Now that we’re feeling better, our social calendar has been filled with fun get-togethers with friends and family. Staying busy is the best thing we can do right now. It makes the waiting all the more bearable until we leave on August 25. Plus, looking forward to fun events is almost as exciting as the event itself! Well, maybe not quite as much!
Instead, when I got up, showered, and dressed for the day, I decided to do my nails in preparation for two social events this upcoming weekend: one, going to Billy’s Bar and Grill tonight with Tom’s siblings and two, out to dinner tomorrow night to Houlihan’s with old friends, Peggy and Maury whom we haven’t seen in quite a few years.
Last night, I slept well, never awakening during the night. I awoke feeling refreshed and ready for a new day, but for some odd reason, I felt unmotivated to go outside and walk. What’s the deal? The walking is tedious, especially when I can hear the sounds of the nearby freeway, and the scenery around the hotel grounds is boring and commercial. I need a nature and wildlife fix!
In my usual way, I would have done the walking anyway, hardly ever giving myself a break from obligations. Walking by myself is not fun, especially in this mundane location.
It is odd for me to feel unmotivated. I’ve always been a person of considerable self-discipline, although occasionally, I give myself a break, and instead of doing what I should do, I do what I feel like doing, and today is one of those days. I think, in part, I find the walking difficult, and I dread the painful process.
It’s hard to motivate oneself to do something that causes pain and discomfort, even when we know it’s good for us. After I have the surgery, I will need to walk several times a day to speed up the healing process. I’d better prepare myself for this eventuality and push forward. I’ll see if I can muster the determination to do what I must.
Today, it is 33 years since Tom and I met in 1991. it’s hard to believe so much time has passed. Despite our differences, we are very fortunate that we are still very attracted to one another and thoroughly enjoy each other’s company, especially when we spend so much time together.
Even during the difficult recovery period we experienced after my last open-heart surgery, we have done so well. Now, facing another such period, I find comfort in knowing what a great caregiver Tom is and that we’ll breeze through it once again, hoping to come out on the other side and be able to continue our world travels.
That eventuality is up in the air right now. I’m five years older and not as fit as I was then. That fact alone should motivate me to get outside and do the walking.
OK, I’ve talked myself into it. I will put on my shoes and head outdoors on this cloudy day to walk. We’ll see how I do.
Have a fantastic weekend, and be well.
Photo from ten years ago today, June 28, 2014