Redoing inadequate documents…

This male warthog has some seriously huge tusks. It looks like he recently enjoyed cooling off in a water hole.

After feeling satisfied that the majority of the documents required by the law firm were done, yesterday, I received an email from them stating we had to redo several of the documents. For example, the bank statements we’d sent in were screenshots of the main pages. Nope, this wouldn’t do. They wanted the complete bank statements, not just the main information pages, and screenshots wouldn’t do.

I contacted our bank, and they explained how to email the statements when I could not find a single click that would create a complete statement in PDF format. Then, I had to redo the passport bio and visa stamp pages, which weren’t clear enough. It’s not easy to scan passport pages when the passport book doesn’t lay flat, regardless of how hard one may try.

Zebra mom and baby drinking from the pool. Zebras never jump the little fence to drink from the birdbath.

As it turned out, I had to bend the specific pages far back to make them lay as flat as possible. Once I did this, I could get clear flat images of both pages on each of our passports which we’ll need anyway when we apply for new passports once we’re done with the visa extensions and the insurance claim for Tom’s missing bag. It’s too much paperwork at once.

Then, I had to ask Louise to reprint several of the letters required for the country since we’d written the dates wrong. In the US, dates are written, such as today, as 1/24/23. In South Africa and many other parts of the world, they are written as 24/1/23. Old habits die hard. We goofed up on these.

Soon, when Vusi or Zef arrives, they’ll be bringing fresh copies of the original documents to redo and scan, which I sent to Louise to print. Once done with all of these, I’ll send a new email to the law firm with the redone documents, hopefully fulfilling the requirements.

Female kudus stopped by for pellets and drinks from the birdbath.

So far, since the last document email was sent to the insurance company for Tom’s claim, we haven’t heard a word. Hopefully, they don’t require redoing those complicated forms and documents.

After these documents are submitted today, we’ll be heading to Komatipoort to Doc Theo’s office for some refill prescriptions and then off to the pharmacy and Spar for grocery shopping. I expect we’ll be back at the house by 2:00 pm, 1400 hrs or so, ample time for me to prep the food for tonight’s dinner.

Thus, this morning, I am typing fast and furiously to get today’s post completed and uploaded before we leave here at 11:30 am for my noon doctor appointment. It’s great that I don’t have any mysterious medical complaints this time. I am so grateful for this fact.

This was Tiny. We miss him. Each time a giant pig enters the garden, we check out this photo to see if it’s him. No luck so far.

Animal visits have been sparse in the past 24 hours, so we don’t have much in the way of new photos other than the few included here today. Sorry about that. But we’ve been so busy with tasks that it’s been challenging to focus on taking photos in the past few days.

We are anxious to be done with all of this paperwork so we can head to Kruger. Each morning, we think that we may be able to go, but something comes up that prevents us from taking an entire day in the park, usually something that pops up in my email, requiring more work to do.

Sorry, we are rushed today. By tomorrow, we should have some new photos and news to share.

Be well.

Photo from one year ago today, January 24, 2022:

It was good to see Broken Horn this morning after he’d had a busy weekend. For more photos, please click here.

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