Right now, I am struggling with topics for our daily posts. We’ve bombarded you with travel-related topics, and we prefer not to be redundant any more than is happenstance as we cover topics we’ve covered in past posts.
In the past 12 years, we’ve published 4,366 posts, much more than most online resources of our size. Recently, I’ve changed some of the daily format to elicit more interest from our readers. No, we haven’t been losing readers. If anything, we’ve added more new readers during this dull period than we’d expected. We appreciate every one of you and your continuing readership.
The bottom line is that I am facing a challenging time until we arrive in Cleveland, and then, although feeling safer being there, I will be dealing with the news on how they’ll proceed with my case. No, it’s not keeping me awake at night or impacting my appetite, and much to my surprise, I don’t feel depressed or suffering from anxiety.
However, it’s unnerving when I become breathless from putting on my shoes, making a salad, or walking to the car outside the door of our hotel room, no more than 20 paces. Each time I get up from my secure and comfy spot on the sofa in the living room to go anywhere in our hotel room, I hesitate, wondering if whatever I am about to do is necessary.
I wouldn’t be so careful if my heart didn’t react each time I became breathless. I can feel it struggling to get blood flow to my legs. Of course, my caution is centered around avoiding a heart attack. Otherwise, I feel fine when staying relatively still and like my usual upbeat self most days. Tom and I continue to laugh, tease one another, and enjoy quality time together.
Now, I understand more fully how others feel when facing serious illnesses of one type or another, regardless of their age or situation.
Although I wish to implement more of the following suggestions, I am doing my best.
Photo from ten years ago today, August 16, 2014:

Hi Jessica, Just wanted to let you how now much I love you and have kept my prayers for you. Will you be able to get on a plane??
Keep me up on what is going on.
Sending all my love to you.
Cousin Phyllis
Dear Phyllis, I am going to ride with Tom. There’s no way I could go on a plane. Can’t wait to get there!
Thanks for thinking of me. We both love you,
Jess & Tom