Busy day…Not 100% yet…

While visiting my friend Lisa, who rescues bushbabies in Marloth Park, I had the thrill of feeding this little one. Caring for the bushbabies until they are ready to return to the wild is quite a commitment and I commend Lisa for her devotion and dedication.

Today is cleaning day. I am at a loss without a house cleaner. Even having one every other week would have been good, but at $250 for two to three hours, there was no way we were willing to pay that amount for this two-bedroom condo. Tom and I can get everything done in less than an hour.

Also, we needed to wash the bedding today and dry it in the laundry room way down the hallway on a long tek, about 500 steps according to my Fitbit up and back, which I had to do twice. It took everything out of me. Whenever I’ve taken antibiotics, as I am doing now for a ten-day course, I’m left weak and feeling unwell. I still have six more days to go.

It feels like all the progress I’d make working out is lost when I’ve spent most days since last weekend sitting on the sofa, playing with my phone while streaming documentaries and news. However, I am hopeful that the UTI symptoms will continue to waft away each day since beginning the antibiotics on Monday of this week.

I have tried to go about household tasks as usual to get back into a comfortable routine. I haven’t had to do a lot of cooking since we had plenty of excellent meals in the freezer. I made a huge batch of low-carb broccoli salad this morning with our frozen leftover dinner. So, besides popping our homemade frozen entrees into the oven, I won’t have anything to do for dinner.

Soon, we’ll put the clean bedding back on the bed, and I’ll hang the last load of the laundry on the portable drying rack. Tom will vacuum and wash the floors in a while, and we’ll be done for the day until next Friday.

We’re both looking forward to the Super Bowl on Sunday. Since we aren’t “snackers” and don’t eat “junk” food, we’ll have a nice dinner and enjoy the game and the day together.

On Valentine’s Day, we booked dinner reservations at Luna Rossa, the fantastic Italian restaurant down one flight of stairs and a short walk. Even if I’m still not feeling perfect, I will stick with the plan. I’ll be done with the antibiotics on February 15. Yeah! Hopefully, sometime in the next several days, I’ll feel well enough to return to the Fitness Center to get back to where I was a week ago.

Last night, I checked with Medicare’s online app and found that my Part B enrollment is processed. What a relief! There’s a card I can print online. As a result, on March 1, I will be fully insured for the first time in 11 years, which will give me great peace of mind.

Again, sorry, we don’t have any exciting news to share right now. Before we know it, in 51 days, we’ll be on the move again. How time flies, especially when we’re enjoying ourselves as we have in Lake Las Vegas, Nevada.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, February 9, 2014:

Some years ago, in the evening, Linda (and Ken), alone while sitting on the veranda at their home in Marloth Park, heard what sounded like a scream. She immediately went inside the house, locking the door behind her. The following days, she wandered through their property to find the remains of this impala, who’d been attacked by a leopard, as confirmed by the Park Rangers whom she called to assist. All that remained of the impala was this skull they’d displayed in their yard as a reminder that there are wild animals in this area, and one must always exercise caution. For more photos, please click here.

Comments and responses Busy day…Not 100% yet…

  1. Andi Reply

    I am still curious why the toilet had bubbles…. Did the plumber explain what went wrong?

    • worldwide-admin Post authorReply

      Andi, the plumber explained there was a plug in the line and the dishwasher soap headed to the line for the toilet. This doesn’t necessarily make sense to me but that was the explanation we got.

      Thanks for writing and reading our posts!

      Warmest regards,
      Jess & Tom

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