In less than two hours, Tom will drive me to the beauty school where my long-time friend Chere and I will be having pedicures, as we did the last time we were in Minnesota last September. As we did then, after our polish is dry, we’ll head to a restaurant for lunch, the location undecided at this point.
Chere will drop me off at the hotel when we’re done since she lives in Eden Prairie, which is not far away. Not driving anymore is an inconvenience for others but safer for me and other drivers on the road. My reflexes aren’t as good as they were before I had open-heart surgery in 2019. I am hoping they don’t get worse after this upcoming surgery, but I don’t have a clue at this point.
After this next surgery, I may find my arms and legs work better with more blood flow after my valves are repaired/replaced. That will make it all worth it. Being able to walk better could change my life. Whenever I go out, I first think about “How far am I going to walk?” or “How uneven will the roads and walkways be while out and about?” It’s been getting worse day by day.
Unfortunately, the fitness center at this hotel is a long flight of stairs. I can do fine going up, but coming down is very difficult. I can’t expect Tom to come to help me go up and down every day when the fitness center is not near our hotel room. He’d have to go back and forth four times, which makes no sense. Plus, even with his help, I could easily fall.
Instead, when it’s not raining, I will walk outdoors. Since we arrived here last Thursday, it’s been raining daily, making the walkways slippery. Some of the sidewalks are uneven, with tripping hazards, even for sure-footed walkers. Another alternative is walking indoors, often in place, in our hotel room. I am not feeling motivated right now and need to get this “show on the road” in the next few days, one way or another.
I hope I do not sound like I am complaining. These realities are part of life for any person with any type of walking disability. No, I am not willing to accept this and start using a walker or wheelchair. I will continue trying as long as I can put one foot in front of another.
In any case, I will return to doing those chair yoga exercises, which I stopped when we left Arizona for the road trip on May 1. I can’t say they helped substantially, but at least I was doing something. I am sure many of you know how hard it is to motivate ourselves to work out.
On another note, being so far from nature and wildlife definitely impacts our sense of calm and peace. Living in a hectic city with traffic and too many people directly affects our state of mind. Regularly seeing our family and friends is, without a doubt, what softens the reality of this fact.
Most likely, I will return from my day with Chere around 3:00 pm. Shortly thereafter, I will start preparing tonight’s dinner, and we’ll spend yet another quiet evening staying in. Last night, we started re-watching season six of the wonderful series Outlander. Due to the writer’s strike, the newest season won’t be out until November 2024. We highly recommend this stunning series.
That’s it for today, folks. I have a few things to do before I go in an hour. We hope you have a fantastic day.
Be well.
Photo from ten years ago today, May 28, 2014:

Enjoy your day! Hi to Cheree. FyI. I have been dealing with a bum knee(s) for a while now. Cortisone shot every now and then helps, but when it hurts more than usual, I go down the stairs backwards and hold on to the railings tight. Works for me! My body doesn’t particularly like damp rainy days, but really likes sunshine! But I’m grateful for life itself. As Lane would say, “every day above ground is a good day. It beats the alternative !” Have a good day!
Peggy, glad you figured out a way to go down steps. It’s a good tip. So true about sunny days! Tom always says the same thing Lane said. At times, some of us need to remind ourselves of this fact when times are tough.
Much love to you and Maury,
Jess & Tom