So, I was trying to get my start date for my Medicare Supplement, Plan G with Aflac, to March 1, when my enrollment for Medicare Part B hadn’t come through yet. As mentioned in yesterday’s post, after finally hearing from Railroad Retirement that it may take up to eight weeks to be in effect, I decided I wanted to change the supplement start date to March 1.
Why should I pay the $157 supplement when I wouldn’t have Part B in effect? It was as simple as signing a form, which the insurance agency explained I could do online, and sending it back to them by email. Easy peasy? Not so much.
First, I couldn’t open the form they sent me. It was in a format my computer didn’t recognize, nor could I convert it to an editable PDF using Adobe or any other apps I have. I went back and forth with the representative over several hours while she worked on sending it to me in an editable format—no such luck.
After about three hours of working on this, I asked the rep to investigate further with someone else in her company and devise a resolution. The end result? She explained I had to PRINT and SIGN the form and couldn’t do it all online. Her original plan was inaccurate.
With modern technology and the countless apps that allow signing legal documents online, I couldn’t believe I’d have to go to the UPS store, have them print the form for me to sign, and then…the most unthinkable…fax it to them. Who uses faxes anymore?
However, it was fun chatting with the two employees in the store. Looking out the window from their store, we could see the Hilton Lake Las Vegas, where the football team, the San Francisco 49ers, will be staying with their family members. Apparently, from what we heard, the players won’t be allowed to leave the hotel other than to go to practice at one of two locations. They will not be allowed to go to the Las Vegas Strip and casinos. Security will be extensive.
Even in South Africa, with many situations requiring documents for visa extensions and other matters, I never had to go through such hoopla to send a signed document.
It had been raining for the past two days (unusual for Las Vegas), and without a rental car, we’d have to walk in the rain (no umbrella, rarely needed in this desert climate) to the UPS store located in the Village, a decent walk from the “one flight of stairs.”
Nonetheless, we put on jackets this morning and headed down the stairs to walk to the USP store, a very nice modern facility. The UPS rep explained they’ve been having WiFI problems and informed me that their fax machine wasn’t working yesterday. I asked that rep to please try to get it going. He did. Thank goodness. Finally, this two-paragraph form with my signature was sent to Aflac. Now, I won’t have to spend $157 for February’s premium pointlessly.
I always say, “You can run, but you can’t hide.” Our nomadic lifestyle is by no means an escape from dealing with the everyday issues that pop up in most of our lives. We are certainly not exempt from dealing with such situations.
Then, this morning, our groceries were delivered but were missing the grass-fed ground beef I’d ordered. It wasn’t on the receipt, but I verified it was in my order. I needed the meat for Sunday when I planned to make Baretta mozzarella-stuffed meatballs with homemade mushroom Italian red sauce. (No pasta is included in this recipe).
I planned to make enough meatballs to last for three nights, saving some for the freezer for a future meal. Thus, I placed another order for the meat this morning but had to spend $35 to avoid paying a delivery fee. I managed to order a few more items, and by tomorrow, I’ll receive the newest order. All is good.
Stuff happens, but neither of us complains loudly, not even to each other. Regardless of how frustrating it may be, we go through the necessary processes and move on. We didn’t get too wet this morning, even though it rained the entire time on the walk.
Today is Groundhog Day. It would be fun to believe this had some significance in our lives, but from our realistic viewpoint, it does not. However, there’s humor associated with this, which most people rely upon when they hear and see attention applied to February 2 each year. Thus, if you find this a particular day, please enjoy it!
Be well.
Photo from ten years ago today, February 2, 2014: