How many snakes did Juan’s Reptile Rescue capture in January, 2022?…Unbelievable!…

Juan de Beer is an expert snake handler in Marloth Park and the surrounding area. He now has a team of snake handlers working with him when many sightings have been reported, especially this time of yearg.

Yesterday, when Tom spotted the following information on Facebook, I knew I had to post a story about this crucial skill required in this and many areas of South Africa. Snakes come out of hiding, although they don’t specifically hibernate, as stated here from this site:

“Hibernation has been described as an inherent, regular and prolonged period of inactivity during winter. Hibernation is associated with warm-blooded animals (endotherms) such as mammals. It refers to a period of inactivity and a shut down in the metabolic system to save energy. On the other hand, Reptiles are said to brumate – become less active but do not shut down and will be active with a slight increase in temperature. The term brumate was coined by Wilbur Waldo Mayhen back in 1965 and referred to research he was doing on Flat-tailed Horn Lizards – he found that even if he heated these lizards in winter, unlike other lizards, they would still not feed and become lethargic. Strangely, Mayhen’s term does not technically apply to the standard period of inactivity in our reptiles as our reptiles will become active with a slight increase in temperature on a warm winter day.

Snakes in cold regions of the world go into a state of torpor (inactivity) for long periods, up to 8 months, and often in dens where hundreds or even thousands of snakes may share the same winter shelter.

In Southern Africa, it rarely gets cold enough for snakes to truly go into torpor, and although they are far less active in winter, snakes may emerge from their winter hide-outs on a warm winter day to bask in the sun and drink water.”

It’s astounding how much we can learn about snakes. They aren’t simply slithery, dangerous, venomous creatures roaming in the bush to bite and frighten unsuspecting humans. Most snakes prefer to stay away from human interaction and only bite when threatened.

Sure, there are cases where a human accidentally steps on or runs into a snake and is bitten. But, when reading about most snake bites, it appears they could have been prevented. But snakes are not all about our fear and trepidation. They are a vital part of the ecosystem and must be revered for their role in our environment. Well, volumes have been written on this topic which is more than we present today.

But, the value of safe snake and reptile rescue and relocation is an art in itself. We’ve been impressed by the quality of the work done by Juan and his team. Of course, there are other expert handlers in Marloth Park, but, in most cases, we’ve interacted with Juan, and thus he is highlighted in today’s story.

Both of us were shocked to see how many snakes and reptiles Juan and his team rescued.

January 2022🐍🦎 🦂🐊
Rescue’s for this month from the Unit⚠️☠⚠️
1.Black mamba= 16
2.Puff Adder= 7
3.Mozambique Spitting cobra= 19
4.Rock Monitor= 14
5. Spotted bush snake= 13
6. Olive grass snake= 4
7.Eastern Tiger snake= 1
8. Herald snake= 4
9. Brown house snake= 9
10.Boomslang= 2
11. Western yellow-bellied sand snake= 1
12. Southern African python= 3
13. Marbled tree snake= 4
14. East African shovel-snout= 1
Rescue’s in total ~98
Juan’s Reptile Rescue Unit 🐍🐊🦎🦂🕷
Safe removal and release of all Reptile’s❗❗
(Marloth Park, Kruger National Park, Komatipoort, Hectorspruit, and surrounding areas)
Juan’s Reptile Rescue Unit:
060 665 5000📲
Available 24/7
No charge for a call-out❗❗
May be an image of snake and text that says 'Juan's Reptile Rescue 060 665 5000'
“According to Professor Harry Greene, snakes consume between 6 – 30 meals per year, which is in summer. During winter, they do not eat at all or, if they do, very little. Most mammals will die within a few days if they are deprived of food, but some snakes are known to have survived for more than a year without a meal. Because snakes are ectotherms and require no food for their heat requirements, they can survive with very little food, and a large Puff Adder probably consumes less than 1 kg of food per year.”
The world around us continues to nourish our quest for knowledge. Living in the bush in Marloth Park has been a rich source of education, leaving us in awe at every turn. We thank Juan and his support staff, Marloth Park rangers, Honorary Rangers, and wildlife rescue professionals who help to make this a magical place.
Now, it’s up to all of us, blessed to be here, to honor and respect the wildlife, their habitat, and the people that make being here possible.
Be well.
Photo from one year ago today, February 4, 2021:
Bushbucks only like the banana peel. They are experts at removing the banana to be left with the peel to eat. It’s hysterical to watch how they manage to peel the banana with their mouths. Nature is amazing! For more photos, please click here.