Day 3…Greenland cruise…Akureyri, Iceland…Fun at last night’s Silent Disco!.

Tom was squinting his eyes after he took off his glasses for a selfie. We had so much fun at the” Silent Disco.”From the ship’s brochure about  Akureyri, Iceland:

“Akureyri, Iceland, is the country’s second-largest city and one 0f the country’s most important ports and fishing centers. Affectionately known as the capital of North Iceland, it has a cool cafe scene, a growing gourmet movement, and a bustling nightlife that proves this city is more than meets the eye. Soar into the blue sky to discover Grimsey Island, home to only 92 residents and thousands of sea birds. The city’s botanical gardens are famed for their collection of high/latitude plants and are well worth a visit. Explore the ancient lava formations of Dimmuborgir and the geothermal landscape of bubbling mud and hissing fumaroles at Namafjalll Mountain.  The city is best known as the gateway to Iceland’s natural wonders; thundering waterfalls, gurgling lava fields, snow-capped mountains, sweeping fjords, and robust folk culture. Whatever you choose, it’s sure to be an adventure of a lifetime.”

Yeah! We can post photos now with Celebrity’s good WiFi. Our photos from the Azamara cruise will be added once we settle in Nevada on September 1. Thanks for your patience!

View from the ship to the port in Akureyri, Iceland.

Now that I am feeling like myself after two good nights’ sleep, having recovered from our harrowing ordeal in Reykjavik as described in yesterday’s post here and my 24-hour bout of Afib, I am able to sit back and enjoy the remainder of this cruise ending in ten days.

But I won’t rest on my laurels and overdo it. I am drinking lots of water, only sipping on one glass of wine all evening, and not over-exerting myself. Last night, at our favorite shipboard event, the “Silent Disco” in the Ice Bar, we only danced in our seats at the ice bar, rocking to the fun music.

For those of you unfamiliar with a Silent Disco, it is an event on some cruise ships whereby the passengers don chunky headsets with three channels and sound control. With the flip of one of three buttons on the side of the headset, three channels with various types of music can be heard, one by one. However, no sound can be heard in the bar when the music is only broadcast via the headsets.

Silver Seas Silver Moon ship at the port.

It is very funny to watch people dancing but not hear any music while the area is abuzz with laughter and loud conversation over the ear-splitting music blasting into everyone’s ears. The headsets light up in blue, green, or red lights, depending upon which of the three channels one is listening to. Tom and I may “dance” to two different songs. He likes rock and roll and oldies, and I like disco, all of which dominate the three channels. What a blast!

Last night we joined new friends, Laura and Les, for dinner in the main dining room with a couple they were traveling with, Maya and Tom. Our table of six was lively and animated with conversations about our like-minded thoughts and ideas about the state of the world and about world travel. It was a delightful dinner.

Again, today, we won’t be getting off the ship. The small town of Akureyri, Iceland, with a population of 18,191, doesn’t hold enough interest to us to tackle the long walk from the pier. We noticed these small towns don’t have awaiting taxis to drive us around to see a few things, and walking further to find a taxi, doesn’t make sense right now.

The small town of

As it turns out, based on the location of our cabin, and my Fitbit, we’re walking 8,000 to 10,000 steps a day, and I don’t feel as if I can do much more right now. It’s a fact of life I have to face now and into the future. Will it impact our lives of travel? We’ll make every effort to engage in events that make us fulfilled and happy.

Right now, on this ship, Celebrity Summit, as well as the last ship, Azamara Journey, we are having a fantastic time socializing with wonderful people and enjoying the onboard activities that we love the most. In a few minutes, we’ll put away our laptops after having had fantastic coffees in Cafe al Bacio on deck 5 and head to the Sky Lounge on deck 11 to play two rounds of trivia from 10:15 to 11:15.

Thereafter, we’ll head to the Oceanview Cafe for lunch (I’m still not eating breakfast) and more delightful conversations with other passengers. It couldn’t be more enjoyable. After lunch, we’ll return to our cabin to pick up the laptops and return to the cafe to wrap up today’s post.

View of the town of Akureyri, Iceland.

We just returned to Cafe al Bacio after a nice lunch at the Oceanview Cafe. It doesn’t look as if we’ll get a nap today, but we’ll be fine. Once we’re done here, we’ll head back to the cabin again to drop off the laptops and head back up to the Sky Lounge for more trivia at 3:30 and 4:00 pm. Then, we’ll change for dinner, and the evening will begin once again. We love the routine we’ve developed while continuing to meet more and more passengers.

Hope your day is going filled with pleasing moments. Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, August 20, 2013:

There was no post uploaded on this date ten years ago today.

Day 2…Greenland cruise…Isafjordur, Iceland…The story of a harrowing 24 hours after arriving in Reykjavik…

Tom’s photo today of the town of Isafjordur, Iceland.

From the ship’s brochure about Isafjordur, Iceland:“Isafjordur is all about nature, and the largest town in the Westfjords peninsula is known for its breathtaking landscapes. Here guests can enjoy various outdoor activities, from biking, hiking, kayaking, and horseback riding to whale watching. They can explore the history of the town that started as a trading post in the 16th century, with growth triggered in the 19th century with salt fish production, which is still the most important industry for the town.”

Yeah! We can post photos now with Celebrity’s good WiFi. Our photos from the Azamara cruise will be added once we settle in Nevada in a few weeks. Thanks for your patience!

It’s agonizing to recall the events after we arrived in Reykjavik, let alone the experience we had at the disorganized and overly busy Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, described in our last post here. Honestly, I’d like to put it behind us, but I somehow feel compelled to share it with all of our worldwide readers. After all, you didn’t see a post yesterday, and as our loyal readers, you deserve to read the story.

Here goes, folks, crazy as this story is.

Shortly before the plane from Amsterdam landed, flight attendants came around, offering “cheap” fares and tickets to hotels in Reykjavik. Taxis would cost anywhere from US $200 to $300. I’d cringed at the cost of this 45-minute drive from Reykjavik’s Keflavik International Airport.

When they explained the fare would be under US $80, I jumped all over it, especially when they explained we’d be dropped off a small bus directly in front of our booked hotel. It sounded easy. As it turned out, a large bus picked us up with about 30 passengers. Tom loaded our bags into the luggage hold outside the bus, and we got situated for the drive, not worried about a thing. So far, so good.

The high-temperature today is 54F, 12C.

When we arrived in the city limits of Reykjavik, the bus drove into the bus terminal, where we had to move our bags off the one bus to a smaller bus using our “green” tickets, indicating the general area we’d be heading to. This only took 15 minutes, and we were on our way.

After driving for another 20 minutes, we arrived at our drop-off spot, which wasn’t in front of our hotel as described. We checked the location on GPS on “Maps,” and it appeared our hotel was nowhere nearby. It was unclear as to where the hotel was located. We had no choice but to hike up a very steep hill with Tom wheeling the three heavy 23k bags and me only wheeling my carry-on bag and handbag.

The horrifying part was the steep hill in front of us. We thought about calling a taxi but thought it would be pointless when the hotel might be within a few meters of us, according to GPS. Up the hill, we went. With my inability to walk far with my painful legs, it was pure torture for me, walking up the ultra-steep hill. It’s not as if I get out of breath. It’s purely due to the nerve damage in my legs from the two surgeries in 2019, after infections from the cardiac bypass surgery.

Once we reached the top of the first hill, the GPS indicated the hotel was somewhere down the main tourist attraction street, many blocks away. The road was bumpy and uneven. I don’t know how Tom wheeled those bags during the next hike, nor how I could walk on more steep hills in the next 40 minutes until we reached the hotel.

Once we arrived at the hotel and confirmed the name, address, and location, I told Tom I’d head up the two flights of stairs to let the receptionist know we’d arrived and ask for help with our bags. I could barely make my way up the flights of stairs. Once at the check-in desk, I was told we didn’t have a reservation and that the hotel was full. I showed the rep the reservation information on my phone, including the confirmation number. I pressed him to look harder, to no avail.

Iceland is a volcanic island with many cliffs and mountains.

He told me there was another hotel owned by the same company further down the road that must have our reservation. I asked him to check on it. He said they have a different system, and there was nothing he could do, no matter how hard I pressed him. He said there was a similarly named hotel further down the road, pointing in the direction.

Disheartened, I gingerly lumbered back down the stairs, my legs feeling like lead weights. I told Tom the bad news. Once we were back out on the street, we found a bench and sat down to call the number of the hotel in the reservation. It rang back to the guy I’d just spoken to, and once again, he stated he couldn’t help.

We were on the road for foot traffic only, and no taxis were allowed. The only way we could get a taxi was to go back down the steep hill, which was impossible. There was no way Tom could maneuver the three bags down that steep hill. Nor could I walk down that hill with my legs hurting so much.

We stopped in several businesses and talked to several locals. No one knew where the hotel was except three people, who each said it was in a different direction. GPS didn’t help at all. On the way to what we thought was the location, a local told us GSP hadn’t been updated In Reykjavik since 2012. The hotel didn’t exist or was miles away for all we knew.

We walked further and further until we reached an intersection with road signs and called for a taxi. At this point, 2½ hours had passed. Tom’s arm was bruised and injured from the bags. I could barely take another step. Luckily, the taxi arrived 15 minutes later. The driver had no clue where the hotel would be, even after carefully checking his GPS system. At this point, it was already 6:30 pm. We’d had no food since breakfast on the ship and only one shared water bottle.

We were at a loss. We had no choice but to book another hotel and deal with this later. The taxi driver explained that with several cruise ships arriving and preparing, few hotel rooms were left in Reykjavik. He suggested a Radisson Blu and called for us. They had two rooms left. We were in the vicinity, and the rep said she secured a room for us and we could pay when we got inside the hotel. She agreed to a price for us for one of the two remaining rooms in the huge hotel, which was outrageous, but we had no choice. We were parked outside the hotel. She agreed to hold the room until we walked inside the hotel.

This small Icelandic town has a population of 2736 as of January 1, 2020.

We were too exhausted to think straight and didn’t get her name which was a huge mistake on our part. But we only needed to exit the taxi and walk indoors. When we arrived at the check-in desk, they didn’t know who we were, and we had no choice but to pay whatever they wanted to charge us. We were desperate and had no other options at that point. There was no way we tried to find and book another hotel after hours of this hell.

The room rate, with taxes, was US $721.18! We were shocked but needed to rest and get some food. Tom hauled the bags to the room (there was no bellperson!), and the cart didn’t fit in the tiny elevator. Our frustration level at this point was palpable. Somehow we managed to get to the room with high expectations. We were sorely disappointed.

The room was no big deal for that kind of money and had several steps between the bedroom and bathroom. I could barely walk, let alone walk up and down steps in the room. We fell onto the bed, exhausted. After getting situated and off our feet for a while, I headed down to the restaurant to check out the menu and see if there was anything I could eat or that Tom would eat.

There wasn’t a thing that worked for either of us, and after looking at the plates being served to dinner guests, tiny portions at outrageously high prices, we decided to forego dinner and wait until we boarded the ship to have a nice meal the next day. Neither of us was hungry after our awful day.

But this wasn’t the end of the disaster. The room wasn’t clean, the bathroom sink was plugged, and there was no aircon. Apparently, in Iceland, they don’t have aircon. But the room was stifling, as if the heat had been turned on. We were miserable. We drank the water provided in the room and headed off to bed.

Within 10 minutes of lying down, I detected my pulse was fast. I checked my Fitbit, and it read 150 beats per minute. I was in Afib once again. Nothing I could do could get it down. I never slept all night, and it never went down below 135, fluctuating back and forth. I just had to wait it out.

It was still that high when we boarded the Celebrity Summit around noon. Hoping food and water might help, as soon as we made our way through the 45-minute check-in process and to our cabin, we dropped off our few carry-on items and headed to the buffet. We hadn’t eaten anything in over 30 hours (considering the time change), but neither of us was that hungry.

I ate a healthy light lunch, but the Afib continued all day until we went to dinner and beyond. I was well aware of it during dinner and ate very little. After dinner, we went to bed, and all I could do was try a few maneuvers that could help with AAfib. But nothing helped. I’d been trying all day and the previous night to no avail.

Finally, exhausted, I drifted off, slept through the night, and awoke this morning to a resting pulse of 60 beats per minute, feeling like a new person. I have no doubt the excess walking, stress, and lack of food and water played a role in going into Afib. It was frightening, but now I feel much better, albeit weak from the entire ordeal. Soon, we’ll head to the buffet, where I’ll have a healthy meal again.

We have met some lovely people so far while I maintained a stiff upper lip while going through the Afib, not mentioning my issue to anyone. We can begin enjoying ourselves, although I will take it easy on this cruise. Today’s port of call has a few things to see, and I don’t feel like walking a lot today.

Our cabin is lovely, actually bigger, with more storage than on the last Azamara cruise, and we feel pretty comfortable on yet another Celebrity ship. This ship has four times more passengers, but it doesn’t feel crowded, and staff and passengers are equally friendly.

So there it is, folks, our harrowing story.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, August 19, 2013:

Four of the six box s we received from the pharmaceutical company. We’re awaiting the two missing boxes, hopefully, to arrive or be replaced d before leaving Italy in less than two weeks. For more photos, please click here.

Day 17…Norway Cruise…Disembarkation day!…In Amsterdam and then off to Reykjavik Iceland!…

35 Cool Things to Do in Reykjavik, Iceland's Funky Capital
Not our photo. Reykjavik, Iceland.

The ship is docked in Amsterdam, where most passengers will disembark (some are staying onboard and doing a back-to-back), grab their luggage and head off on various means of transportation. For us, it’s a shuttle to the Schiphol International Airport for a 2:10 pm flight to Reykjavik, where we’ll spend less than 24 hours before boarding Celebrity Summit to Greenland and beyond.

We are as excited now as we were when we boarded Azamara Journey from Edinburgh to Amsterdam only 17 days ago. This has been a fantastic cruise. Edinburgh, Scotland, and all those quaint villages in Norway were spectacular, let alone all the wonderful people we met during the cruise, many of whom we’ll stay in touch with in times to come.

At the moment, we’re situated in the Mosaic Cafe, having finished our last cups of coffee while carefully watching the time when we have to get to the luggage storage area where our three bags await us. Tom is in the cabin now, packing up all the electrical cords.

I just remembered I left a long power cord plugged into the lamp outlet beside my side of the bed. As soon as Tom gets down here, I’ll run back up and get it. I doubt Tom will notice it as he gathers up all the other electrical stuff. It’s hard to believe how many cords and devices we must continually haul with us. Over and over, we’ve tried to reduce the bulk and weight of so many cords, but at this point, we need every single item we have.

Tom just returned to the coffee shop, and he noticed the cord I’d forgotten and grabbed it. There’s no need for me to return to the cabin. He’s certain he got every last item, and I feel confident he didn’t miss a thing. In about 30 minutes, we’ll head down there, and then I will complete this post at the airport while we await our flight. Back soon.

We are back, now at gate 59 for Icelandair. We will board the flight to Reykjavik in about 45 minutes. The Schiphol Airport is a mess with long queues in every direction.

Once we arrived by shuttle bus to the airport four hours before boarding time, we realized we could be waiting awhile to get checked in. Little did we know that Icelandair’s check-in counter wouldn’t open for 2½ hours requiring us to wait around with our bags. all that time. This had never happened to us in the past, and I must admit, we became quite somewhat annoyed.

There wasn’t a good spot for us to hang out and wait, with limited seating available with the crowds waiting to check-in. I have trouble standing for long periods, which made the hours of waiting challenging.

Finally, the check-in counter opened, and we could check our bags and go through security. Our passports had been stamped by immigration at the pier when we disembarked. Little did Tom realize that when we went through security, he’d left the passports and boarding passes in the security tray, and after we finally made our way to gate 59, he had to retrace his steps and find the passports and boarding passes.

Thank goodness he found everything, and after showing his ID, he was able to return to the gate to wait with me for boarding time. By 1:30 pm, we were seated on the plane for a pleasant under-three-hour flight. But from there, it all went to hell in a handbasket.

Tomorrow, I will share the details of our awful day in Reykjavik. Please check back. In two days, we’ll start posting new photos from our Greenland cruise.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, August 17, 2013:

Due to a travel day, there was no post on this date ten years ago.

Day 16…Norway Cruise…Sea day…One day and counting…Packing day…

Not our photo. Due to the time of year as “The Land of the Midnight Sun,” we couldn’t see the Northern Lights but Norway was filled with other wonders we savored.

Note: I cannot add more photos today, other than the above, due to the poor WiFi signal aboard the ship. Once we arrive in Nevada in early September, we can post our photos from Edinburgh and this cruise. Of course, we’ll continue to try to add photos each day! We are sorry for the inconvenience. Perhaps, when this cruise ends, we can start posting photos while on the upcoming Celebrity cruise in 4 days. We’ll continue taking photos and writing text daily, if possible.

This morning, before 8:00 am, when the laundry room on our deck was about to open, Tom was waiting outside the door for it to open to get our clothes washed and dried. Others were there waiting, and he was the second person in line. With six washers and dryers, with one of each not working, it was good he got the early start.

Now, as I write here at 10:40, the laundry is done, folded, and ready for packing, which we’ll complete by the end of today, leaving our bags outside the door tonight to be picked up for tomorrow’s disembarkation. We’re scheduled to depart the ship by 8:30 am and have booked a shuttle to the airport in Amsterdam. Our flight isn’t until about 2:10 pm.

Fortunately, the flight is only 3½ hours long. Icelandair has screens and free movies at each seat which helps the flying time pass quickly. Once we arrive in Reykjavik, we’ll take a taxi to the hotel. Having toured the city in depth on a past cruise, we don’t intend to do any sightseeing during the less than 18 hours in the city.

On Friday, we’ll board Celebrity Summit at noon and be on our way. It will be different to be on a ship with about 2000 passengers as opposed to the 567 passengers on this ship, Azamara Journey. Surely, in no time, we’ll be used to the differences and blend in as we always do, enjoying many features of the quality cruise line.

Celebrity may not be relatively as upscale as Azamara, but it has everything we need and works well for our choices of activities and events. Now that we have the trivia bug, surely, we’ll get involved in those events as well. With $450 in cabin credit with drinks, tips, and WiFi for two included, we’ll find a way to use up our balance as well as the balance on this ship.

At this point, we don’t book specific tours since walking long distances is very difficult for me. We’ve spent plenty of time walking as much as I could in the various ports of call in Norway and will do so again as we embark on this next cruise. It’s very disappointing that I can’t walk far after the two surgeries on my legs four years ago.

But this disability is not keeping us from carrying on with our travels with gusto. I do the best I can do. It’s not as if my legs get tired, but instead, they get extremely painful due to nerve damage. However, I can do many aspects of our travels considering how far I can walk at any given time.

Neither of us feels as if we are missing out. Our lives are rich and fulfilling with the joys of nature, socializing, and visiting new places throughout the world. We plan to continue on for as long as we possibly can. Life is good, and we are content.

Tomorrow, we’ll prepare a post when we arrive at the airport in Amsterdam, awaiting our flight.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, August 16, 2013:

Walking gingerly is a must on these steep stone steps to the basement. The HomeAway listing for this house clearly stated that this property is not intended for the older population due to the many steps required to get from one end to another down the long hallway and the tricky access to the patio on the right of this stairwell. For more photos, please click here.

Day 15…Norway Cruise…Sea day…Two days and counting…

Fun Facts About Trondheim - Life in Norway
Not our photo. Trondheim, Norway, is the city we visited yesterday.

Note: I cannot add more photos today, other than the above, due to the poor WiFi signal aboard the ship. Once we arrive in Nevada in early September, we can post our photos from Edinburgh and this cruise. Of course, we’ll continue to try to add photos each day! We are sorry for the inconvenience. Perhaps, when this cruise ends, we can start posting photos while on the upcoming Celebrity cruise in 4 days. We’ll continue taking photos and writing text daily, if possible.

In two days, we’ll disembark this ship in Amsterdam and are scheduled for the shuttle to Schiphol Amsterdam Airport, where we’ll fly to Reykjavik, Iceland, where we’ll stay overnight in a hotel to sail away on the Celebrity Summit the following day. Our scheduled cruise check-in time is noon, but we often arrive earlier and have no problem getting checked in.

Tom just left the coffee shop to head to our cabin to see how much cabin credit we have left. Any unused portion is forfeited, so I will purchase something in the shop to ensure we have nothing left when we disembark. The items in the shop are so expensive; it’s hard to find anything with almost $200 left. But I will figure something out.

Also, since we were overweight in our two bags, it makes no sense to purchase the ship’s logo wear or anything that would add to the weight of our bags.

This morning there is a fantastic brunch buffet in the main dining room. A few minutes ago, I toured the buffet to see what they had that worked for my way of eating, and there were more options than I could imagine. Since it’s a sea day with passengers filling up all the seats in the coffee shop and us needing to sit here to do the post, I may go eat on my own.

Tom has been having breakfast without me the past week while I stayed in the cabin to shower and dress for the day. I am not hungry early in the morning and prefer to eat closer to noon. Since he won’t be hungry by noon, I’ll probably wander over and grab a plate of the delectable offerings.

Last night was another fine evening. At 4:00 pm, we played trivia in The Living Room (losing, once again) and chatted with our two newly-made delightful friends from Edinburgh. By 6:00 pm, we returned to the cabin to change for dinner and headed to the Discoveries Bar for a drink before dining in the main dining room.

Once again, we sat at a shared table and, as always, had an enjoyable dinner with the other passengers at our table. After dinner, we did a little “bar-hopping” to listen to various quality entertainment while chatting with other passengers. As we expected, it’s been a very social cruise, and we couldn’t have had more fun.

In the next 48 hours, we’ll have packed our bags, leaving clothes out to wear on the last night and day since our bags will be taken away on Wednesday night and left at the port to pick up after we disembark. We are familiar with this process since this is cruise #31 in almost 11 years.

That’s it for today, dear readers. Again, we apologize for the lack of photos. We will make up for it before long. Hopefully, on this next cruise, we won’t encounter such issues and will be able to post photos as they occur.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, August 15, 2013:

Can you imagine soaking in the tub with these visitors stopping by to say hello? For more photos, please click here.

Day 14…Norway Cruise…Trondheim, Norway..Final port of call…Another great evening of conversation and entertainment…

Not our photo. Trondheim, Norway, is our final port of call until we reach Amsterdam in a few days.

Note: I cannot add more photos today, other than the above, due to the poor WiFi signal aboard the ship. Once we arrive in Nevada in early September, we can post our photos from Edinburgh and this cruise. Of course, we’ll continue to try to add photos each day! We are sorry for the inconvenience. Perhaps, when this cruise ends, we can start posting photos while on the upcoming Celebrity cruise in 4 days. We’ll continue taking photos and writing text daily, if possible.

Today, our ship will dock in Trondheim, Norway, as a result of me not feeling up to it, we didn’t get off the ship in Trondheim, although we continued with the daily activities aboard the ship.

After trivia, at 5:00, we headed to our cabin, dressed for the evening, and were ready to partake in the events of the evening with one entertainment venue after another; it was pretty enjoyable.

Each evening at dinner in Discoveries Restaurant on Deck 5, we’ve sat at a sharing table, often with others we’ve shared with on other evenings and, like last night, with mostly new people we hadn’t met in the past. With only 567 passengers on this cruise, it’s easy to repeatedly run into the same passengers.

After dinner, we headed to the Spirits Bar in The Den, chatted and listened to live music, and then to a live show in the Cabaret. The performer was a comedian/magician who proved to be quite entertaining. At 10:30, we returned to the Spirits Bar for another fun round of general knowledge trivia, which we once again lost.

Neither of us is great at trivia, although we usually get many answers correct. Some passengers play in larger groups, which significantly improves their odds. But, more often, we play alone, giggling over our missed answers and lack of ability to recall music and pop culture from the 70s and 80s. With both of us being parents at a young age, with the accompanying responsibilities, we didn’t pay much attention to what was happening in the world. But, we often surprise ourselves with some answers.

Win or lose, it’s fun to play, and we’ll continue to do so on the remaining days and nights on this cruise and our upcoming cruise beginning on August 18.

Tomorrow, we will write about our visit to Trondheim and again try to post a photo or two. We’re not expecting much luck on that front, but the nine days in Henderson, Nevada, is coming up quickly, and we’ll be able to get caught up at that time. Following is the information from Azarmara’s brochure about Trondheim:

“Trondheim, situated in Norway, is a historic city known for its rich culture, strong architecture, and picturesque landscapes. It serves as a hub of education and research, with the renowned Norwegian University of Science and Technology located here. Trondheim’s charming blend of modernity and tradition, along with its vibrant arts and music scene, makes it a captivating destination for both residents and visitors..”

As typically happens at this point on a cruise, passengers start coming down with colds and flu. This has often happened to us. So far, so good, but fingers crossed we don’t get anything on this or the next cruise. We avoid close contact with others and frequently wash our hands. There’s only been one case of Covid-19 so far, and we continue to hope and pray there is no more.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, August 14, 2013:

No photos were posted on this date ten years ago today. For the text, please click here.

Day 13…Norway Cruise…Bodo, Norway…Car rental in Nevada?…

Bodo, Norway
Not our photo. The town of Bodo has many modern buildings against its snow-covered mountains.

Note: I cannot add more photos today, other than the above, due to the poor WiFi signal aboard the ship. Once we arrive in Nevada in early September, we can post our photos from Edinburgh and this cruise. Of course, we’ll continue to try to add photos each day! We are sorry for the inconvenience. Perhaps, when this cruise ends, we can start posting photos while on the upcoming Celebrity cruise in 6 days. We’ll continue taking photos and writing text daily, if possible.

This cruise ends in four days. Have we loved it so far? The food, the people, the ambiance, and the entertainment have been excellent but not necessarily better than we experienced on other cruises. Would we sail on Azamara again? Yes, but only after they improve their WiFi.

My frustration over being unable to upload photos to our daily post has been annoying. It will require me to spend a lot of time when we get to Nevada on September 1, editing and uploading the many photos we’ve yet to post. Although the only things we’ll want to do in Nevada are collect mail at our mailing service, renew our driver’s licenses at the busy DMV in Henderson (we have appointments), and spend time with Richard and a few friends in Las Vegas.

After that, we’ll be able to relax. I aim to get the photos uploaded in the first few days, leaving my mind free to relax and enjoy the time spent in our state of residency. Yesterday, we rented a car in Las Vegas, which we hadn’t planned to do, instead using Uber for our few appointments. But prices had dropped since we last checked several weeks ago.

We were surprised by the lower car rental prices when we arrive on Thursday, August 31, Labor Day weekend. But we were all over it when we could rent a car for nine days for under $400. Formerly, prices were running around $100 daily, which was quite an improvement.

Now, as this cruise winds down, we feel more like relaxing and winding down for our next adventure, the cruise to Greenland. Today, we’re doing laundry in the provided washers and dryers down the corridor from our cabin. They even provide laundry pods, all at no charge, which is an excellent perk for us instead of paying for laundry.

On the upcoming Celebrity cruise, with our Captain’s Club rewards, we are entitled to two laundry bags during the entire cruise. We’ll likely have clothes to wash once we arrive in Nevada, but we’ll figure that out. For us, laundry is always a concern when we don’t have a home we’re returning to at the end of any cruise or tour. Of course, a washer is a priority at all of our holiday homes, although a dryer is not.

Today, our ship is docked in the village of Bodo, described as follows from Azamara’s brochure:

“Bodo, nestled on Norway’s northern coast, offers a captivating blend of natural wonders and modern charm. Embrace the midnight sun during summer and witness, witness the Northern Lights in winter, and explore scenic landscapes. With a rich maritime history, vibrant arts scene, and access to Lofoten Islands, Bodo is a gateway to Arctic adventures and a destination of captivating allure.”

Last night, we had a fun evening in the Den (Spirits Bar) when the cruise director and his assistant provided delightful entertainment. However, we drifted off to our cabin by 10:00 pm to watch a movie and relax, ending in a great night’s sleep.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, August 13, 2013:

I read this book when it came out, which made me acutely aware of not sitting too much during our world travels. For the story, please click here.

Day 12…Norway Cruise…Harstad, Norway..

Note: I cannot add a single photo today due to the poor WiFi signal aboard the ship. Once we arrive in Nevada in early September, we can post our photos from Edinburgh and this cruise. Of course, we’ll continue to try to add photos each day! We are sorry for the inconvenience. Perhaps, when this cruise ends, we can start posting photos while on the upcoming Celebrity cruise in 6 days. We’ll continue taking photos and writing text daily, if possible.

The past 24 hours were relatively uneventful. We had delightful conversations with other passengers, wandered about the area and the ship, and enjoyed a few excellent meals, as always. We attended a few live entertainment venues, one, a fantastic comedian in the Cabaret on Deck 5, and live music in the Living Room and Spirits Bar.

The entertainment aboard ships is generally quite good, and we partake, especially when we hear from other passengers that a particular show is worth watching. Typically, we don’t attend every night’s entertainment in the Cabaret, but so far, when we have, it’s been good. We prefer listening to live bands at night in the various venues and even the songs played by the DJ in between sets.

Today, we are in Harstad, Norway, and will venture out later in the day once we get today’s post uploaded and after I’ve had lunch in the buffet around noon. For several days, Tom has been having breakfast while I have lunch. There seem to be more options for me at lunchtime than at breakfast. Tom goes to breakfast alone while I am getting ready for the day but joins me at lunch in the buffet, even if he’s not eating anything.

Today our ship is docked in the town of Harstad, Norway, which is described as follows in the ship’s brochure:

“Nestled in northern Norway, Harstad is a coastal town renowned for its stunning fjords, cultural richness, and outdoor activities. Explore historic sites like Trodenes Church and Museum, indulge in local cuisine, and take in picturesque landscapes. With a blend of history and natural beauty, Hardstad offers an enchanting Artic experience that captures the heart of Norway’s north.”

Almost every afternoon at 4:00 pm, we head to the Living Room for two trivia games, one at 4:00 and the other 30 minutes later. Each day’s topics are different and unrelated. Since we’ve been away for so long and missed so much of pop culture and music, we’re not as good as we were as a team 20 or 30 years ago. Plus, I suppose as we’ve aged, we’re not as good as we may have been years ago.

It’s not as if either of us have any signs of dementia. We don’t.  Actually, our memories are excellent of what we’ve been doing over the past almost 11 years since we began traveling. But, prior to that, it is a little less clear. Perhaps, with all the stimulation and new information we’ve absorbed all these years of travel, the past has become less at the forefront of our minds.

Although we’ve yet to win a game among the many passengers who playing in large groups, we still enjoy playing and do a lot of laughing between us when reviewing our wrong answers, let alone our shock when we answer many correctly. In any case, its fun to play, and we will continue to do so until the end of the cruise.

Today is Saturday, and we disembark the ship next Thursday when we fly to Reykjavik the same day, sailing away on Celebrity Summit the following day. No doubt the fun will continue as it has over the past two weeks since we boarded Azamara Journey for the Norway cruise.

Soon, we’ll head to Window’s Cafe on Deck 9 for my lunch. Tom doesn’t usually eat again but is happy to sit with me, which I appreciate very much.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, August 12, 2023:

We’re reminded that fall is near in Tuscany by the pumpkins and gourds in our yard. For more photos, please click here.

Day 11…Norway Cruise…Last night’s fantastic “White Night”…Today…Alta, Norway…

Note: I cannot add a single photo today due to the poor WiFi signal aboard the ship. Once we arrive in Nevada in early September, we can post our photos from Edinburgh and this cruise. Of course, we’ll continue to try to add photos each day! We are sorry for the inconvenience. Perhaps, when this cruise ends, we can start posting photos while on the upcoming Celebrity cruise in 7 days. We’ll continue taking photos and writing text daily, if possible.

Ah, if only I could load last night’s photos of White Night! It was spectacular, most likely the most decorative, well-planned food, drink, and music event we’ve ever attended on a cruise ship. It truly was indescribable! It was incredible!

The evening began at 6:00 pm when the most extraordinary buffet was set up on Deck 9 poolside. It was amazing how the staff rearranged the entire pool area, removing all the chaise lounges and other poolside equipment to create a festive and decorative environment in white with balloons, lights and white tablecloths, and formal place settings on each of the many tables.

The area could easily accommodate all 567 passengers with plenty of space for the fantastic band, singers, and dancers and a sizeable dance floor. As soon as we arrived, dressed in our all-white outfits, we found many sharing tables already filled with passengers. We found an empty table for six, plunked ourselves down with drinks in hand, and prepared for the exciting night ahead.

In no time at all, our table filled up with two more couples, both of whom we’d met along the way, and lively conversation and laughter ensued through the remainder of the evening while we all dined on the epicurean delights and danced to our favorite tunes.

Nothing was spared in presenting a beautiful evening. The food was over-the-top, the most varied and delicious buffet we’d ever experienced, with tons of seafood, meats, and exotic dishes from many cultures. The vegetables and fruit were aplenty, and any way of eating could easily be accommodated.

At one point, early on in the evening., I approached the many stations of the buffet, happily taking many photos we’ll share in the future when we’re able to upload photos again.

After the festive outdoor party ended, during perfect warm weather, many of us gravitated to Deck 10’s  Living Room, where the party continued with live music and again enthusiastic dancing on the dance floor.

We approached the North Cape of Norway close to midnight, where we all witnessed the extraordinary “Land of the Midnight Sun,” where we couldn’t stop smiling while taking photos of this fantastic phenomenon of the light sky at midnight. It’s hard to believe how light the sky is at midnight in this part of the world.

BY 12:30 am, we wandered back to our cabin on Deck 7, giggling over our fun night, hoping we wouldn’t have trouble falling asleep with the excitement of the evening still flooding our minds. But, an hour later, we dozed off, not awakening until 9:00 am, ready to begin another new day.

With little to see in Alta, Norway, we decided to stay on the ship and feel less rushed in completing today’s post’s text. We have almost a week until this cruise ends, and surely, we’ll continue to enjoy every moment.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, August 11, 2013:

There was no post on this date ten years ago.