Night out at a a local pub’s pool tournament…Fun with new friends…

We couldn’t believe how “cheap” the drinks are at Watergat. The total cost for a beer for Tom and glass of white wine for me ZAR 38, (US $3.21). 

“Sighting of the Day in the Bush”

On the way to the petrol station…

When Sandra and Paul stopped by a week ago Wednesday for happy hour, they told us about a weekly event in Marloth Park when the pool playing tournament begins at 5:30 pm at the Watergat Restaurant in the Marlothi Shopping Center.

Watergat is a pub/casual dining establishment known more for its social gatherings and pub atmosphere than popular dining. The food is good, not great. With few restaurants directly in Marloth Park, those diners hankering for a convenient dinner out often go to Jabula as their first choice due to its fun atmosphere and great food.

Tom was intently listening to the conversation at our table.

Phumala, a more quiet establishment with a nice bar and plenty of seating area with good, not great food; Watergat, as mentioned above and the Tin Shak (we’ve never tried this one). 

Another restaurant we’ve yet to try during this stay in the park is Marloth Park Amazing River View, located directly on the Crocodile River. We’d tried four years ago and found the food acceptable, the location exquisite.

Sandra, and her husband Paul, who live two doors from us, is a Marloth Park Honorary Ranger and now have become friends after we met at snake school.

These restaurants have a good bar area for socializing after a busy day for happy hour and often a bite to eat. Numerous resorts/lodges in Marloth Park may, on occasion, welcome those not staying in their lodges.

On Wednesday evening, we hopped into the little blue car and headed to Watergat to see what the fuss was all about.  We’d touched base with Sandra and Paul, who’d planned to meet us there and share a table. Since they know so many people in the park, it would be a good opportunity to meet more locals.

The pool playing competition occurs every Wednesday at 5:30.  Many locals come to socialize while some diehard pool players join the competition. We’re aren’t good enough players to participate, but it was fun to be there and mingle.

We ran into several people we’d already met at other functions, and the conversations flowed easily. Not only are Sandra and Paul a lovely couple, full of enthusiasm and energy, but they’re quick and eager to introduce us to other people.

It didn’t take long for us to settle in, order drinks, mingle, and also make a definitive decision not to participate in the pool tournament.  We were OK playing pool on a cruise ship, giggling and laughing over our blunders. Still, neither of us has any interest in making fools of ourselves playing against these serious players, many of who have played weekly for years.

We saw several people there we’d already met.  In this short period, we’ve begun to feel like we belong.

Not only were most of the players skilled and serious about their game, but many brought along their own pool cues, chalk, gloves, and other pool playing paraphernalia. No thanks. Not for us.

We have a pool table here in the house and have yet to use it. Someday we will, but for now, being outdoors is more appealing to us than hanging around indoors at the pool table, especially in this hot weather.

Sandra and Paul ordered pizza.

We had a good night. Our total bill for drinks, food, and tip was ZAR 354 US $29.92. Where in the world can one dine and drink for such a reasonable price? Indeed not any country in which we’ve lived.

With Easter weekend upon us, the park is filled with tourists. There are more people everywhere, so we’ve decided to stay put over the weekend except for the Marloth Park Easter Fair, which we’ll attend tomorrow at the tiny Marlothi shopping center. 

The food was good, not great, but we had lots of fun. Tom ordered chicken schnitzel with chips (fries in this part of the world). I forgot to take a photo of my chicken salad.,

There will be plenty of entertainment at this annual event and photos ops we’ll especially enjoy sharing on Easter Sunday. So please check back then.

We’ll be back tomorrow with some exciting new photos from last night’s adventures in the bush. May all of our family, friends, and readers have a glorious weekend. 

Photo from one year ago today, March 30, 2017:

While on the Manly Ferry, we were finally able to take a sunny morning photo of Sydney Harbour, a cruise ship, another ferry, and Harbour Bay Bridge. For more photos, please click here.