Another week races by…Why does time fly fast when we’re older…Living in the moment…More photos from Princeville Ranch…

Curly’s stories of building the ranch, its history, its activities, and the grass-fed cattle business were varied and interesting. In this shot, he was pointing to the sea. We turned around to see the beauty of the ocean at a distance, another fabulous aspect of the Princeville Ranch.

Why does time seem to fly by us quickly when we’re hunkered down, having seen most of the local sights, findings ourselves settled into a routine? When perusing online for various answers to this question, I discovered a few answers that attempt to satisfy my curiosity.

The horse ranch is often busy with tourists riding out on guided tours of the Princeville Ranch.

This answer from an issue of Psychology Today provided me with a few possibilities such as this writer’s comments as follows:

Tom was thoroughly enjoying our tour of the Princeville Ranch.

“So what is the key to time perception? The routine makes time go faster, unique, and memorable events slow down time. Although there is comfort in routine, it does make time fly. So, if you want to “slow down” time, and make your days last longer, change the routine. Create unique experiences for each one. You can also engage in greater mindfulness by focusing on and savoring each passing moment. The old adage of “live for the moment” is the key to slowing down those quickly passing years.”

This is the off-road vehicle in which we toured the Princeville Ranch.

This philosophy may actually hold true. For Tom and I, it feels particularly glaring, when our routine is one of frequent change, moving every few months. Adding the frequent exploring, meeting new people, having new experiences and one would think time would almost stand still for us. 

The scenery was astounding in every direction.

We often marvel at how quickly the time flies, as we say, “when we’re having fun” which we’ve surely had plenty of these past years. It was early in 2012 when we first decided to travel the world in our retirement. It’s hard for us to believe that it’s well into 2015 as we continue on, still so excited and full of hope for the future. 

The colors in this scene took our breath away.

Yes, the time has flown too quickly. But, the memories have been rich, the experiences action-packed, and the planning well into the future filled with anticipation and wonder.

A few days ago, in the background, I heard Tom repeat one of my favorite expressions, “Love the One You’re With,” a popular song from 1970 by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. If you don’t recall the song, click here for the video.

The sea at a distance.

Hearing him use this expression in a conversation with others made me smile as I quickly turned my head back to the person I was listening to. I was smiling over the irony of these simple words, prevalent in our lives in many ways, one in loving each other, letting the past waft away and two, in stopping to live in the moment wherever we may be, essentially, loving the one we’re with.

Another vehicle loaded with friends of Curly’s daughter, Karin were also on a tour of the expansive 2500 acre property.

It is through this appreciation of the moment, that time has the potential to slow down for us giving us the glorious opportunity to savor the moment, the place, and the experience for whatever treasures large and small it may offer for our taking.

A family was on a tour in another vehicle driven by Curly’s daughter Karin. When they exited the off-road vehicle, two toddlers took off running down a steep hill. The mom had to do everything to entice them to come back up the hill when they were having such fun.

As I sit here writing now with 59 days remaining of our time in Hawaii (I use this app to figure that out), I hear the roosters crowing, the birds singing, and see the clouds wafting about the mountaintops. If I step outdoors onto the lanai I can see Hanalei Bay and its aquamarine waters, a color seldom found anywhere else in nature.

Although there were trails such as this on the property we often went off-road to get a better look at the property.

And Tom, at the moment is across the street whale watching as he does several times each day, chatting with his new buddies, shooting the breeze as guys often do, I revel in his few minutes of freedom from me. He’s living in the moment.

A young calf checking out the forest.

Suddenly, the door flies open and he’s standing there with a big smile on his face greeting me with a sense of enthusiasm as if he’d be away for days and once again, I’m reminded, “Love the One You’re With” which he does with vigor each and every day. Then again, I do so as well.

An angry-looking bull stared at us as we drove by.  However, that angry look is nothing more than the structure of these bull’s faces. He’d showed little interest in me when I stepped out of the vehicle to take this photo.

Tonight, we’re out to dinner with new friends for the third time this week with one more social event upcoming with friend Richard on Saturday night.  Hey, Father Time, pay attention to the line from Simon and Garfunkel’s “Feelin’ Groovy,” which states “slow down, you move too fast.” 

Let us savor the moment!

                                             Photo from one year ago today, March 26, 2014:

It was one year ago that Samir and Mohamed took us on a tour of Marrakech to see various points of interest. Of course, seeing this baby camel was a special thrill. For details and more photos from part two of that tour, please click here.

The Princeville Ranch…An off road adventure of a lifetime…to witness a lifetime of dedication and hard work…

We enjoyed the spectacular views at the highest point in Princeville, except for the mountains.

Yesterday afternoon, Tom and I made our way to the nearby Princeville Ranch, for a 1:30 appointment to tour the expansive 2500 acre family owned business of Princeville Ranch with Curly Caswell, its founder.

We met with Curly under the sign for the Princeville Ranch, the same entrance that adventure seekers enter for the myriad activities offered on the ranch.
Together with his wife Gale and later the addition of their four children, the ranch has grown to become Hawaii’s most exciting and varied world-class ranch experience sought by tourists visiting not only the lush island of Kauai but the other islands as well.
When I exited the ATV, this Brangus cattle approached.

Whether one’s interests fall into the category of horseback riding, zip-lining, hiking, off-road tours, kids adventures, kayaking, picnicking by or swimming under a waterfall, or simply admiring the exquisite beauty of this unique property, the Princeville Ranch has it all.

Moments later, more started to approach me.
The Brangus cattle, like other breeds, are often curious when humans approach.

Our tour with Curly provided us with an opportunity to experience an in-depth perspective from our eyes as travel writers while listening to Curly’s interesting stories as to his and Gale’s acquisition of the use of the lands many decades years ago.

The scenery on the Princeville Ranch is breathtaking in every direction.

Over 40 years ago, their passion for horses, led to their dedicated creation of the Pooku Stables, later to become the Princeville Ranch. As their children matured the innovative family participated in the development of the adventure activities together, making Princeville Ranch one of the most popular adventure destinations for both tourists and local residents.

Although there’s no farming on the ranch, there are wild fruit trees as typically found in many areas in the Hawaiian Islands.

Curly’s ingenuity and exemplary business acumen led him to become one of the first and foremost developers of the community of Princeville, leaving a rich footprint of hard work and creativity in his path.

At times, the ATV maneuver on easy roads such as this.  At other times, we were off-road.

The detailed story of the growth of the Princeville Ranch is found at this link. However, as we always strive to maintain the integrity of the interests and nature of our website surrounding our ongoing world travels, we found ourselves particularly fascinated with the grass-fed cattle, one more avenue of success and opportunity at the Princeville Ranch.  

Tom was the official “gatekeeper” jumping out to open various gates along the tour.

Access to North Shore Kauai Beef is a treasure for the local residents of the island and for those lucky tourists who have access to a grill or kitchen at their vacation rental.

As we’ve discussed in many past posts, my way of eating changed the quality of my life almost four years ago, allowing us to travel the world, hopefully for many more years to come. The concept of eating only grass-fed meat and organic produce has been instrumental in that renewed health and mobility.

The weather changed dramatically during our tour.

North Shore Kauai Beef was literally and figuratively born out of the Princeville Ranch in 1994 during which time, until 2009 it was labeled as “Princeville Pride.” 

North Shore Kauai Beef is offered on the island at the following locations:

  • North Shore General Store (formerly Princeville Chevron station, recently acquired as a Union 76 station) where one can purchase a burger from the Café or buy steaks or burgers to cook at home).
  • Harvest Market in Hanalei
  • Princeville Wine Market in (Princeville Shopping Center)
  • Healthy Hut in Kilauea
  • Hoku Whole Foods in Kapa’a
  • Kaua’i Ono Food Truck in Hanalei

In the past, over two months while living in Princeville we’ve found ourselves thrilled to be able to purchase reasonably priced, chemical, and hormone-free grass-fed meat at three of the above locations. At this time, our freezer is jam-packed with North Shore Kauai Beef purchased long before we met Curly.

The concept of grass-fed meat is interesting, as well stated on the Princeville Ranch’s website:

“Our cattle are raised on 100% pure Kaua’i pasture. NO growth hormones nor antibiotics are used in our Brangus breed of cattle. They enjoy fresh green grass year-round and are raised between 24 and 30 months of age. Our cattle are handled with low stress and it shows in the flavor and quality of our beef.”

Wild brush grows rampant on the ranch, which is moved rather than chemically treated.

The “Brangus breed was developed to utilize the superior traits of Angus and Brahman cattle. Their genetics are stabilized at 3/8 Brahman and 5/8 Angus. This combination results in a breed which unites the traits of two highly successful parent breeds. The Brahman, through rigorous natural selection, developed disease resistance, overall hardiness, and outstanding maternal instincts. Angus is known for its superior carcass qualities. They are also extremely functional females, who excel in both fertility and milking ability.”

And then…there was the sea.

Curly explained that the cattle are rotated to other pastures every few weeks to allow time for the pasture to regenerate.  Careful attention and maintenance are exercised to reduce the growth of plants and grasses that tend to inhibit the healthy growth of good pastures, entirely without the use of chemicals.

What could be more perfect for devotees such as us with a desire to avoid the chemicals and toxic grains fed mainstream cattle? After all, if cattle are fed corn in their diet, used to “fatten” them, that same corn becomes a part of our digestive system and DNA when we consume it.

As we climbed to the highest point, the unpaved road was often steep. I sat in the front with Curly, easily hanging on through rough patches.
As an individual who entirely avoids consuming grains, starches, sugar, and gluten in any form, grass-fed meat becomes a necessary element in the maintenance and future development of good health.
Not only have we extolled the virtues of eating quality grass-fed meat, we have learned over the years to prepare it in a manner to ensure the finest flavor and tenderness. Tips for the preparation of grass-fed meat may be found at the American Grassfed Association at this link. It only takes a moment to review these easy tips to ensure a high-quality meal.
Views of cattle in one of the many pasture areas.
Our favorite is always the grass-fed burger, made without a bun. Defrosting the ground beef overnight in the refrigerator, we cook the burgers atop the stove in a pan prepared with a few tablespoons of organic extra virgin coconut oil.  Once heated, we saute the burgers, onions, and fresh garlic, seasoned to taste, only until it’s medium-rare, letting it rest for a few minutes when done to ensure distribution of the juices.
Cattle are scattered throughout the acreages, rotated every few weeks to allow the pastures to regrow.

When done, we top each burger with the sautéed onions, garlic, and pre-cooked slices of nitrate-free bacon, and of course, a thick slice of cheddar cheese. Adding a few slices of locally grown organic tomatoes and avocado, the meal is complete.  Actually, it’s one of our favorites.

Further shot of the above stupendous view.

As we bounced along the rough road with Curly in one of the ranch’s many off-road vehicles, our attention was drawn to the breathtaking scenery including a long-ago man-made lake (when the massive acreage was a sugar plantation developed in the 1800s by Gale’s ancestors).

Curly called this a Christmas berry tree, although it’s not Holly.

Adding the beauty of the surrounding vegetation-covered mountains and of course, the exquisite blue of the ocean at a distance as shown in our photos, we were humbled and in awe. 

Curly’s favorite cow, Sugar, is 16 years old and had a calf a few days ago.

As we stood atop the highest elevation on the 2500 acre Princeville Ranch, we found ourselves turning in one direction after another trying to absorb the scenery surrounding us, like nothing we’ve ever seen in our past travels.

Sugar’s calf was much smaller than she appears in this photo.

Our special thanks to Curly, Gale, and their family members for providing us with the opportunity to enhance our worldwide experiences with the divine tour of Princeville Ranch which we proudly share with our worldwide readers today.

Sugar, under the tree, and her new calf.

With more photos worthy of sharing than we can possibly post in one day, we’ll continue adding additional shots of the ranch over the next few days.

Back to you again soon!

Photo from one year ago today, March 25, 2014:

On a day tour outside the Medina, we visited the Jardin Marjorelle, a popular garden in the city of Marrakech. We were curious about this family of turtles lounging in the sun, yet close enough to take an occasional dip in the pond in the heat of the day. For details of part one of our two-part tour, please click here.

Photos keep comin’ and comin’ of these past weeks…Beautiful beaches…

Many of these photos were taken at varying times of day with varying cloud cover.

When my sister Julie visited us for eight days my goal had been to take her to see some of our favorite spots on the island many of which are within an hour’s drive of Princeville.

This couple strolled along the beach.

We’d discussed heading south to Lihue and then Poipu Beach. After Tom and I had visited the southern and western coast over my birthday spending a night at the Kauai Sheraton at Poipu Beach we’d been somewhat disappointed when dense clouds impeded viewing Waimea Canyon, a common occurrence.

The combination of lush greenery, water, and sand create a pleasant scene.

I wasn’t as excited to show her the southern part of the island when it was equally cloudy during most of her eight-day visit. After all, this is the rainy season in Kauai. Luckily, Julie wasn’t at all disappointed with the weather when the sun only managed to peek out on occasion. 

Often beaches are lines with trees proving shade for those beachgoers needing protection from the sun.

She agreed the day trip to the southern coast could better be accomplished the next time she visits Kauai and, after this exceptional visit, she’s certain she’ll return in the future, most likely without us. We still have a lot of world to see and returning to Kauai, as much as we love it, is not a part of our upcoming itinerary.

The “wet” tunnel at Tunnels Beach is not open for swimming.

Thus, by staying within an hour’s drive from our home, we visited many of the sights Tom and I had already explored. However, a repeat visit didn’t prevent either of us from taking many photos often on overcast days, often in the exact locations, I’d previously seen.

I had no concern about being bored seeing these same beaches, same overlooks, and the same scenery. As I’d mentioned in a previous post, when you love someone, nothing is more exciting than sharing a favorite scene or location. 

Kealia Beach in Kapaa. 

As a matter of fact, there this one spot as we approach Princeville on the Kuhio highway where there is the most beautiful forest of trees we’d ever seen. Sadly, there weren’t any available spots to stop to take a photo. The photo is either taken through the windshield or not at all.  Each time we’ve driven through this area, our mouths are agape in awe over the stunning views. The trees remind Tom and me of the flat-topped acacia trees in the Masai Mara where we were on safari almost 18 months ago.

A small area of the expansive Anina Beach which is our favorite.

I contemplated whether or not to post the photos of these same locations I again visited with Julie. However, with her skills as a TV producer and her keen eye, she presented a new perspective in her observations of the scenery, which I easily incorporated into my new photos. 

A view of Hanalei Bay from our area in Princeville.

Over the next several days we’ll be presenting the photos, although Tom and I will continue to visit new locations, photos from which we’ll soon be sharing. Today is the exact date that in two months (of the four months we’re spending in Kauai) that we’ll depart the Hawaiian Islands to head to Australia by cruise.

Kealia Beach as seen from the Kauai Path in Kapaa.

Plus, it was one year ago today that we began to post the “one year ago photo” at the end of each post to aid our new readers in “catching up.”

The beach in downtown Kapaa.

And yet, there hasn’t been a single day when I’ve struggled with what to post the next days, what photos to share, what stories to tell. The island of Kauai is a never-ending photographer’s paradise, even for a novice like me.

Swimmers are the Hanalei Beach on a cloudy day.

With an exciting tour scheduled today which was rained out last Friday, which we’ll share this week, we find ourselves excited for that which is yet to come on this glorious island.

Although most beaches in Kauai are sandy a few have areas are rocky.

Last night, we had another fabulous evening with new friends Brenda and Pat at yet another repeated experience, dinner at Bouchon in Hanalei Beach which proved to be another equally great dining experience for both food and service. We love consistency and we’d loved having the opportunity to share it with our new friends who’d yet to try the restaurant.

Have a tremendous Tuesday!

                                             Photo from one year ago today, March 24, 2014:

We chose not to ride in one of these horse-driven buggies.  It saddened us to see the horses working in the extreme heat and some suffering from injuries.  As a result, we walked everywhere we wanted to go, such as to the pharmacy, the ATM, and restaurants in the Medina. Madam Zahra purchased food and prepared all of our meals leaving us little need to grocery shop other than for nuts for snacking. Once every few weeks, we hired a taxi to take us to the closest grocery store at a cost of approximately $15 round trip. We weren’t interested in the pricey nuts in the carts in the Medina after seeing them sitting out all day in the heat of the sun, surrounded by flies.  Those from the grocery store were reasonably priced and fresh. For details, please click here.

A visit to the Princeville Artisan Fair…Showcasing local artists….Getting along…

In the event of rain, the various outdoor vendors had tents under which they displayed their products.

Why in the world would we go to an artisan fair when most of the products they sell are either for the home, clothing, or jewelry, none of which we can or will purchase in our travels?

Without room in our luggage for one more item nor having a home in which to hang a painting or photo, none of the products in these types of fairs are suitable for us.

In some cases, vendors fear photos being taken of the products to avoid the copying of their unique designs.

However, over these past 29 months of traveling the world, we’ve attended a number of these types of events out of curiosity and for an opportunity to highlight a local artist or vendor. With our huge and growing worldwide readership, it’s an opportunity for a vendor to have a little more exposure.

As a business owner for most of my career, I certainly appreciate the importance of marketing and advertising.  As in the case of this website, we don’t accept any money or gifts in place of a good review, a product, or mention of any skilled craft. 

Jake, with a vendor, seemed to be enjoying the attention from passersby, including me.

However, on many occasions, we’ve highlighted local shops, restaurants, vacation homes, and vendors as a way of giving back for the blissful experience of traveling the world as we do. From time to time, we’ve received feedback stating this exposure has proved to be beneficial for them in one way or another.

Today, we’re showcasing a few vendors we encountered at yesterday afternoon’s Princeville Artisan Fair which occurs at the Princeville Community Center on the fourth Sunday of every month from 1 to 6 pm. Here’s an article from the local newspaper, TGI, The Garden Island with details about the fair.

Colorful fabrics with Hawaiian patterns are often found in various sarongs, scarfs, and dresses.

Although Tom has little interest in looking at merchandise we have no intention of purchasing, he decided to join me to ensure I got a parking spot, a kindness he employs on a regular basis, always looking out for my convenience. He drops me off, then drives around looking for a spot. In this case, the closest possible spot opened up as we pulled in and we chuckled. 

He had the choice of sitting in the car or wandering about with me. He chose the latter. But, leave it up to Tom to find a great spot to sit for people watching, and within minutes he and another retiree were busily engaged in idle chatter.

I was fascinated with this handloom this vendor was using in making scarfs, shawls, and wraps. It looked like to fun activity that I’d have enjoyed in my old life. Unfortunately, I’d never have room for such a loom in my luggage. The quality of the work was exceptional.  For more information, click here for Skywoven’s website.

He never rushes me at such venues; shops, fairs, and farmer’s markets. He waits patiently, never making me feel rushed or worried that he’s waiting. On the other hand, I’m sensitive to the fact that he’s waiting, inspiring me not to take a moment longer than necessary.

I suppose this mentality is one of the many reasons we get along so well and our travels are filled with pleasure, not only getting along but getting along lovingly. That’s us.

Skywoven‘s finished products were beautiful. 

Off I went to explore both the grounds of the Princeville Community Center which had myriad tents and displays set up not too far from the building and then, inside the building which housed some of the smaller displays. 

This vendor, Kauai Curators specialized in shell-made leis and various pieces of jewelry of what appeared to be scrimshaw. This artist was so busy, I didn’t have an opportunity to compliment them on their work.

It appeared that 80% of the visitors were seniors like us and the remainder, tourists with families, some with dogs and young children. We easily blended into the welcoming environment as has been the case in every activity in which we’ve participated here in Princeville. The people are friendly and quick to say hello.

This vendor, Rooster Exotic Woods, specializes in utilizing the local wood of the islands including but not limited to Koa wood to make a variety of products as shown here and in the photo below.

In reality, if a senior chose to live in Princeville as a single person or as a widow or widower having lost a spouse or significant other, of which there are many in this area, there would be no lack of social activities providing them opportunities to make friends and to feel a part of the community. 

More wood products from Rooster Exotic Woods.

The only difficult aspect to this scenario is taking that first step to engage in conversation and if all goes well, to encourage a future get-together. We find this to be the case even for us as a couple. 

Pottery design and manufacture is the product of this vendor, Love Fate Studios

Both last night and again tonight, we are out to dinner with two separate couples Tom has met across the street at the ocean lookout. He took to the initiative to start up or participate in conversation which ultimately led to finding the commonality of interests. From there, gradually plans were made to get together out to dinner.

Mugs and pots from Love Fate Studios. Some of the vendors didn’t have websites, which we encouraged them to develop in order to enhance their visibility and subsequent sales.

Last night’s dinner was with Cheryl and Paul from Minnesota (coincidence) at Kalypso, a reasonably priced bar and restaurant located in the heart of the town of Hanalei. 

Us old-timers had to maneuver carefully when walking on these tree roots in the display area, often found on trails in Kauai. No point in spraining an ankle or breaking a leg.

It proved to be a highly enjoyable evening for all of us. The food and service were acceptable and at under $50 with tip and drinks for each couple, it was one of the better-priced meals in this otherwise pricey area. 

The entrance to the community center’s building where recently Tom and I had attended a party for seniors.

With the high degree of a delightful conversation, I failed to take photos of our food but, our meals were similar to other such restaurants we’ve visited in Kauai thus far.

These hibiscus located at the Princeville Community Center are the largest we’ve seen. They are the size of a cantaloupe.

Tonight, we’ve invited Brenda and Pat for pu pu happy hour at our place. Then, we’re off together in their car to Hanalei once again to the same restaurant we visited last week with Julie and Richard, Bouchon’s. 

The food and service at Bouchon’s Grill and Sushi Bar warranted a positive review at TripAdvisor for which I received a pleasant response to our review from the owner. If you’d like to read our review and the owner’s response, please click here.

This vendor had adorable handmade cards on display but no business cards or website to promote their sales.

Today’s a sunny day and once I’ve uploaded today’s post we’re heading to the Makai Club’s pool. Each time we visit, we find ourselves enjoying the company of even more people, whether tourists staying at St. Regis or Westin Hotels which provide access to the Makai Club, or locals, like our friend Richard who uses the pool and fitness center for a fee as we’ve done these past months.

Happy Monday! Spring is in the air.

                                             Photo from one year ago today, March 23, 2014:

It wasn’t always the best quality of products and often items were “knockoffs” of brand names but, the tourists gathered around displays such as this anxious to negotiate great prices. For details from that date as we counted the days until we’d see our family in Hawaii in December, please click here.

Visitors to our home over past few days…Human kind, that is…

With all the rain these past days, its been easy to spot the waterfalls.

Our condo, although perfect for the two of us, is not ideal for entertaining guests. With the bedroom located at the end of the main living area and the dining table at the other end, it could be a bit awkward having guests.

But, with our easy attitude about not fussing over details in our daily lives, we welcome whoever crosses the door of our temporary home no matter where we live including here in Kauai.

Today there’s a bit of sunshine.  Yesterday, the mountains were covered in thick clouds and vog (volcanic smoke and fog).
Tom, friendly sort that he is, has met several people across the street at the lookout, where he wanders several times per day to whale watch. Not only is the walk back and forth good for him but, he has the fabulous opportunity to meet new people, two couples of which he’s invited over in the past several days either to meet me and/or get out of the pouring rain.

Most often the couples he meets at the looking are leaving soon. How wonderful it would be that they were staying for longer periods like us. But, for however long we make the acquaintance of others, our lives are enriched in many ways.

The morning before Julie departed we took one last trip to the overlook of Hanalei Bay.

When we first arrived in Kauai over two months ago, we met another fabulous couple, Vicki and Jerry, on the beach in Hanalei spending the entire afternoon together. We engaged in lively conversation finding our lives parallel in many ways in their diverse travel experience and the manner in which they relish the quality of their lives. 

Here’s the link to that day’s post in Hanalei with Vicki and Jerry, with photos of all of us.

Cloudy days have a certain appeal in Kauai.

We’ve been very fortunate to continue meeting many people here in Kauai. Although many leave for their other homes in other locations, we find ourselves entrenched in ongoing social activities, many attributable to Richard who has taken on the role of our personal social director and now, a lifelong friend. 

Every week Richard seems to pop up with another new plan to enhance our social calendar which we’ve yet to refuse to participate in; dinner parties, full moon parties, house parties, local senior events, and of course, his charming companionship of which we never tire.

I never tire of taking photos of the beautiful African Tulips.

The only other place we’d lived in these past 29 months that has afforded us so much social activity was Marloth Park, South Africa, where the human-kind visitors were as plentiful as the animal-kind. 

Now, here in Kauai, the animal visitors are limited to whale and dolphin watching and the birds, the glorious Laysan albatross, and of course, the endless array of other birds who’s photos we’ve posted regularly. 

After spending considerable time trying to figure out every type of pod growing on trees in Kauai, I’ve given up. It appears that many such pods simple bloom into the leaves of the various trees.  Now with spring in the air, I may be able to determine otherwise and prove myself wrong.

Kauai is not ripe with wildlife other than avian and marine types. Our friends Bev and Sam have told us many stories about the feral pigs in Kauai invading their property and the complex measures they’ve found necessary to implement to reduce their invasion.

Yes, we do miss the abundance of wildlife in Africa and we always will, hoping someday to return. In the meantime, we’re content with the abundance of the human-kind and of course, the growing albatross chicks down the road which we check on every few days. 

Tomorrow, we’ll begin preparing our tax stuff for our accountant in Nevada, a task I’ve put off for far too long.  It’s the one thing I tend to procrastinate over, year after year. Otherwise, I’m “johnnie on the spot” on other such tedious responsibilities. 

Look at the size of this Laysan albatross chick! They are growing fast.  Every few days we drive to the neighborhood to see their progress. Oftentimes, the chicks are left alone for many days while the parents head out to sea for food returning to regurgitate a huge portion for the chicks. As the chicks get fatter and fatter, they are easily able to survive on their fat for water and sustenance until their mom and dad return.

As soon as I complete and upload the post on Monday morning, I’ll start compiling the necessary components to piece the tax stuff altogether, ugh! I commend those of you who are ahead of this painstaking process each year. 

Once it’s completed, I’ll feel free to return to joining Tom in our endless pursuit of “where do we go next.” This, dear readers, is a task filled with pure joy and adventure.

Happy Sunday! 

                                           Photo from one year ago today, March 22, 2014:

The maze-like structures of the souks in the Big Square never ceased to be confusing. Walking to the far edges of the souks, it was only Tom’s great sense of direction that enabled us to find our way back to our house located “smack dab” in the center of the Jemaa el Fna souk, one of the most famous souks in the world. For details, please click here.

Julie’s last moments in Kauai…Tender…Touching…Terrific…A brilliant sunset!…

Oh, sun, what you do to us in our perpetual pursuit of the perfect sunset.

Yesterday, Julie and I returned to several of her favorite spots before she had to leave for the airport to return to her home in Los Angeles, California.  We revisited several of her favorite spots; the town on Hanalei for another sushi roll at the fish market behind Dolphin restaurant; a visit to see the Laysan albatross chicks and their parents; a stop at the overlook on the road to Hanalei.

A view of few tide pools from the grounds of the condos across the street.

She went with me on her last trip to the Princeville Center to the Foodland grocery store to buy ingredients to make a pu pu to share for tonight’s movie night at Bev and Sam’s home.  It will be the last movie night for us with our pending upcoming departure in two months.

Hideaway’s Beach at dusk.

A trip to Foodland became a laugh fest for Julie and I with the parking lot always filled with hens, chicks and roosters scurrying about hoping for a crumb from shoppers and diners from the various nearby cafes and restaurants. 

In a good spot to see the sunset, we couldn’t help but relish this view.

We laughed a lot about the chickens which are found everywhere one goes in Kauai, whether the parking lot at a market, a farmer’s market, a roadside stand, the sand at the beach or on the side of the road as one drives in any direction.

Although some locals protest over their annoyance, most are tolerant and some even find them endearing as we do.  Their constant presence is another reason for Kauai’s charm, found in every direction, down every road.

What a view!

To add to Julie’s final day, I made a dinner of corned beef and cabbage which I’d hoped to make on St. Patrick’s Day when instead we went out to dinner, the three of us and friend Richard.  With her flight not until 10:00 pm, it all worked out well.

A week ago, Foodland had offered a coupon that could be used for a free uncooked corned beef, you know, the one in the plastic with the little packet of spices along with a head of cabbage.  Of course, I used my “accumulated points” on my rewards card for the corned beef and head of cabbage.

Every Friday evening around sunset, we can see Norwegian’s Pride of America at over a mile from shore, as it passes on it’s week long cruise throughout all of the Hawaiian Islands.

When Julie and I returned from the grocery store, we noticed extra pairs of shoes outside our door upon entering.  Opening the door we saw Tom sitting at our dining table with a couple he’d met across the street at the lookout when he was whale watching, somewhat of an obsession he’s taken up this past months.

There sat Cheryl and Paul, a lovely couple, a bit younger than us, who by coincidence were also from Minnesota.  Tom had invited them over when pelting rain suddenly poured from the sky as they all were whale watching.

Yesterday, it rained most of the day and dark clouds were still looming.

The lively conversation was easy to step into.  They stayed for another hour as we exchanged email addresses hoping to be in touch before they leave in another week.  How funny!  My hubby “picking up” a lovely couple and bringing them home in the rain.  That’s my guy!

Adding to last night’s dinner was the leftover homemade German Chocolate cake that both Julie and Tom savored over a few days.  I also included those giant Grands biscuits, a treat for Julie and Tom, boiled potatoes and rainbow carrots cooked in the pot during the last 90 minutes. 

As the sun makes it’s final descent.  Its hard to believe how quickly the sunset disappears from sight.

We savored the dinner at 6:00 pm to ensure Julie had plenty of time for last minute details and for us to take a quick trip across the road to see the sunset from the grounds of the condo complex.  This explains today’s sunset photos.

A stunning view of Holes 6 and 7 at the Makai Golf Course that overlooks the ocean.

Saying goodbye to Julie we wondered when we’d see each other again when our plans include two years in the South Pacific, a very long distance from the US.  I held back the tears in an effort to stay strong for my younger sister (eight years), but she succumbed, sad and bereft over what the future holds as to when we’ll see each other once again.

A long Kolea bird on the grass at our feet.

I’ve often reminded her that on occasion with her living in Los Angeles and us in Minnesota, there were many periods of time that we wouldn’t see each other for a few years, staying in close touch by phone as we do now.  But, she says, that’s different.  We’ll be so far away.  We understand.  Its the nature of our lives.

Shortly after taking the above photos, Tom quickly drove us over to his favorite lookout spot when we got these final shot.  We don’t know the guy in this photo.

Now, Tom and I are settled back into our easy routine, firmly ensconced in our pleasant day to day lives, free of stress and worry, filled with the joy of our exquisite current surroundings and possessing a twinkle in our eyes of what is yet to come.

Moments later, darkness fell and we wandered back indoors.

Today, we’ll clean our condo and I’ll make our pu pu for tonight, a apricot almond Brie en croute with a variety of crackers.  Its nothing I can eat but perhaps a bite of last night’s leftovers of tender corned beef, cabbage and carrots will be on the menu before we head out the door.

Its Saturday night!  Enjoy!

Photo from one year ago today, March 21, 2014:

As we’ve traveled the world, we’ve made a point of watching movies about the country in which we’re living.  A year ago living in Morocco, we watched one of my favorite movies, Casablanca which was a first for Tom.  For details from that date, please click here.

Today, the vernal equinox for the Northern Hemisphere….Super moon and solar eclipse to boot! How weather and seasons determine our itinerary…

I took this photo a few minutes ago from our lanai. It’s been raining overnight and the waterfalls on the mountains are clearly visible. What a beautiful site!

Weather and seasons hold a tremendous significance for us in our world travels. Today, the first official day of spring is described as follows from the famous “Farmers Almanac” a reliable source of information used for the past over 200 years after its onset in 1792:

“Astronomically speaking, the March equinox occurs when the Sun crosses the celestial equator on its way north along the ecliptic.  In the Northern Hemisphere, the March equinox is known as the vernal, or spring, equinox, and marks the start of the spring season.

In the Southern Hemisphere, this equinox is known as the autumnal, or fall, equinox and marks the start of the fall season; the vernal equinox for the Southern Hemisphere occurs in September.
The March equinox happens at the same moment across the world, but is converted to local time. In 2015, it falls on March 20 at 6:45 P.M. EDT, 5:45 P.M. CDT, 4:45 P.M. MDT, and 3:45 P.M. PDT, for example.

Meteorologically speaking, however, in the Northern Hemisphere the official spring season always begins on March 1 and continues through May 31. Summer begins on June 1; autumn, September 1; and winter, December 1.

Weather scientists divide the year into quarters this way to make it easier to compare seasonal and monthly statistics from one year to the next. The meteorological seasons are based on annual temperature cycles rather than on the position of Earth in relation to the Sun, and they more closely follow the Gregorian calendar. Using the dates of the astronomical equinoxes and solstices for the seasons would present a statistical problem because these dates can vary slightly each year.”

On top of the vernal equinox is tonight’s super moon, as quoted from this website containing more information, EarthSky at this link:

“On March 20 – the same date as the 2015 March equinox – the moon turns new only 14 hours after reaching lunar perigee – moon’s closest point to Earth in its orbit. Thus, this moon is a supermoon – at the new phase – not visible in our sky, but having a larger-than-average effect on Earth’s oceans. Plus, this new supermoon swings right in front of the equinox sun on March 20, so that the moon’s shadow falls on parts of Earth. Follow the links below to learn more.”

Total eclipse of the sun on November 11, 2012. Image via NASA
Eclipse photo courtesy of NASA.

As we peruse upcoming options for various gaps in our schedule, seasons and their weather patterns are a tremendous factor in where we decide to go. With our upcoming two years, most of which is currently scheduled, we’ve begun to contemplate how we’ll fill a 67-day gap from June 26 to September 1, 2016.

As we inch closer to this gap which seemed so long away just a short time ago, we begin to start reviewing our options. This is the gap between our two bookings in Bali, Indonesia for the house we wanted for four months total, in two increments of two months each, the maximum allowable time for a visa in that country.

This morning as the sun was attempting to peek out between the cloud cover.

Looking at a map as to where we could easily and quickly fly from Bali, there are numerous options at affordable fares. However, the weather is a factor. If we go back to Australia, we’d have to stay in the northern part of the continent to avoid the colder south with temperatures in the near-freezing range, not appealing to us.

As much as we’d like to return to New Zealand to the south island, the weather is definitely a consideration, when it tends to be cooler there most of the time based on its southern proximity. 

All of these factors weigh heavily as we contemplate our next bookings. Any suggestions from our readers would be greatly appreciated, keeping in mind wherever we go we’d like to stay in one property and, prefer warm weather. Feel free to email or post a comment or suggestion at the end of today’s post. 
Julie had the triple crab cake sandwiches on sweet Hawaiian bread.

Julie leaves tonight. We’ve so enjoyed the time together for the three of us and for she and I alone, sisters sharing great memories, private thoughts and hopes, and dreams, as sisters often do. I’m truly blessed to have my two sisters. As the one in the middle, Julie eight years younger than I, and Susan, four years older, we’ve always stayed in close touch and have been there for one another.

Yesterday, Julie and I had a delicious lunch at the Princeville Westin. This was my bacon burger which included a small side salad.

Tom and I will settle back into our easy pleasant lifestyle filled with social activities (more tomorrow night), sightseeing, visits to the club, and hanging out frequently with our dear friend Richard, our personal social director.

We still have many photos yet to share of my tours with Julie over these past eight days. Please check back for more.

Have a rewarding weekend beginning on this first day of spring.

                                            Photo from one year ago today, March 20, 2014:

We still laugh over our faux pas. On our way out to lunch, we approached the guard at this interesting building asking if we could look inside. The guards said, “No Madam, this is the palace of the king.” For details from this date, please click here.

A night out on the town…Dinner for four…Fun times…People photos at last!…

Julie and I, happy to be together at long last. The last time we saw her was when she came to San Diego on January 3, 2013, to see us off on the ship, our first trip outside the US on our year’s long journey. Now, here we are together again, 26 months later.

Hoping for a reprieve from cooking, we decided dinner out for Tom, Julie and I and friend Richard on St. Patrick’s Day was a perfect idea. Meeting at Bubba’s Burgers in downtown Hanalei, we wandered across the street to Bouchons Grill, an establishment with mixed reviews at TripAdvisor.

My sister Julie was ready for her Mai Tai.

We are not unlike other diners, at times throwing the mediocre reviews in the wind and going for ambiance and fun atmosphere over exquisite dining. With my way of eating, quality ingredients are my choice over fancy sauces and multi-ingredients recipes and courses. 

Richard was ready to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with us.

Although we’d have loved for Julie to experience highly-rated local restaurants, we knew she wouldn’t enjoy herself, nor would Tom or Richard if there was nothing on the menu that worked for me. At Bouchons it not only worked out well for me, but the others as well, enjoying good fresh food at reasonable prices.

Tom and Richard toasting on St. Patrick’s Day.

With Kobe beef on the menu, I opted for a burger, cooked medium, atop a salad of fresh greens which was delicious. Tom had the teriyaki chicken and ribs, Julie had their house special which is always fish and chips and, Richard devoured the macadamia encrusted mahi-mahi. 

Nothing like Mai Tai’s for three to start the night.

Added to their luscious looking Mai Tai’s and my perfectly prepared unsweetened iced tea, we were happy diners with the over-the-top-service and playful atmosphere in the open-air dining establishment, more often frequented by tourists than locals from what we could determine. Richard said he’d never tried this restaurant after many years on the island.

Richard had the macadamia nut encrusted mahi-mahi with roasted potatoes and mango salsa. 

Arriving at 6:45, we had no trouble getting a table. By 7:30, it was packed.  Whether it was due to St. Patrick’s Day celebrations or usual circumstances in a busy tourist season, we had no idea. Surely, Tom and I will return at least once more before we leave the island in a little over two months.

Julie had the house special, fish, and chips, which she said had a light batter, wasn’t greasy, and tasted “fantastic.”

Since it was son Richard’s birthday, we decided to let friend Richard represent son Richard’s birthday. After dinner, he enjoyed a  slice of frozen chocolate mint birthday cake with three forks included in today’s photos.

The total bill for four with drinks, dessert, and a generous tip was a total of $140, not bad for a popular tourist town like Hanalei or anywhere on the island for that matter. What impressed me the most was the special care our waiter took attending to my order. In reality, my diet causes little fussing;  meat without added starches or sugar, greens, and vegetables without sauce.  Easy. 

Tom had the teriyaki chicken and ribs, fries, and a small side salad.  He too said his meal was delicious.
Often I order a little cup of mayonnaise for dipping which seems to have no ill effects. He was right on the ball, checking back to ensure everything was perfect. It’s this kind of service that inspires us to return to a restaurant along with fresh food served hot and flavorful. It’s not a lot to ask and yet seems to be a challenge for some establishments throughout the world.  

Last night, Wednesday, we were invited to new friends Bev and Sam’s beautiful home for dinner. It was a potluck as is often the case here in the islands with the outrageous costs for food.  We love that concept and I enjoyed cooking and bringing our share. Also, I baked Julie’s favorite cake German Chocolate which I’d always made for her on her birthday in years past.

Here’s my grilled Kobe beef burger atop a bed of fresh greens. I swapped the salad dressing on the right for the mayo when I detected sugar in it. Few salad dressings work for my way of eating.

There was no way I was keeping that cake away from Tom when this is also his favorite. To keep them both happy, I made a double batch, leaving a cake at home for them to devour over the next few days. They’ll have no trouble accomplishing this feat when I just noticed Tom cutting himself a lofty piece for breakfast when he usually has this low carb egg thing I make in case he’s hungry. 

We had a lovely evening with Bev and Sam in their gorgeous comfortable home. Julie, having won an Emmy Award for producing the PBS TV series, “Gardens of the World” with Audrey Hepburn years ago, was pleased to have Bev give her the tour of their exquisite gardens. Most recently, Julie was one of the producers on another TV series, America Now with Leeza Gibbons. See photo below.

Julie on the left on the production set with production associate Dana, Lulu (singer, “To Sir with Love”), Leeza Gibbons, former co-host of a syndicated news show, America Now, (and recent winner of Celebrity Apprentice).

As I watched him take out the egg thing from the refrigerator (I made a new batch yesterday), I almost saw the light bulb go off in his head when he remembered the cake. He put the square of the egg dish back into the container and back into the refrigerator with a smile on his face as he cut off a piece of the cake. In a funny way, I was happy to see him enjoy a treat for a change when otherwise, he meticulously dines “my way” when we dine in (not so much when dining out).

Sadly, tomorrow night Julie leaves. Its been wonderful having her here with us. Luckily, there have been a few sunny days during her stay and she’s been able to lounge on the beach as well as see many of the local sights, many more of which we’ve yet to share here.

In a few months, we’ll be far away making it difficult for anyone to visit us. It’s a long way from Australia to the US, a 21 hour time difference from where we are now in Hawaii, a 16 hour time difference from central time in the US mainland. The world is a big place and we’ve yet to explore the “tip of the iceberg.”  Oh yes, we plan to go there too.

                                               Photo from one year ago today, March 19, 2014:

This was the only photo we posted on this date, one year ago. Stepping on grates is hazardous and we posted this as a reminder to other travelers to stay off of these. Attempting to recover from the intestinal illness I’d had since our first meal in a restaurant in Morocco, I succumbed, almost three weeks later,  to beginning a dose of Cipro which much to our delight started working within hours. What a relief! For details from that date, please click here.

What’s Kuhio Road all about?…Touring the island continue to please our visitor…

Apparently, a visitor was killed on this beach at the end of Anina Beach, a desirable beach only 15 minutes from Princeville. This was sad to see.

Kauai doesn’t have many highways and certainly nothing that remotely appears to be a freeway. Once we exit the planned community of Princeville, we have the option of heading to the right on Kuhio Highway, which continues past Hanalei until the road ends at Ke’e Beach on the Napali Coast where we spotted the Hawaiian monk sea

Tom and I had seen this “wet cave” as we neared the end of the road in the Napali Coast. Swimmers aren’t allowed to enter this cave.

Or, if we turn to the left at Kuhio Highway, we can continue on to Lihue where the airport is located and then on to one of a few highways that continue through Poipu at the southern tip on the map, ultimately heading to the west where again, the road ends.

Of course, there are many side roads entering residential areas, farms, ranches with much of the island consisting of undeveloped areas, including beaches, mountains, valleys, and hills.

The rip currents in many of the beaches are dangerous resulting in the death of a tourist almost every day, based on news reports.

If one were to drive from the top north, west of Princeville to the far southwest, it may take less than three hours providing road construction and traffic is at a minimum. That’s how small this island really is. 

The huge waves also pose a risk for swimmers who may not be familiar with navigating the currents. Even experienced swimmers and surfers fall prey to these risks.

Reality dictates that driving through many of the small towns along the way results in numerous delays, especially in the resort towns. Let’s face it, with the gorgeous beaches on this island, most towns along the coast are in fact resort towns.

It was overcast and cloudy when Julie and I visited this beach.

In yesterday’s post, we described mine and Julie’s visit to the town of Kapaa as shown on the map on the east coast near the center. It took 30 minutes to get to Kapaa. Had we driven further south for another 15 minutes, we have made it to Lihue.

There are hundreds of varieties of trees on the island.

After Tom and I traveled almost the full perimeter of the island on February 19th, we both agree that we’ve especially enjoyed the north and east coasts of the island, as opposed to the south beyond Poipu. 

The cliffs at Tunnels Beach on the way to the Napali Coast.

Although the southern area of the island has numerous attractions suitable for adventure-minded visitors and those seeking beautiful scenery, there’s hardly a spot on the island that isn’t scenic. Even on the interior of the island, exquisite scenery is available at every turn.

We stopped at a local Farmer’s Market on the way to Kapaa a few days ago. We purchased a root of turmeric, a huge bunch of Swiss chard, two huge bunches of green beans, and an enormous avocado, all organic and non-GMO.

By the time we depart Kauai in a little over two months, without a doubt, we feel we’ll have seen most of which is suitable for our type of exploration, excluding what remains of the exceedingly rough terrain desired by adept and experienced hikers, which doesn’t include us.

We always try to buy from local farmers as much as possible.  A few days ago we went to the local Princeville gas station where on the inside they sell grass-fed beef at excellent prices from the Princeville Ranch. On Friday, we’re touring the ranch with the owner, hoping the share photos and the story of farming grass-fed beef in  Kauai.

We’ve definitely experienced some rough terrain but, with our desire to avoid injuries, we’ve kept those types of treks to a minimum. With nightly reports on the news, almost every night we hear of tourists succumbing to serious injury or death on many of the dangerous trails being swept away into the ocean at various points of interest, such as at the Queen’s Bath which we recently visited.

As for Julie and me, we continue to scour the north and east side of the island easily keeping us busy each day.  She loves the beaches and has also taken off a few times on her own to explore and lounge on a beach to relax and read a book while I’ve stayed behind take care of household tasks, grocery shop, prepare meals, workout and work on photos and the next day’s post. 

Many popular beaches are in a covered area, providing some protection for the swimmers.

Today, we’re off to Kilauea to finally visit the lighthouse. On several occasions Tom and I have stopped by, yet to actually take the tour when the lines were too long. Julie and I are determined to wait it out until we get in. Hopefully, we’ll return tomorrow with photos from the actual tour.

Tonight, we’re dinner guests of our new friends Bev and Sam whose property we toured on “movie night” a few weeks ago, posting many photos of their amazing property a day later. They’ve since invited the three of us for an evening at their home. We’re looking forward to a wonderful evening!

Have a fulfilling “hump day.”

                                            Photo from one year ago today, March 18, 2014:

The tourists usually arrive on Thursdays and Fridays to spend the weekend shopping in the souks and dining in the Big Square (the Medina). For details from that date, please click here.

More to see, new and old…The wonder of it all never disappoints…Happy St. Patrick’s Day to those who celebrate…HB RL!!

Plumeria growing on a sparse tree.  Spring is in the air.

Recently, Julie and I have visited many locations I’d already seen with Tom. Kauai is not a huge island, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised when I’ve been equally ecstatic to see these points of interest yet another time. 

We arrived in Kapaa town around noon. After stopping at the local health food store to restock almond flour, the cashier explained that this resort across the street was definitely worthy of a visit and bite to eat. She was right in her assessment. The resort has great reviews on TripAdvisor.
The entrance to the resort was totally empty when we entered, although we saw guests by the pool, in the restaurant, and walking on the paths.

Never bored for a moment, my eyes peruse the same beaches, same scenes, and same popular spots with a renewed curiosity as to what I may have missed last time. And of course, we’ve discovered new spots as shown in today’s photos.

The beach at the resort is easy to access and pristine.

On each occasion, something new was to be discovered, to be photographed, with a totally different perspective. It’s funny how excited we can become showing someone we love, something we love. Over these past days, soon to end, we’ve seen a lot.

The resort’s grounds include easy walking paths parallel to the shoreline.

On Friday night, a mere three days from today, Julie returns to Los Angeles to an entirely different world, a world to which I no longer connect, nor have I for 50 years. 

Seating provided at the beach for resort guests.

I grew up in Long Beach, California, which is as far removed from my reality as anyplace I can imagine. The traffic, the people, the cost of living (Julie says not unlike here in Hawaii) is something I can’t imagine we’d ever want in our lives again.

The food in the Oasis restaurant at the resort was delicious according to Julie. Her lunch of fish taco was prepared perfectly and fresh. Unfortunately, there wasn’t one item on the menu that worked for me and I wasn’t hungry enough to ask for special modifications. I ordered an iced tea and was content to be with my sister as we looked out at the sea.

Looking back at the rush hour traffic, the long lines, the crowds, we now realize that living in any big city in the US or, outside the US, is not a life for us after living this simple life in the world in more remote locations, always anticipating a move to yet another exciting location.

A Kolea bird, common along the shoreline.

We can only work at good health and hope and pray that it will provide us with the opportunity to continue on in our travels for many years to come. We accept that not worrying about it is our best option, in actuality our only option.  Worry only creates bad health, not improves it. We both choose not to worry. 

More walking paths in the Waipouli  Beach Resort and Spa.

Sure, from time to time we suffer from maladies which even my diligent way of eating, which greatly reduces inflammation, cannot defer. We each have a few age-related issues that at any point could immobilize us. 

The pool’s waterfall.

With our healthy way of eating, staying active, walking a lot, exercising (me, only), and maintaining an upbeat attitude, we hope we can hold off the ravages of bad health commensurate with old age for a few years, extending the quality of life well into our 80s, 90s and more. God willing (or your choice of a higher power, or not).

A portion of the pool with a waterfall. 

Today is St. Patrick’s Day and a part of the world celebrates this day with merriment and celebration. Today is also eldest son’s birthday and that has always superseded St. Patrick’s Day in my mind on this particular date.  Happy birthday, Richard! We’re thinking of you with love and good wishes.

Beautiful beaches never disappoint.

Please bear with us over the next many days, in that we’re sharing new photos of places we may have shared in the past, considering the new eyes that beheld them with a renewed degree of excitement and awe.

Even on cloudy days, one will always find beachgoers, hoping for a bit of sunshine.  Often, the clouds clear, if only for a short while.

The world is an amazing place. We find that wherever we may be, there is always a treasure to behold right before us, whether big or small, scary, or gentle for which, we are always eternally grateful.

Have a safe playful day!

                                              Photo from one year ago today, March 17, 2014:

It was one year ago today, that we decided to stay put. The intestinal virus I’d acquired from the salad in the first few days in March upon arriving in Marrakech had gotten the best of me. It was time to begin taking the Cipro which I tried to avoid for weeks.  Getting weaker by the day, I began taking the antibiotic which began working in less than a few hours. For details from this date, please click here.