From the Ngurah Rai Airport in Bali…One hour to boarding…

Bali was marvelous. We are thankful to have had this experience.

If you don’t normally travel abroad, there’s a whole series of processes for eventually getting a boarding pass. 

On this particular flight with our arrival at the airport, as soon as we exited the hotel shuttle we decided to use a skycap/porter to assist with our bags. 

Over the last several flights, we decided it made no sense trying to maneuver three bag’s weight 23 kg each plus our three carry on bags. Paying tips have become worth it to us. Besides, it’s a good way to use any leftover foreign currency we’d yet to spend.

First our two porters (the trolleys were small) escorted us through the first of two security checkpoints while police used a drug detecting device  to”sniff” our bags. We waited for no less than 30 minutes to make our way through security.

Once we made it through security our two porters found the queue for Virgin Australia as we all waited until we reached the counter.  With no boarding pass as usual we only had to show our passports to begin the check in and pay for our bags.

Searching online, the baggage fees for international flights were vague. We had no idea how much we’d have to pay. Our two checked bags sailed through with the 23 kg limit, avoiding any fees or even excess baggage fees. It was the third bag for which they charged us at IDR 1,250,000, US $95.73. 

So it goes. No matter how hard we’ve tried, we simply can’t travel the world without the third bag. After all, these bags contain all of our belongings, everything we physically own in the world.

After paying the fees, obtaining our boarding passes, tipping the two porters we proceeded with our three carry on bags to immigration and the second security checkpoint. This time, no device sniffed our bags since they had stickers on them indicated the process had been completed. Again, a long queue.

Safari luck prevailed and we ended up in a newly opened line spending no more than 10 minutes waiting. We were finally on our way to sit down, grab a beverage and wait for our boarding time of 11:25 pm. I can’t believe I’m up so late and not tired yet. Over these past many months, I’ve fallen asleep by 10:00 pm most nights awakening by 5:00 am at the latest. 

Tom’s doing well today with only a tinge of travel day anxiety. My back is a bit stiff due to standing all this time but overall, I’m good, anxious to arrive in Sydney and get some rest and then, the excitement will begin.

That’s all folks! Next time we write, it will be from Sydney. Expect another post with photos within 24 hours.

Bye, bye, Bali! We enjoyed our stay!

Have a great day or night wherever you may be.

Photo from one year ago today, October 29, 2015:

A friendly man in Fiji on his horse after a hard morning’s work took the time to say “Bula!”  For more photos, please click here.

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