Our first visitors, human that is, are arriving today…Remembering ten years ago today…

We sailed through the Red Sea from Barcelona, Spain, through the Gulf of Aden, and then up the east coast of the Middle East to Dubai. It was quite an adventure.

Recently, when I’ve reviewed ten-year-old posts to include a photo for the feature below, “Photo from ten years ago today…” I am in awe of the experiences we’ve had over the years. This particular date, May 8, 2013, stands out in our mind as one of the most amazing experiences we have had in our world travels.

I resisted sharing the details again today, but ten years was a long time ago, and many of our current readers may not have seen the post. The events of that day and the following days are emblazoned in our minds forever. For the sake of expediency, with our guests arriving in a few hours and in the desire to get today’s post uploaded with our current lack of photos, I have copied and pasted portions of that post from May 8, 2013, to share once again. Please forgive the redundancy. Here we go:

“Last night, after an enjoyable evening out to dinner with our new friends, a good meal, a great Broadway-type show in the Savoy Theatre, a stop in a Lotus Lounge, and a stroll along the Promenade, we sauntered back to our cabin.

Early birds that we are, up by no later than 6:00 am most days, we try to get to sleep by 11:00 pm, which is not always an easy task. Our body clocks are back into our regular schedule after struggling with the nine-hour time difference from Belize to Barcelona. It took us almost three weeks to adapt.

My earlier prediction that sailing across the seas slowly would make adapting easier was shot, as the daily changes across the ocean took us deeper and deeper into “biological clock” hell.

At the end of last week, we lunged into a massive change by getting up at 6:00 am with much difficulty, falling on our faces by 11:0 pm that first night. In 24 hours, we were back on track.

On the last ship, the Norwegian Epic, we met a couple who had cruised this route a few years ago, telling us intimidating stories of guards with machine guns guarding the ships at night, frequent and strict drills, and a similar protocol as indicated in this letter.

We’d anticipated the likelihood of certain procedures being put into place necessary for safe sailing through these high-risk pirate-laden waters. Perhaps not to this extreme, until we talked to the couple on the Epic, whom we thought at the time, was enjoying getting a reaction out of us.

Although, in essence, it may not have been intended to elicit fear any more than our recent telling of the 50-foot swells and 65 MPH winds we experienced for three days on the Atlantic crossing of the Epic.

Are we scared? No. This massive ship has many security measures in place, along with a critical drill on May 15th at 10:30 am, a full day before we enter the dangerous waters of the Gulf of Aden.”

We’d love to sail that itinerary again someday since it was a fantastic experience. For now, we have other “fish to fry” and some exciting itineraries on the horizon. Right now, my goal is to regain my health through exercise, diet, good sleep, and low stress, and of course, some fun!

Tomorrow, we’ll be back with photos from today’s outing with Kristi and Keven, including food and scenery photos.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, May 8, 2013:

This was a letter in our cabin after we returned from dinner on the Mariner of the Seas. Zoom in to read. Quite interesting. For more on this story, please click here.

Comments and responses Our first visitors, human that is, are arriving today…Remembering ten years ago today…

  1. Pauline Howes Reply

    I did the same trip in reverse: Dubai to Athens 5 years ago this week – what an adventure!!

    • worldwide-admin Post authorReply

      Pauline, it certainly was quite the adventure! We’re happy you also had the opportunity to experience the exciting itinerary. Hope yu are well.

      Warmest regards,
      Jess & Tom

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