Oh, my gosh!!!…What a week!…Another shocker!!!…

After breakfast, Tom at Royal Kruger Lodge in the area where we waited for the house to be ready.

What can I say? It was a crazy week with the intruder in the garden, shown in this post, and now the latest, a flood at our house.

Last evening, as we often do, we were on the veranda, sipping our beverages, listening to music, and enjoying a slightly cooler evening than those of the past several days. We’d considered going out to dinner but decided to dine in, having been out the previous night and having a busy upcoming social week, we’ll explain in tomorrow’s post.

We threw a well seasoned free-range chicken (generally, not available) on the braai on medium heat and let it cook for a crispy exterior and moist, tender meat. I’d made a big salad, roasted some carrots with the chickens, made rice for Tom, and we were looking forward to our upcoming meal on the veranda watching wildlife.

The view across the garden to the pool and dining area where we had breakfast this morning.

About 20 minutes after we sat down outdoors, we went indoors to refill our glasses. We stepped into the water and heard the water running hard and loud from the master bedroom. Sloshing through the living room to the master bedroom, where the water was even higher, we saw the water supply line under the sink in the en suite bathroom was pouring out water like a hose. We couldn’t believe what we had encountered.

Quickly, I contacted Louise, who happened to be grocery shopping in Nelspruit, and she told us where to find the water shut-off. In seconds, Tom found the shut-off valve close to the road in our driveway, and he turned off the water supply.

We ran around the house, picking up things off the floor. The water had run through the entire first floor but didn’t reach our luggage in the second bedroom but wasn’t far from doing so. Surprisingly, the two bags of pellets in a corner in the second bedroom was only a meter from the water. That would have been a mess since pellets dissolve quickly in water.

Most likely, this was a rhino beetle we spotted outside the door to our guest room at Royal Kruger Lodge. We couldn’t see the face to determine its species, but it certainly looked like one.

But, the worst of it all, due to our concern about leaving our laptops in the second bedroom at night, we’ve been leaving them on the floor of the master bedroom, plugged into an outlet that works off of the inverter during power outages, and load shedding. There’s no dresser or table in the master bedroom to set the computers on. The little nightstands are too small.

Had it not been for this week’s human intruder to the garden and our concern of theft, we would have kept the laptops in the second bedroom on the long wood shelf along a wall. The laptops were far from the window, which we’ve kept locked with the shade down. Now, we’ll develop another plan with the laptops off of the floor.

My laptop was on the daybed in the lounge room when this happened, so there was no issue there. But Tom’s laptop got wet, dripping when he picked it up. Plus, all of our specially purchased power cords, adapters, and converters, of which there are many, were underwater.

Firstly, we knew we couldn’t spend the night with all the water in the house. The power had tripped from the water, but Tom managed to get it going again. Louise arranged for a guest room at Royal Kruger Lodge, where we spent New Year’s Eve at a party, hosted by owners Flo and JiJi. We decided we wouldn’t leave until after eating our dinner, which was still cooking on the braai.

We packed a duffle bag with overnight stuff, the laptops (including Tom’s soaked device), and by 6:45 pm, 1845 hrs, we were on our way to Royal Kruger Lodge. The room and setting were beautiful, with impeccable service, and we were settled in no time at all. Tom left his laptop open all night in the cool air-conditioned room, deciding not to check it until this morning.

Much to our shock and relief, his laptop is working fine. Plus, all the power cords, converters, and adapters survived as well. That was also surprising. There was no way we wanted Louise to feel responsible for replacing our equipment.

When we returned to the house a few hours ago, it was dry and spotless. This morning, writing back and forth with Louise on WhatsApp, they had the plumber here to fix the broken pipe, and Louise, Danie, and Zef and Vusi cleared all the water, cleaning everything to perfection in its path. Thank goodness it isn’t quite as hot and humid today since the house feels a bit humid after all of that water. But it’s drying out with fans running and a few windows with screens open.

This morning we had a lovely breakfast at the resort, and soon, I’ll start prepping for tonight’s t-bone steak dinner, again using the braai. We are good and pleased with the result. Perhaps there was a little “safari luck” in the mix with our equipment surviving.

At the moment, we’re back on the veranda, after feeding pellets to Gordy, Spikey, Broken Horn, and “Little” Imposter, sipping our iced tea and content as we could be.

Happy day!

Photo from one year ago, January 9, 2020:

This photo was posted one year ago while in lockdown in a hotel in Mumbai, India, on day #290. The excellent staff served us at the Courtyard by Marriott Mumbai International Airport. They couldn’t be more attentive and concerned about our needs and those of the other stranded foreign nationals staying at the hotel during this difficult time. This photo was taken when we could still go downstairs. For more photos, please click here.

Another extraordinary evening…Royal Kruger Lodge…a Marloth Park game drive…The discovery of the Crocodile River lookout…

Our view of  the Crocodile River from the overlook building located in Marloth Park while on the game drive with owners, guide and guests from Royal Kruger Lodge.   With the river’s massive numbers of crocs, navigation on this river by boat is strictly prohibited.

How did we get so lucky? The opportunities that continue to present themselves leaves us in awe of the people we meet, the properties we visit and the vegetation and wildlife as the backdrop to such magnificence and wonder.

The expansive grounds of the Royal Kruger Lodge offers an inviting arena for wildlife to stop by for a visit.

Having taken an interest in touring lodges/resorts since our time in Kenya, our curiosity has peaked to include lodges in Marloth Park. After a rewarding game drive with Leon last week, who along with his wife Dawn, own the Jabula Lodge, we’ve discovered yet another excellent lodge located here in Marloth Park, owned by Leon’s good friend, Vic, the Royal Kruger Lodge.

In the dark after dinner, this pond was home to the most entertaining frog sounds we’ve heard anywhere.  In an attempt to make a video in order to share the sounds with our readers, we couldn’t get close enough to do so.  As soon as we approached, albeit quietly, they stopped croaking in fear for their lives.  The tree to the right has a platform for bananas for the Bush Babies.

After a few email messages, promptly returned by Vic, our visit to Royal Kruger Lodge was set, invited as guests with the intent of touring the private four star game lodge, complete with a tour of his intimate romantic lodge and a cocktail game drive in Marloth Park.  

The indoor dining area for guests for those rainy nights.

The lodge is beautifully maintained with an aesthetically appealing environment satisfying the most discriminating traveler.  Nothing was spared in making a guest feel welcomed and revered. 

This lounge area overlooking the grounds had ample seating for guests, located with easy access to beverages and requested cocktails.  The service was impeccable.  A daily menu is posted (to the right) for guests to peruse.

Easy to plan activities create a seamless transition from power lounging and relaxation to the indescribable excitement of a safari in nearby Kruger Park in an open vehicle or on a casual game walk in Marloth Park, abundant with wildlife sightings, up close and personal.

Most prolific in both Marloth and Kruger Parks, the shy Impalas are fun to watch, especially now in the final days of spring with the babies in tow.
A dark and cloudy day didn’t prevent us from joining in the game drive.  The cautious kudu watched us drive by.

 A lizard we encountered on the Marloth Park game drive last night.

Vic and his lovely wife, Magz and daughter Amber, joined us and their other delightful guests in the ample open vehicle as we made our way to what proved to be one of our most enjoyable game drives since arriving in Marloth Park a little over a week ago.  We’ve already participated in three game drives in a mere eight days with many more to come.

Magz and Vic, owners of Royal Kruger Lodge couldn’t do enough to ensure a memorable experience for all of their guests.

The game drive, executed by Guide Chase, was well arranged offering us a new perspective of Marloth Park (how much better can it get?) as we not only had several sightings but ended the drive spending two hours in a comfortable overlook area to the Crocodile River with ample seating and views one would only imagine in their dreams.

The evening ended with an exquisite dinner with lodge guests in the locally renowned, yet private boma, an enclosed outdoor dining area, somehow magically free of insects.  The thrilling sounds of lions in the adjacent Lionspruit was consistent during our dinner. 

The lighted walkway to the boma for dinner.

Although dining at  Royal Kruger Lodge is open only to lodge guests, we were included in last night’s dinner, graciously served by full-time on-site staff, attending to every guest’s needs.  We couldn’t have felt more included, in my meal specially prepared for me, or Tom’s meal, purely delectable with many accompaniments , all perfectly prepared. 

The place settings for dinner in the boma was pleasing to the eye and, upon dining, the palate.
We had the most tender delicious steak we’ve had in many moons (minus the bread, of course).

Royal Kruger Lodge is without a doubt, an ideal setting for the traveler seeking an intimate environment, an opportunity to live among free roaming wildlife, well equipped meticulous and inviting guest rooms along with the option to choose among a wide array of activities, all of which are arranged and organized with simplicity and ease.

The smells emanating from the braai whetted our appetites.

The smells of the local seasonings prevented this smoky air from bothering us in the slightest as our meat was carefully prepared.

A special thanks to our hosts, Vic and Magz and their kindly and qualified support staff, for what couldn’t have been a more accommodating and entertaining evening which we’ll always remember as one of our favorites in Marloth Park.

Could my hubby look more content?

Please stop by tomorrow for the continuing photos of our visit to the Crocodile River which includes a series of elephant photos as they engaged in a ritualistic
dominance event.

When will we ever be able to share the photos of the eight batches of visitors that stopped by on Monday?  They literally came “in droves” much to our pleasure.  Could it get any better than this?