Today is our 30th wedding anniversary…And the sightings continue…

In front of God’s Window in South Africa. Photo taken in March 2013.

Kathy and Don are on their flight from Johannesburg to Mpumalanga/Nelspruit/Kruger. They will go grocery shopping at Woolies in Nelspruit and then make their way to Marloth Park. We will likely not see them for several days so that they can rest and recover from the long journey.

I just texted Kathy that when we visit over the next few months, until they leave in May, we will bring our food, including our meat and sides, and a large salad to share. We won’t need her to make starters of side dishes, especially since we are both watching our weight. In South Africa, it’s traditional for guests to bring their drinks.

It’s been a busy past few days as we’ve unpacked and organized our stuff, done laundry and finally, opened the several bins Louise had stored for us for almost two years. It was like Christmas opening those bins filled with kitchen supplies, gadgets, and spices we’d left behind.

Mongooses are playful and adorable.

Also, we had a black tote filled with clothes we’d left behind, some summer and some winter. After all, we’d been here for several years, accumulating more than we ever dared to carry due to weight restrictions. Once we leave here in September, we will give  Vusi and Zef and their families the overflow clothing, and we’ll give the kitchen products to Louise for her many holiday rentals.

Unloading all the containers took the better part of the day. This morning, Vusi picked up the tote of clothes to be washed, dried, and folded. Of course, I advised Vusi there was no rush. After all, we haven’t had those clothes for two years and won’t miss a thing.

This was only a part of their “band.” When we made a clicking sound, many more came into the garden.

It felt good to get everything done, and we could relax and enjoy the weekend. Tonight, we’ll head to Jabula for dinner and to celebrate our 30th anniversary among friends. Last night, again, I didn’t get much sleep, waking up at 2:30 am and never going back to sleep. I tried breathing and relaxation techniques, but nothing allowed me to drift off. Maybe a nap will be on the agenda today so I’ll be perky for our night out.

Look at them! They are on a frenzy, getting to the meat we tossed to them.

We thought it may take a few days to see a steady stream of wildlife visitors, but no more than a few hours after our arrival, they were “hoofing it” over to our veranda when they saw us. We recognized some of them, but no Norman yet. I continue to wait for his return with his family.

When they’d devoured the paloney and chicken scraps, a few came to the door, wondering where we were when we were sitting at the table on the veranda.

Tom set up the trail cam, and there were only these two blurry photos from last night when a few giraffes walked across our garden (they call it a “yard or backyard,” here a garden). Undoubtedly, one day soon, we will see them lumbering across the terrain.

No, you can’t go into the house, as tempting as that may be. We shooed them away.

We were thrilled to see the many mongooses return to hang out with us. We made our familiar clicking sound and more came running from deep in the bush ready to partake in cubes of cut paloney roll and leftover chicken bones from last night’s dinner. They are funny little critters with lots of personality and endless antics. Enjoy the photos!

Can you see the giraffe near the center of this trail cam photo?
Here is another giraffe, taken with the trail cam, in the right in this photo.

Have a wonderful weekend and be well!

Photos from ten years ago today, March 7, 2015:

Our anniversary photo from March 2013, the night we were injured on the collapsed steps in Belize. Gosh, we were tan. We don’t tan anymore. For more, please click here.

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