Fun lunch date today…..

The craggy shoreline in Madeira, Portugal.

Two of my three grandchildren have driver’s licenses and can pick me up. Today, grandson Miles, 16, and I have a lunch date, just the two of us. I’m flattered that a 16-year-old boy looks forward to lunch with his grandma. I didn’t want Tom to have to drive 20 minutes each way twice to handle my transportation, so this works perfectly. Plus, he is still recovering from the virus, and although not contagious, it’s best he stays in and continues to rest.

Today, while at Champps Bar and Grill with Miles, I’ll order a to-go meal for Tom for tonight’s dinner, which he can reheat later. After the big Cobb salad I always order at Champps, I’ll make myself an omelet for dinner with a green salad on the side.

I am still coughing but feel fine otherwise. But the coughing is outrageous, although it’s not as bad as it was. Hopefully, we’ll both be better in a few days and go to Billy’s on Friday afternoon with Tom’s siblings, whom we haven’t seen in a few weeks since our last buck euchre marathon.

The weather in Minnesota has been awful since we arrived six weeks ago. Most days, it’s cloudy, rainy, and humid, if not cold and drizzly. We’ve hardly had time to enjoy the outdoors. Yesterday, there were tornado and heavy storm warnings all day and evening.

Is it 66F, 19C, with rain starting at 2:00 pm? Rain is predicted through Saturday, but next week, if accurate so far ahead, is supposed to warm up into the 80s. Hopefully, by the 4th of July, the weather will improve for many outdoor activities planned on this date every year. We have no plans for the 4th, but we shall wait and see what our kids plan for the holiday weekend.

If they have no plans, we’ll be fine, as we’ve been for several years. We can easily entertain ourselves regardless of the occasion. Neither of us is interested in fighting traffic and crowds to watch fireworks unless a family event warrants it. We shall “play it by ear” as always. Our adult kids tend to plan things at the last minute, which is OK with us. But old-timers like us tend to make plans well in advance.

It baffles me why most retirees like us prefer to plan well ahead of any occasion. Then again, Tom and I have always been “planners.” In part, I love the anticipation of an upcoming event. The perfectionist Tom finds comfort in knowing the schedule well in advance.

We all have our unique peculiarities that make us who we are. It is the acceptance of one another’s preferences that provides for harmonious relationships. Tom and I are very different in many ways. We see the world differently but accept these differences as part of how this relationship works.

“They” say “opposites attract,” which is so true in our case. We are often shocked by how our opinions may vary in countless situations, but somehow, over the years, we’ve learned to get along when discussing differences to avoid frequent disharmony. In most relationships that don’t last, each party fails to accept the differing views in many aspects of life, which may sometimes be as insignificant as how to load the dishwasher to such significant issues as managing money.

We both cherish harmony, and with that in mind, we can negotiate or, in some cases, merely agree to disagree.

That’s it for today, folks. I am off to lunch with Miles.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, June 19, 2014:

Judite, our cleaning person in Madeira, told me this morning that this is “pera abacata” which translates to avocado. For more photos, please click here.

Comments and responses Fun lunch date today…..

    • worldwide-admin Post authorReply

      So sorry there was no post today. I had to go to urgent care and it took all day. Will post tomorrow.

      Thanks so much for asking.

      Warmest regards
      Jess &,Tom

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