Nassau, Bahamas…Final day of the cruise…USA, we’re almost there…

The stunning view from the ship as we approached Nassau, Bahamas.

Today, our ship is docked in Nassau, Bahamas. We’ve both been here many times and have little interest in getting off the ship. At this point, we’re busy online making arrangements for the time we’ll spend in the US, including time spent with family and friends.

View of hotels along the beach in Nassau, Bahamas.

With many family members to see in Minnesota, Nevada, and Arizona, the two months in the US will surely pass in a breeze. Plus, with the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, we’re trying to figure out what will work for everyone while we’re there.

The world-famous Atlantis Hotel.

Today is packing day. This morning I managed to pack all of my clothing, leaving the same outfit to wear tonight to dinner and again tomorrow on travel day. All I have gone to fill are the toiletries. 

We’ll leave what items we’ll need tomorrow morning since our bags will be taken away tonight. Each cabin is given a number as to when the passengers will be called to disembark the ship.

Today, over 13,000 cruise passengers are in port in Nassau, Bahamas.

We were assigned #27, which may be a little too late for our 11:30 flight. Tom visited the customer service desk requesting a lower number ending up with #1. The reality is that we’ll either wait on the ship to disembark, or we’ll spend more time staying at the airport.

At least while we’re at the airport, we’ll have access to WiFi whereby the ship turns off their WiFi first thing in the morning on departure day. After breakfast in the buffet in the morning, we’ll depart the ship, pick up our bags using a porter, and head to the Fort Lauderdale airport via a taxi.

A peninsula near the port of Nassau.

The ship offers a shuttle service to the airport, but their cost is higher than a taxi. Thus we’ll go on our own as always. We’ll probably arrive two hours before our flight but can easily busy ourselves while we wait.

A small dock ready for the arrival of a boat.

Once we arrive in Minneapolis around 7:00 pm, we’ll collect the rental car and head to a grocery store to purchase a few items before heading to our friend Karen’s home in Eden Prairie, where we’ll stay while in Minnesota. 

We’ll have a whole level of Karen’s spacious home for ourselves, and no doubt, we’ll be comfortable and at ease, settling in within a day. We insisted that Karen does not fuss over meals for us, nor will we ask our kids to worry about meals for us.

“Conveniently, there’s only one cruise ship terminal in Nassau. It’s called “Prince George Wharf,” located on the northern side of the island. From there, it’s relatively easy to access every beach on the island.”

We’ll either pick up something for dinner at Costco or another takeaway restaurant or dine at one of the many conveniently located restaurants in the area. I can’t wait to get my hands on some Mexican food we’ve both missed over the past years of world travel.

As for the remainder of today? We’ll finish packing and continue working on our plans for India, where we’ll stay for two months. We’re currently looking into an almost two-month country tour beginning after the upcoming Maharajas Express train expedition. It’s pretty exciting. We’ll share more details later once we’ve booked the tour.

Nassau Harbour Lighthouse.

Tomorrow, while at the airport, we plan to do Friday’s post, which will include our final bill for this cruise and all of its ancillary costs. Please check back.

Thanks, dear readers, for hanging in there with us during these relatively mundane periods of mindless drivel over happily cruising along!

Photo from one year ago today, November 7, 2018:
It’s a rarity for us to see impalas in the garden, but several stopped by to partake of pellets. No doubt, they are hungry this time of year, put aside their apprehension of humans, and came to call. This adorable girl was chewing pellets when I shot this photo. Too cute for words! For more photos, please click here.

Two days and counting…USA, here we come…

Hot and sweaty after dancing at the silent disco.

It’s hard to believe we haven’t been in the US for two years and three months when we visited family in 2017 in both Minnesota and Nevada. We’ve missed everyone, and it will be fantastic to see them all once again.

Initially, when booking our time in Minnesota, we’d booked a hotel in a central location between our respective families. As time marched on, my dear friend Karen offered for us to stay in her gorgeous, spacious house on a lake in Eden Prairie.

We stayed with Karen for our final few weeks in Minnesota in October 2012 and found it easy and comfortable. There have been only a few other occasions when we’ve stayed at friends’ or family members’ homes in the past seven years.

It’s a rare occasion for us to stay with anyone when we don’t want to impose. We have our routine that may conflict with others, and we certainly don’t want to be underfoot.

The only family member with whom we’ve stayed has been son Richard in Henderson, Nevada. He has a roomy house leaving us with an area where we won’t be in the way. We’ll be staying with him in the next month.

As for the time we spend in Apache Junction, Arizona, near Tom’s siblings, we’ve rented a holiday home and will share details at that time. At this point, we haven’t pinned down how long we’ll stay in Minnesota. We can always book last-minute flights.

The ship’s casino. We do not partake.

The cruise is rapidly winding down. We had one “free” bag of laundry done and will be mainly repacking clean clothes. I didn’t include many of my tops and shirts when the ship’s laundry service tends to ruin some items by washing them at too high a temperature. I didn’t want to take the risk.

Tomorrow we’ll pack and place our bags outside our cabin doors before 10:00 pm, which will then be moved to the port disembarkation area, where we’ll pick them up on Friday after we exit the ship.

Our flight from Fort Lauderdale to Minneapolis will be very long, with almost a four-hour layover in Detroit, at which time we’ll find a restaurant and have dinner. We can’t ever plan to be served food on flights these days, especially suitable for my eating.No doubt, the next few days will fly by quickly. We’re looking forward to our arrival in Minneapolis, getting settled, and seeing family and friends. And before we know it, the time in the US will pass quickly, and we’ll be on our way to India.

The journey continues…Please stay tuned.

Photo from one year ago today, November 6, 2018:
A mom and two offspring from different birth years. For more photos, please click here.