It was good to go out to dinner…Are you paying for services you don’t need?…

Having our drinks at the bar during happy hour at Sonrisa Grill was fun.

The food at Sonrisa Grill is mediocre for our tastes. Tom had the beef tacos but didn’t eat the Spanish rice or refried beans, resulting in a small meal. I had a grilled chicken salad minus the tortilla strips, corn, and beans, which consisted mainly of sliced chicken breasts over big, overly green chunks of lettuce and about ¼ sliced avocado.

Tom filled up on the chips (he doesn’t like salsa), and I indulged and ate several tortilla chips, which I usually avoid. But, the total bill was only $75 compared to spending over $100 at casual dining restaurants in the US. But we didn’t complain and enjoyed being out, chatting with another couple at the bar and listening to the DJ music from the 1970s and 1980s in the main dining room.

We stayed for quite a while after eating dinner, trying to identify the songs playing and using the music-identifying app Shazam on my phone when we couldn’t figure it out. It was a fun evening.

This stairway to the right led to the main dining room, where we had dinner.

When we returned to the condo, we returned to binge-watching the British TV series “Shetland” since we’d activated a 7-day free trial on Britbox a few nights ago. Before the new seasons came out, we watched the first five seasons and only had to catch up on four seasons during the trial.

Since we’d already watched the best series on Britbox during our ten months in lockdown in India, we see no reason to continue to pay for that streaming service. I always put a note on our family calendar, Cozi, to remind me to cancel after the trial since a trial like this can automatically charge your credit card for another month or, in some cases, an entire year.

Nothing is more frustrating than to realize you’ve been paying for an app you don’t use. I frequently check with Google Play  (whatever service you are using) to see the apps I am paying for, plus our credit cards have a link that shows the automatic payments going out each month.

It’s not always easy to cancel services, and if you can’t find a good link to direct you to cancellations, the best solution is to contact customer service to do so. Oftentimes, there’s a chat module or phone number where cancellations can be processed.

Also, whenever we leave a holiday home, I cancel any delivery fees for groceries and other services. Fortunately, we get free delivery with Grubhub through our Amazon Prime membership, which we can use in many countries besides the US (not South Africa).

Although a few local restaurants offer delivery, Marloth Park is too remote for most food delivery services. But there, it’s always such fun to go out, and we never consider the need for delivered meals. Gosh, in 56 days, we’ll be on our way.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, January 4, 2015:

Lava or not, local roosters and chickens are busy peeking at vegetation, a common sight on the islands. This rooster had a keen eye on his “wife” and a chick on the side of the road. For more photos, please click here.

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