infrequent episodes of all of the above but for short periods only, no more than a few minutes at most.  Knowing the possible withdrawal symptoms, I stayed calm and made my way through it all.
Plant prices were marked and offered for sale in the homeowner’s front garden.
Within minutes, my readings would return to normal.  Once I was down to ¼ of the original dose, these side effects dissipated completely. I stayed on that dose for another week, and three days ago, I stopped completely.
I hadn’t planned to reduce the dose while on the cruise, but since the process seemed to be going well, I continued, checking my pulse and blood pressure a few times each day, which were normal except for one night early on. As I patiently continued, those ill effects ceased.
This sign is located in the garden by the plants for sale.
Among others I recently stopped, this drug may remain in one’s cells for many months, still serving up side effects. I hope I will make it through the upcoming months without incident and be free of these toxic drugs.
(If you are prescribed any of these mentioned drugs, please see your physician for changing or stopping your medication. Some patients must be hospitalized during the weaning process when doing so may cause a heart attack. Proceed with caution. We are not offering any medical advice, nor are we qualified to do so).
A Black Rose Aeonium.
The literature included with this last drug stated three days after gradual withdrawal, the incidence of side effects may begin to lessen. I started noticing a dramatic improvement yesterday on day 2.

As a matter of fact, for the first time since the surgery on February 12, 2019, Tom and I went for a walk in the neighborhood, taking the photos included here yesterday and today (post found here).

No, during the 30-minute walk, I wasn’t free of pain in my legs, but I did considerably better than I’d done while on tour in St. Petersburg. The hills are steep in most Falmouth based on the terracing of homes for the outstanding ocean views. Walking on the local streets is a challenge for most people, let alone me in my weakened condition.  

Fuzzy burgundy blossom was spotted on the walk. Any ideas what this may be?
It’s not so much that I run out of breath when walking but more so having to deal with the severe pain in my legs. Now, as I continue to progress, we’ll walk more and more, taking advantage of those hills to aid in my recovery. I only push myself as far as I can go, frequently stopping as needed.  

Today, we’ll stay in on a rainy day. There’s no point in risking a fall on the cobblestone streets in the rain. Instead, I’m busy around the house, organizing and repacking my messy suitcase. We leave here in nine days for the following location, but fortunately, we’ll be driving, not flying.
We made a reservation for the “Sunday Roast” which we’d had at a restaurant in South Kensington, London, in 2014 at the Andover Arms.  Here’s the link from that date.  Fantastic meal.  I hope to be so once again.  Check back on Monday for details.
With the towel situation resolved and a bottle of Prosecco for our inconvenience delivered by a wonderful neighbor, Sheena, we’re willing to provide a good review if everything continues as it appears from here on.  

We love the beautiful location, and the house is fulfilling our needs with good Wi-Fi, constant electricity, running water, and a very comfortable bed. The fridge is tiny, but we’ve adapted, and every three days, we shop for perishables.

Have a pleasant day and evening.

Photo from one year ago today, August 28, 2018:
We visited the Railway Museum in Livingstone, Zambia. A steam engine reminds us of “Thomas” trains, appropriately named, built-in 1919.  For more photos, please click here.

Struggling with sorrowful situations…

The Artina Phoenix Reisen, with 1260 passengers, built in 1984, is a passenger ship, arrived in the Falmouth port this morning.

Fascinating Fact of the Day About Falmouth:

“Falmouth Harbour and the Carrick Roads form the third deepest natural harbor globally and the deepest in Western Europe.”

It’s a glorious morning in Falmouth, England. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and a cruise ship is docked at the Falmouth Pier while passengers disembark to savor this stunning town and surrounding areas.  

We were able to take a photo of a portion of the ship, part of which is obscured by a building. Perhaps later, we’ll walk down to the road for a better photo. But, today, our hearts are heavy.

As the sun began to rise this morning, Tom captured this photo with the sun’s reflection in the bay.

Someone we love has been diagnosed with cancer, and we pray she’ll find a path to recovery and healing. Our love, hearts, and prayers are with her until we can be at her side in 73 days. (To protect her privacy, we aren’t disclosing who this is and the depth and breadth of her condition).

As we’ve learned, particularly in the past seven months, joyfully traveling the world in love with life and one another doesn’t make us exempt or free from the sadness associated with disappointment, heartbreak, and sorrow.  

Sunrise with more reflections in the bay.

Often, others perceive our lives of world travels to primarily consist of the pleasure and fulfillment one might experience on a non-stop holiday/vacation.  Not the case.  

As “they” say, “Everywhere we go, there we are.” There’s no escaping the realities of life, much over which we have little to no control. As I struggle to re-learn to walk less tentatively, I realize, perhaps for the first time in years, that regardless of a degree of sheer will and determination, not everything can be overcome.

Sunrise in Falmouth Bay.

Oh yes, some theories promise that healing can come from meditation, mindfulness, and prayer. And, perhaps, there is a particular element of fact in these modalities when we exercise our hearts and minds to heal and ultimately recover.

Is the reality such that “we can’t control what comes our way?” But we can control how we react to what comes our way. And, can it be that our reaction has a profound effect on the outcome?  With that, I agree.

All Saints Church in the center of the town.

I’ve been no hero or example of strength and fortitude over this past almost seven months filled with pain, worry, and frustration. Many have so kindly written praising me for “being tough and strong.” I appreciate these comments wholeheartedly (no pun intended).

However, my reality remains…I merely have done my best to get through this, emotionally and physically intact. That’s all any of us can do. We have the option to “give up” or continue. But most of us have a robust commitment to ourselves and those we love to heal and recover.

A clock atop the Packet Quay, where vacation rentals are located.

I will admit I did exercise a high degree of self-control to avoid self-pity and hopelessness by not complaining aloud. The story can be shared but not in an attempt to elicit sympathy, although a tinge of compassion goes a long way when I haven’t been able to keep up the pace.

Over the past months, I’ve seen this compassion from our readers, expressing a deep understanding and compassion over my inability to write at times, take photos, and get out sightseeing to add depth and interest to our site.

Alternate view of the cruise ship in port.

Believe me. If it hadn’t been for all of you, I could easily have become a “couch potato” lounging day and night. Instead, I was keenly aware that our readers expected a “little action,” thus motivating me to get out and do more and more. This proved to be a blessing in disguise.

For those who are worrying about a loved one’s illness, there’s no easy answer.  Not everyone wants to include other family members and friends during a difficult time. We must respect this and let them know we care. It’s not about us and how we react. It’s all about them and the process that lies ahead and how they choose to handle it.

Our love and prayers to our loved ones and yours, who struggle to find peace and resolution in their challenges.Be well.

Photo from one year ago today, August 27, 2018:

Lots of kudus by the steps to the veranda.  We couldn’t hand out pellets quickly enough.  For more photos, please click here.

Bookings for England completed…Monmouthshire, Wales…Lowest rent of the four properties…

Street view of the Monmouthshire, Wales, holiday home. We’ll be staying there from October 11, 2019, to October 22, 2019, for a total of 11 nights. The total cost for this period is Euro 664.30, US $749.41, averaging at Euro 60.39, US $68.13.The tremendous cost of this fine, tiny house enabled us to book a few more expensive properties, balancing our budget. For more details on this list, please click here.

“Fascinating Fact of the Day About Ireland”
Ireland is one of the best countries in the world for gender equality. They have had two female presidents.”

This morning, we drove to Clifden to shop. We needed to purchase wine for our guests arriving tomorrow, both red wine enthusiasts.  Whatever is left won’t be lost on me.  

When driving on the winding roads, Lisa and Barry will be staying in a nearby holiday home, no more than 10 minutes from us. We’ll spend two days and two evenings together.  
The design is pleasing to the eye with its excellent affordability.

We’d offered to have them stay with us in this three-bedroom house, but they insisted they wanted their visit to be easy for me, knowing how much fussing I could do. Instead, we’ll make lunch when they arrive.

We met them on a cruise in November 2017 and have stayed in close touch since that time. We spent most days and nights together after completing the Rendezvous Bar for the Captain’s Club complimentary cocktails between 1700 and 1900 hours, 5:00 and 7:00 pm. We had such fun together and built quite a bond.

Tom and I and Lisa and Barry, friends we look forward to seeing tomorrow at noon.  For the link from the day this photo was taken, please click here.

While in South Africa, we had the most opportunity to see old friends than anywhere else in the world. We feel so fortunate to have met such lovely people in our travels. The excitement we feel about seeing our friends again is indescribable.  

But, here in Ireland, we didn’t expect to see anyone. In this remote location, it’s not easy to make new friends, especially when we haven’t been out much due to my recovery and the recent inclement weather.  

Also, a 90 day period in a remote location doesn’t allow enough time to build relationships, although South Africa was a rare location.

We’ll only stay at this property for 11 nights, and thus, the smaller size is okay for us for this short period.

We’ve arranged with Ann, our excellent cleaner whom we ran into at the grocery store today with her husband Michael, to come tomorrow at 8:30 am instead of the usual 9:00 am. By noon she’ll be done, and the house will look spotless and ready for guests.

It will be so enjoyable to catch up with Lisa and Barry. A lot has happened for both couples in the past few years, and no doubt, we’ll have plenty of stories to tell. They, too, are avid travelers. Barry is an airline pilot, which provides them with plenty of opportunities to fly worldwide.  

They are 20 years younger than me (not so much Tom, who is five years younger than I am), which is often the case with friends we’ve made. But, those 20 years are negligible and unnoticed in conversation and interactions.

In many properties we’ve booked, the bedrooms are located upstairs.

Today’s photos of the property in Monmouthshire, Wales is the last of the four-holiday homes we booked for the 62-nights upcoming in the UK beginning on August 23, 2019, and ending on October 24, 2019, when we’ll board Celebrity Silouhette in Southhampton for a 15-night transatlantic cruise, ending in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA.

John, the fish guy, stopped by yesterday with his truckful of freshly caught fish. We purchased Euro $50, US $56.47 of a variety of fish, including two types of smoked fish, which need to be reheated.  

Tom’s not much of a fan of eating fish, except for lobster or fish and chips, so I’ll be eating this on my own for several meals. We had to freeze multiple portions, which I’ll have at a later date since we’ll be dining out with Lisa and Barry both Thursday and Friday evening.

That’s it for today, folks. Thank you for all of your readership and for all of the kind and caring messages we’ve received for my health and recovery. It’s meant the world to me.


Photo from one year ago today, June 5, 2018:

One of two barn owls in an outdoor cage. Deidre from Wild & free released this own into the wild last night. Here is the video from the release. For more details, please click here.

Bookings for England completed…Falmouth, on the south coast of Cornwall with fantastic views…

A gorgeous view from the front door of the house. We booked this property from August 23, 2019, to September 6, 2019.  The cost for 14 nights is Euro 2125, US $2395.96, which averages to Euro 151.75, US $171.14. This amount is higher than we’d usually pay, but we’ve balanced the budget by choosing varying prices on all four properties. For the listing on this cottage, please click here.

“Fascinating Fact of the Day About Ireland”

“The average family size in Ireland is four, two kids with two adults.”

When booking holiday rentals throughout the world, particularly in or near busy cities, it’s often difficult to find houses or cottages. Generally, the most affordable properties are apartments, condos, and townhouses.

As we perused available countryside properties in England, we found many were a part of a grouping of converted buildings, including houses, barns, and other outbuildings. We have no problem with these types of properties.

The living room/lounge in the Falmouth cottage.

Avoiding apartments prevents or reduces being subject to the sounds of loud footsteps, doors opening and closing, and cabinets being slammed shut. Also, we avoid the noise of parties, loud talking, and a general lack of privacy.
Then, you may ask…why in the world would we like cruising when it feels as if we’re staying in a floating apartment? For us, cruising is a multi-faceted experience resulting in spending little time in the cabin.  

The social life we enjoy aboard a ship is outstanding! Some passengers order room service and spend a portion of their day in their cabin. Not us. As soon as we’re up and showered, we are out the door, only returning if we require a short nap or get ready for dinner.

The kitchen appears to be modern and fully equipped.

In most cases, on cruises, we spend most of our days (when not on tours) in the barista/coffee area, comingling with other guests, working on our posts handling any business or financial matters on hand.

Why would we work on the financial details of our lives while on a cruise? Based on the fact we don’t have a home or apartment anywhere in the world, these critical “business-type” details must be handled wherever we may be.  
It’s a short walk to the town of Falmouth for shopping and restaurants.

With a great VPN (a virtual private network) such as ExpressVPN, we can avoid other Wi-Fi users having access to any of our details and information. We feel entirely safe and protected logging in to any of our financial accounts and bank.

When off the ocean or river, we always prefer to live in houses where we can enjoy privacy and our routine, unencumbered by the needs of others.  

While searching in England recently, we encountered a few properties, but that included a shared laundry. This is highly undesirable for us. With our small inventory of clothing, we often wash every second or third day.  

Fantastic view from the cottage’s veranda.  

We don’t want the hassle of waiting for an available washing machine and hanging clothing outside in a busy area. As we read details on the properties we selected, we entirely avoided these scenarios for which we paid a deposit.

We’re comfortably situated here in Ireland in a lovely private home, a distance from the owner’s home, with gorgeous green vegetation and ocean views. We’re reminded how important a secluded environment is to us.

As our regular readers know, we love having friends visit, either staying with us or dropping by for a short visit. We’re enthusiastically looking forward to Thursday this week when friends Lisa and Barry will come for a day’s visit at 1300 hours (1:00 pm) for the afternoon and evening when we’ll head out to a pub/restaurant for drinks and dinner.

Soon, we’re on our way to Carna for a few items we need for tonight’s dinner, and then tomorrow, we’ll do our extensive grocery shopping and a visit to the pharmacy for more bandages for my leg.

Have a pleasant day and evening. 

Photo from one year ago today, June 4, 2018:

Soon, there were nine until the tenth arrived. At this point, the three warthogs were on the scene; a mom, an auntie, and a tiny baby. For more photos, please click here.

Bookings for England completed…Devon property…Our cup of tea…

A glowing nighttime photo of the Devon, England property we rented. We booked this house from September 20, 2019, to October 11, 2019, for three weeks.  The total cost, including fees and taxes, is Euro 2102.55, US $2348.95, which averages Euro 101.12,  US $111.85.  We felt this property is reasonably priced, fitting well into our budget.

“F Full details may be found here. fascinating Fact of the Day About Ireland.”

“Ireland has been inhabited for approximately 7,000 years.”

When we asked friends Linda and Ken for a great place to stay in England, their home country, they suggested Devon.  After searching online for several hours, we couldn’t find anything suitable for our needs and budget.

A few days later, on Saturday, we decided to try the search for Devon one more time. Whether the house suddenly became available for our dates or missed it the first time we searched was of little relevance.  

We may not use the pool due to the cool weather in England in October.

What mattered to us is that we found it and, after reading through all the details at this link, we went ahead and booked it.  Summer is short in England, with inclement weather on both ends. Based on September/October dates as listed above under the main photo, we are thrilled.

This was a tie with another property we found to be ideal is listed in yesterday’s post, as you can see from those photos.  The two properties are only 90 minutes apart but possess the opportunity to see entirely different villages and sightseeing venues in each area.

The comfortable living room/lounge.

Of course, both properties are situated on farmland, and each has several adorable animals in residence. It always was a dream of mine to stay in the English countryside and here, once again, a travel dream will be fulfilled.

With these short-term bookings, we didn’t ask for special pricing. We don’t hesitate to make offers on properties where we’ll stay for two or three months. Over the past years, we’ve been able to negotiate some excellent prices on our long-term rentals.

The kitchen looks perfect for our needs.

But, the owners of short-term rentals from one to three weeks aren’t willing to negotiate when they’ve learned that if they wait, they’ll eventually rent their property for their preferred listed prices during their busy season.

How does the cost compare when renting these four properties and the hotel near the port for the two nights in Southampton? Due to the above without discounts, we’ve been able to stay within the parameters of our monthly budget.

What an adorable Poll Dorset lamb on the property!

The total cost for the four rentals, including the two nights at the hotel (for which we used some accrued points from our account at, is Euro 7412.68, US $8381.40 for the 62 nights averaging Euro 121.00, US $135.18 per night.

Add in the cost of the rental cars (pricy in Europe) plus groceries, dining out, and sightseeing. We’re still within the bounds of our monthly budget. It was through careful research and planning we arrived at these numbers and conclusions. 

More Poll Dorset sheep on the farm.

The last property, booked for 11 nights, is the least expensive of the four but appears to be surprisingly lovely considering the low price. Tomorrow, we’ll share those photos and financial details.

We’re counting down the days until our friends Lisa and Barry visit on Thursday for the day and evening. 

Geese on a walk on the grounds.

Happy day!

Photo from one year ago today, June 3, 2018:

While at the fence between Kruger National Park and Marloth Park, we counted 30 to 35 elephants. For more photos, please click here.

Bookings for England completed…Cornwall property…Four exciting properties over 60 days…Sharing photos over the next few days…

There are a few different cottages on the property. Of course, our favorite was the most expensive, but we couldn’t resist. It’s located in Cornwall, near Port Isaac, where Doc Martin, one of our favorite shows, was filmed! We selected this property from September 6 to September 20, 2019. Our cost for the two weeks is Euro 2498.51, US $2707.94, an average daily rate of Euro 172.72, US $193.42, which is much higher than we typically pay. We’ve selected other properties at lower prices to compensate for this higher rent to balance the budget. To see details on the listing, please click here.

“Fascinating Fact of the Day About Ireland”
“Leprechauns are a huge part of Irish tradition. In Irish folklore, they are tiny men who can fit on top of your shoulder. They are completely harmless and are believed to have buried numerous pots of gold throughout Ireland.”

It’s been a busy morning, and I got a late start on today’s post. This morning we were busy with our continuing bookings for England for 62 nights on August 23, 2019.  

Also, this morning Tom made his favorite coconut banana bread recipe while I made my favorite low-carb coffee cake which I’ll wait to savor until after dinner tonight with tea. Tom’s already dug into his banana bread.

With the date coming up quickly, we knew we’d better get the show on the road. Yes, we did book four different properties, two for two weeks and one for three weeks (our favorite, of course), and another for 11 nights, and we couldn’t be more thrilled.

This lounge/living room looks very comfortable with pleasant furnishing and a fireplace. It’s almost summer here in Ireland, and we’ve used the fireplace. It may be cool in England while we’re there, and we’ll use this fireplace.

In the interim, now that we knew we’d be flying into Exeter, England from Amsterdam instead of Southhampton as initially planned, we had to cancel and re-do our rental cars. There are no cancellation fees for

We booked a rental car for 30 days and then another for the additional 30 days to receive the benefit of insurance coverage provided by our credit cards, but only if rented for a maximum of 31 days.  

Thus, we’ll return to Exeter one month later and get another car, or we may be able to renew it over the phone. We’ll play that by ear. We’ll spend the last two nights of the 62 nights in a hotel in Southampton, which we’ve already booked.

Booking the four separate properties and getting the dates to be strictly sequential was tricky and time-consuming. We love the idea of moving every two to three weeks to experience new areas of Cornwall and the English countryside.  

This roomy kitchen will be ideal for our needs, especially with what appears to be a refrigerator and freezer.

However, it took way more time than we usually spend in arranging bookings. Many properties were already booked for some of our dates, so we had to figure out how each of the four would work. We did it and have paid deposits for each property.

Today, I’ll enter all the information on our spreadsheet and in our free online Cozi calendar. As soon as I enter the bookings, Tom can immediately see the bookings on his phone or laptop. This app has been beneficial for us over the past few years since we began using it.

Initially, we downloaded this app for the time we spent in Minnesota visiting our kids and grandkids for them to be able to see when we were available.  

We can already see ourselves sitting on this outdoor furniture enjoying coffee and tea in the morning and cocktails and wine in the evenings.

We gave them our user name and password, and they could enter information at their leisure. We’d then receive an email that a new entry had been made and the general information about the booking.

Alas, they seldom used the app, if at all, calling or texting to see when we were available. It was the first time in Tom’s life he used texting when he wasn’t allowed to use it while working on the railroad.

Once we left Minnesota to travel the world, we found we could only text using Facebook Messenger, which is free. Any other means was costly. I stay in touch with friends and family through Messenger, more than by Skype or phone.

We’ll have an opportunity to engage with pygmy goats and other barnyard animals on the farm.  To watch these little goats jumping around is hysterical. We can’t wait to share videos of their funny antics. 

Here we are now, “old-timers,” and we prefer to use technology instead of phones. Of course, once we arrive in the US in November, we’ll purchase US SIM cards from such providers as Verizon, T-Mobile, or AT&T, which will enable the kids to contact us by text. During that period, we’ll need to pay more attention to our phones than we do now.

The SIM cards will work anywhere we travel in the US since once we leave Minnesota, we’ll be on our way to Nevada and Arizona for several more weeks. We plan to purchase two new phones to have them waiting for us at our hotel in Minnesota. The next day, we’ll head to a phone store to buy the SIM cards. No contract is required when using SIM cards for calling, text, and data.

This morning, Tom booked our flight from Amsterdam to Exeter on August 23, 2019. We’ll pick up the first of the two rental cars and drive to the first of our four holiday homes.

Port Isaac, which we’ve loved seeing in the TV series Doc Martin. It’s a short drive from the holiday home.

Over the next few days, we’ll post photos of the upcoming properties in England, one per day to avoid confusion. This helps us during this inclement weather to prevent the necessity of going out sightseeing. Once the weather settles down, we’ll be heading out. We have several venues in mind we’ll be sharing here.

Tomorrow, we’ll be back with another of the four-holiday homes in England, not in any particular order, including pricing as we’ve shown here today.  

Also, this morning we got some exciting news from friends Lisa and Barry, whom we met on a cruise in November 2017. We are so excited to see them once again! We’ll all be going out to dinner this coming Thursday.

Happy day!

Photo from one year ago today, June 2, 2018:

What could be more fun than stopping on the way to dinner to let these magnificent beasts cross the road? Most likely, this was a mom and growing youngster. For more photos, please click here.