Part 2…Traveling by train…

Tom has a special Amtrak pass after working for BNSF Railroad for 42½ years, which we’ve yet to use. Maybe someday.

Today’s post continues yesterday’s post regarding vacation train travel with suggestions worldwide, including the US, as shown below. We’ve yet to travel by train other than the exquisite Maharajas Express in India in 2020, just before the pandemic hit, and we were in lockdown in Mumbai for ten months. See yesterday’s post here.

South America: Scenic and Off-the-Beaten-Path

South America isn’t as famous for train travel but has a few gems. The Train to the Clouds in Argentina is one of the most dramatic railway journeys, ascending the Andes Mountains and reaching over 13,800 feet. In Peru, the Belmond Andean Explorer takes passengers from Cusco to Lake Titicaca, blending luxury with breathtaking views of the Peruvian highlands.

In Ecuador, the Devil’s Nose Train descends a near-vertical drop in a series of switchbacks, offering thrills and stunning scenery. For a more relaxed journey, Brazil’s Vitoria-Minas Railway passes through forests and mountains, giving you a window into the lush beauty of the Brazilian landscape.

North America: Scenic Routes Across the Continent

North America’s rail travel may not be as well-known for its efficiency, but it makes up for it in scenic routes. In the U.S., the Amtrak system offers cross-country adventures, with trains like the California Zephyr taking passengers from Chicago to San Francisco through the Rocky Mountains and Sierra Nevada. The Empire Builder is another classic, stretching from Chicago to Seattle or Portland, offering glimpses of the Northern Plains and Glacier National Park.

Canada’s Rocky Mountaineer is perhaps the most scenic of all. It winds through the snow-capped peaks of the Canadian Rockies, with luxurious, glass-domed coaches providing unobstructed views of waterfalls, forests, and wildlife.

Australia & New Zealand: The Land of Long, Scenic Journeys

Australia’s vastness makes it ideal for epic train journeys, and the Ghan, which crosses from Adelaide to Darwin, is the ultimate outback adventure. You pass through desolate deserts, mountain ranges, and tropical regions, all while soaking in the unique beauty of the Australian wilderness. Another iconic route is the Indian Pacific, spanning the continent from Sydney to Perth, with long stretches of track running through the hauntingly empty Nullarbor Plain.

In New Zealand, trains like the TranzAlpine offer a shorter but stunning route through the Southern Alps, crossing deep gorges, rainforests, and plains—perfect for travelers looking to see the island’s raw beauty.

No matter where you go, trains worldwide offer a way to get from point A to point B and experience the journey itself. Whether it’s the modern efficiency of Japan’s bullet trains or the leisurely pace of a vintage rail experience in Africa, train travel allows you to slow down and absorb the world outside your window. Each region offers its unique flavor of train travel, reflecting the landscapes, cultures, and histories you’re passing through. If you’ve ever traveled by train somewhere unusual, we’d love to hear your story!

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, September 30, 2014:

The city of Honolulu has grown into quite a metropolis. For more photos, please click here.

No definitive answers…

Artwork is abundant on many cruise ships.

“Thank goodness,” you must think…today’s post will be the last time I discuss my health until I have more definitive answers. Yesterday’s appointment with the cardiac electrophysiologist only resulted in more tests and vague answers. In any case, we will be in Cleveland a lot longer. I have an ablation (a cardiac procedure) scheduled for February 10. I’m on a waiting list for an earlier date, but it’s unlikely it will happen sooner.

Yesterday, a Zio monitor was placed over my heart, which I will have to wear for two more weeks after wearing the 48-hour monitor that I wore a few weeks ago. Now, the doctor is looking for signs of Afib, which would only appear without me being on the medication. Yes, he took me off the drug Multaq, which he clearly stated after reviewing test results offered no improvement for my near-constant PVCs. He didn’t replace it with another drug.

PVCs generally aren’t necessarily life-threatening but, over time, can cause permanent damage to the heart. At this point, my heart itself is in good shape with no evidence of damage due to my rhythm irregularities. I knew this, but the question becomes, can I live my life with the near-constant feeling that birds are flying about in my chest?

Some patients don’t even feel PVCs. But many do, and it becomes a question of yearly checkups to determine the condition of the heart after another year of rhythm irregularities and how tolerable this situation is for the patient over time. When I was on the more dangerous drug, Flecainide, I didn’t feel them since the drug kept them under control but was damaging my body in other ways and increasing the risks of a heart attack or stroke.

As of today, I am off all antiarrhythmic drugs for the first time since last October. The Multaq stays in one’s system for three to four days, so technically, I’m not entirely free of its effects yet. Walking more easily and breathing better will take about a week. Dr. Keogh explained that no drugs currently on the market can help me. The only possible solution is the February procedure.

There are a few ablations, one for PVCs and another for Afib and PVCs. Unless Afib appears on the new two-week monitor, I will only be scheduled for the PVC ablation, which is for the lower part of the heart only. So now, we watch and see. It’s scary being off of any such drug after this challenging past year. Twice in the past two months, I’ve spent three days in hospital with accompanying dangerously high blood pressure.

Based on those bouts, the doctor set up an appointment for October 11 with a nephrologist, described as follows:

“Nephrologists, also known as kidney specialists, are medical doctors who diagnose, treat, and prevent hypertension and kidney diseases. They are experts in treating high blood pressure because the kidneys play a vital role in regulating blood pressure.”

This upcoming appointment may result in more tests, so our plans remain up in the air. As for the angiogram results, one of my cardiac bypass surgery graphs has failed, and the other graphs are 50-60% blocked again. Nothing can be done for these situations. My arteries are too small for stents, and repeat bypass surgeries aren’t recommended until the blockages are 70% to 80% or more. Again, this is a situation I will have to deal with.

So now, I wait and see what transpires without any drugs for the heart rhythm issues and if, off the Multaq, I can walk and breathe easier again in the next several days.

Solutions for medical issues aren’t always clearly defined, as in my case. If I can feel better and continue with our lives of travel, walking, breathing easily, and enjoying every moment, I will be content. Let’s see how all of this rolls out.

When we know more, I will write here. Thank you for all the love and support. My being mum about this until we know more doesn’t mean something Is wrong.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, September 28, 2014:

My dinner consisted of salmon and steamed vegetables, which was fine with adding a side dish of Hollandaise sauce. Due to their sugar content, I don’t eat many carrots, so I left those behind. For more photos, please click here.

We’re back…Why didn’t we post?…

Most cruise ship passengers easily fall into a lounging mode, but we are always busy and rarely take a nap or lounge.

It’s been a rare occasion that I didn’t prepare a post unless it was a travel or tour day. When we first started posting, we only posted about three times a week, especially before officially beginning our travels on  October 31, 2012. But after the first year passed in a blur of delightful activity, we decided to write daily to stay on top of things, with many events, photos, and stories to share.

This past nine months, after my heart problems escalated in Ecuador in October 2023, we’ve been in the US since December 2023, figuring out our next move and eventually awaiting appointments at Cleveland Clinic, assuming I’d need open heart surgery. Three different cardiologists in three different countries misdiagnosed me with severe valve regurgitation requiring imminent surgery.

Once we arrived at Cleveland Clinic, after many months of waiting for appointments with one of the top valve surgeons in the world, it took no time at all to determine, after a comprehensive echocardiogram and numerous tests, that the problem with my heart wasn’t my valves. My heart’s plumbing (arteries) and electrical system (signals in the heart) have been causing the almost constant irregular heart rhythm.

It’s not a simple fix. I’ve already tried five drugs to control the situation while awaiting a more long-term plan, all of which have caused me unbearable side effects, most of which center around difficulty breathing and inability to walk.

This more recent drug, Multag, which I’ve been on for three weeks and was started while I spent three days in the hospital earlier in the month, has me “down for the count,” so they say. I can barely breathe, off and on, but especially when I move around, I can no longer make the bed, walk the corridors, and have difficulty typing when my arms are weak, and it takes everything I have to type.

This is the worst response I have had from any of the five drugs, and it worsens daily instead of diminishing as many side effects may do over time. It’s even worse than the last drug, Flecainide, which I’d be taking for many months. This drug, Multaq, causes my hands to shake and my arms to be painful and weak, making it challenging to type, cut vegetables, get dressed, let alone walk across the room.

I left a message for the doctor about these symptoms, but he left a message in My Chart to stay on this drug until my appointment tomorrow morning when we come up with an alternate plan. Without any such drug, my blood pressure spikes to a dangerous level, requiring a hospital stay, two of which I’ve had in the past two months.

Excuse me for reiterating this scenario once again. Many of our readers have written to ask for more details on how I’m doing. We greatly appreciate your concerns. However, it made more sense to write the response here rather than reply to each of your many queries individually. Thank you so much for your concern.

How is this impacting our state of mind? Based on the fact these symptoms are drug-induced, we are both very hopeful that tomorrow’s appointment will provide a comprehensive plan to enable us to continue with our lives. Our hotel here is booked until December 2, so we have plenty of time to implement a manageable strategy.

After all, we’ve only been here one month as of today, and we’d anticipated I’d be recovering from surgery for three months. Thus, if we can leave a month or more earlier than initially planned, it will be a bonus.

To sum this up, I didn’t write yesterday due to the above reasons, but I plan to continue to post, especially when I’m on a more manageable drug with fewer side effects.

Please keep in mind that many people are taking this drug without such horrible side effects and experiencing relief from heart rhythm problems. Please see the following, although I couldn’t find any current stats for usage of this drug:

“According to an FDA review, between July 2009 and October 2011, approximately 278,000 patients in the United States received prescriptions for Multaq (dronedarone) from outpatient retail pharmacies.” 

That’s it for today, folks.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, September 26, 2014:

Tom was happy as a clam on the ship, even in rough seas. For more photos, please click here.

Source of frustration since we arrived at this hotel…

A gorgeous sunset as we sailed from Vancouver to the Hawaiian Islands.

Since settling in at this Cleveland hotel, our frustration about housekeeping has been exacerbated daily. We’ve already reported the issues to a manager, but our concerns have fallen on deaf ears. We don’t want anyone fired from their job—that’s not the point.

Since the pandemic, there have been staff shortages in many businesses throughout the country, if not the world. We fully understand the need for every-other-day housekeeping in hotels with these shortages. That’s fine with us if we get enough towels, toilet paper, and miscellaneous supplies as needed, which isn’t often the case.

The housekeeper on this floor has told us to leave all our trash and dirty towels outside the door daily. We pay over $100 a night for three months and shouldn’t have to haul them outside the door daily. We’ve never heard such a thing.

This morning, I left a message for the general manager to return my call. I just heard back from him. He was shocked to hear that we were told to leave our trash and dirty towels outside the door and for the lack of service we’ve received in the almost month since we arrived at the end of August. He assured me that this is not their policy. I feel confident that he’ll follow through and things will improve.

Since COVID, many travelers have noticed a decline in the quality of hotel housekeeping services, and it’s hard to miss, especially for those who travel frequently, like us. The pandemic created a significant shift in how hotels operate. While some changes were implemented for health and safety reasons, others appear to be cost-saving measures disguised as necessities.

The immediate post-COVID landscape was about protecting guests and staff, with daily housekeeping services suspended in many hotels to minimize contact. At first, it seemed understandable. We were all adjusting to new norms, and fewer face-to-face interactions meant less risk. But as travel restrictions eased, many of us assumed that hotels would revert to their pre-pandemic standards. However, for many places, that hasn’t been the case.

Now, guests often have to request housekeeping services instead of receiving them automatically. Sometimes, this creates a lack of consistency, where rooms aren’t cleaned as thoroughly as they used to be. You might notice dust gathering in corners, bed linens not being refreshed, or bathrooms not being restocked meticulously. It’s not just about cleanliness and how this makes guests feel.

For many travelers, staying in a hotel is about comfort and care. You expect to walk into a clean, well-maintained space that feels like a retreat. When that sense of care is absent, it changes the whole experience. You feel less valued as a guest, almost like the hotel is cutting corners, affecting your emotional connection to the place. Hotels have long been a space of escape, and when that feeling is compromised, it leaves a lasting impression.

Perhaps it’s not only about cost-cutting but also a shift in what hotels prioritize post-pandemic. They may assume that guests have adjusted to these new standards, but for many of us, the inconsistency in housekeeping reflects a broader decline in service quality.

Have you noticed this, too, in your travels? Hopefully, after today’s conversation with the general manager, we’ll see an improvement in the quality of service we expect from a Marriott hotel.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, September 24, 2014:

Ten years ago, no images were posted on this date due to rough seas and poor WiFi.

What’s going on with us?…

Our first meal was in the ship’s dining room shortly after we boarded after we had missed breakfast. It was delightful to be on the ship.

When I realized we hadn’t updated our situation in a week and instead chose to post articles about travel and technology, I knew it was time for an update. In a way, I suppose I was avoiding the topic, especially since we are unsure of what the future holds.

With most testing completed by this Friday, we’ll meet with the electrophysiologist to develop a treatment plan. The new drug I am taking, Multaq, is only working at about 50% but is causing me side effects that significantly impact my quality of life. I am once again having trouble walking, experiencing breathing issues, and having a feeling of general malaise, such as weakness and feeling tired. It’s been almost three weeks since I started the drug, and by now, some of the side effects should have begun to diminish.

Instead, the side effects worsen each day as I struggle to perform even simple tasks. I’ve forced myself to walk three times a day, but before the drug, once I was off the last drug, I could walk five times a day. Now, the shortest distances are a struggle.

The test results came in from the Holter monitor and indicated I have an excess of irregular heartbeats that require further treatment. This drug, Multaq, is not solving the issue. Plan B must be established, which we’ll learn about during Friday’s doctor’s appointment.

Once we know what will transpire, we can consider the options. In any case, we look forward to being able to leave Cleveland sooner than later. But, at this point, we don’t know.

We are doing alright in this hotel room day after day, night after night. It’s certainly not our first time “stuck” in a hotel room. Since this is more like an apartment than a hotel with a separate bedroom, large bathroom, living room, dining area, and fully equipped kitchen, it’s not bad.

Since we don’t have a car, since parking is $60 per day plus the rental car expense, we don’t go anywhere. Also, with my difficulty walking, how I feel, and the need to use the wheelchair, sightseeing isn’t on our radar while in Cleveland. Once a week, we treat ourselves to Grubhub-delivered meals, enough to last for two nights’ dinner.

I prepare meals for the remainder of the week, and Tom happily helps as needed. I try to be independent and not pester him to help me with everything, but he often “beats me to the punch” and jumps in to help. This morning, he did the week’s laundry. When it was dry, we each folded our own items, and now we’re set for another week.

We are by no means feeling low. We talk and laugh and make the best of the situation, as we always do. Hopefully, soon, we’ll know more about the future, which will surely provide both of us with a much-anticipated burst of enthusiasm.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, September 23, 2014:

Vancouver is often a starting point (usually an ending point) for many cruises to Alaska. For more photos, please click here.

Shocking event in the cruise business…Frustration for travelers..

The view from our condo in Vancouver before we sailed to Hawaii.

Traveling is a tricky business. We are subject to changes, cancellations, and longer-than-expected waiting periods, often at our own expense, due to situations entirely beyond our control. The following story popped up today that clearly illustrates one of those frustrations, in this case, for a more extended period than usual.

From this site:

Passengers bought berths on a 3-year cruise. Months later, the ship is still stuck in Belfast.


BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) — Lanette Canen and Johan Bodin gave up life on land to become seaborne nomads on a years-long cruise.

Months later, the couple has yet to spend a night at sea. Their ship, the Odyssey, is stuck in Belfast undergoing repair work that has postponed its scheduled May departure for a 3½-year round-the-world voyage.

Bodin said Friday that they have enjoyed their pit stop in the Northern Ireland capital, but “when we’d visited every pub and tried and every fish and chips place and listened to all the places that have Irish music, then we were ready to go elsewhere.”

“We’re ready to set sail, for sure,” added Canen.

Villa Vie Residences’ Odyssey is the latest venture in the tempest-tossed world of continuous cruising.

It allows travelers to buy a cabin and live at sea on a ship circumnavigating the globe. On its maiden voyage, it will visit 425 ports in 147 countries on seven continents. Cabins – billed as “villas” — start at $99,999, plus a monthly fee, for the vessel’s operational life, at least 15 years. Passengers can also sign up for voyage segments lasting weeks or months.

Marketing material, aimed at adventurous retirees and restless digital nomads, touts “the incredible opportunity to own a home on a floating paradise,” complete with a gym, spa, putting green, entertainment facilities, a business center, and an “experiential culinary center.”

But first, the Odyssey has to get out of the dock. It’s now at Belfast’s Harland & Wolff shipyard, where the doomed RMS Titanic was built over a century ago.

Villa Vie Residences’ marketing manager, Sebastian Stokkendal, said the company had been “humbled by the scale of what it takes to reactivate a 30-year-old vessel from a four-year layup.”

He said that the ship was almost ready to depart after work on the rudder shafts, steel work, and engine overhauls.”

Calling itself the first perpetual world cruise, Odyssey has a busy 425-port itinerary across 147 countries through 2028. Its cabins, renamed “villas” by Florida-based Villa Vie Residences, start at $99,999 and run to $899,000, with monthly fees that vary according to the cabin type and number of occupants. Non-resident passengers can also sign up for segments that last weeks or months.

As of today, the Odyssey has yet to set sail. We can only imagine the frustration of the waiting passengers who have upended their lives for this extended journey.

Photo from ten years ago today, September 22, 2014:

A lonely-looking boxer was waiting outside the restaurant for his family, where we dined on our final night in Vancouver. For more photos, please click here.

Warning for all senior citizens (and others) regarding online scams…

Al Bacio Cafe on the cruise ship offered a complimentary slice of delicious-looking cake. Tempting? Yes, but we both resisted.

Yesterday, we watched The Beekeeper, a free movie on Amazon Prime Video starring Jason Stratham. The fight scenes were unrealistic and ridiculous, but the movie’s message was profound about scams perpetrated on seniors and others that wipe out all of their bank accounts, investments, and savings in one fell swoop.

This occurred when a message popped up on the victim’s devices warning that a severe virus had infected them and that they needed to call a specific number to correct this problem. When the perpetrators gained access by the victims providing passwords and access (or even without passwords), the accounts on the device were immediately wiped out to $0.

For this reason, I’d suggest everyone watch this movie. Yes, it’s bloody and gory with Jason Stratham, as is typical for his films, but the message is imperative for each of us to grasp fully. Even if you have to pay a streaming service to watch this movie, it will be money well spent. If you find the movie offensive with its violence, you’ll have seen the most critical part once you get through the first 40 minutes.

Don’t follow the instructions if a similar screen pops up on your PC, laptop, phone, iPad, or other device! Do not click on any of the links or call the phone number on the screen.

If you receive a virus scam message on your device’s screen, the most important thing is not to panic. These messages are designed to scare you into taking hasty actions that could compromise your device. Here’s a step-by-step guide on what to do:

1. Don’t Click on Anything

Avoid interacting with the message. Don’t click on any links, pop-ups, or buttons, and don’t call any phone numbers listed. These actions can lead to more severe issues like malware downloads or scams.

2. Close the Browser or App

If the message appears in a browser or app, try closing it immediately. If the app or browser is unresponsive, force quit the app. On mobile:

  • For iPhone: Swipe up from the bottom of the screen and hold, then swipe up the app.
  • For Android: Tap the recent apps button and swipe the app away.
  • For PC/Mac: Close the browser using Task Manager or force quit the app.

3. Clear Browser Cache

Sometimes, closing the browser alone doesn’t remove the scam message. Clear the cache to get rid of any remnants:

  • On Chrome (Desktop): Go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Clear Browsing Data.
  • On iPhone/Android: Go to Settings > Apps > Select your browser > Clear Cache.

4. Run a Virus/Malware Scan

Run a scan with trusted antivirus or anti-malware software to make sure your device is not infected:

  • For Mobile: Use trusted apps like Avast, Malwarebytes, or Bitdefender.
  • For PC/Mac: Use antivirus software such as Windows Defender, Malwarebytes, or other reputable solutions.

5. Reboot Your Device

Restarting your device can sometimes help reset it and stop any suspicious activity.

6. Stay Calm and Don’t Call “Tech Support” Numbers on the screen!

These scams often include fake phone numbers to trick you into providing sensitive information. Ignore them. If you’re unsure, contact the official support channels for your device or operating system.

7. Change Important Passwords

If you’ve accidentally interacted with the scam (clicked on a link or downloaded something), immediately change your passwords for important accounts (email, banking, etc.) as a precaution.

8. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

For extra security, enable two-factor authentication on your key accounts. This adds an extra layer of protection even if your password is compromised. Most importantly, trust your instincts. If something feels off about a pop-up or message, it probably is. Keeping calm and following these steps will help keep your device and personal information safe.

If these instructions intimidate you, your next best option is to contact the manufacturer for help by phone (verify that the phone number is a valid number, not one you’ve seen on the screen!) or visit a manufacturer’s authorized service center with your device.

Although it’s frustrating to incur costs for removing the malware, they are nothing compared to what you could have lost.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, September 21, 2014:

Tom, deep in thought in the Member’s Lounge, listening to his favorite Minnesota radio podcast, Garage Logic. For more photos, please click here.

Part 2…Pros and cons of living on a cruise ship…What can it cost?..

We were at a ship’s Celebrity Solstice cocktail party, which featured free drinks and appetizers and was held for priority club members only.

We hear many stories about retirees living on cruise ships, as opposed to the costs of living in various retirement communities and facilities. Not only do they find the cruising lifestyle more affordable with its many amenities, but they also love the novelty of continually sailing worldwide.

Living on a cruise ship in retirement has become an enticing option for some, combining the luxury of travel with practical living costs. The overall expense varies based on the type of cruise, accommodations, duration, and included amenities. Here’s a breakdown of the main costs:

1. Cruise Fares

The cost of living on a cruise ship can range from about $2,000 to $10,000 per month or more, depending on the ship and cabin type:

  • Budget-friendly cruises cost around $2,000–$4,000 monthly or more and usually offer an interior cabin on a standard ship. They include basic amenities but might lack the perks of more expensive options.
  • Luxury cruises: Suites or rooms with balconies on upscale ships can cost $8,000–$10,000+ per month or more.

2. Inclusions

Cruise fares often include a lot of everyday living expenses, which can make the overall cost comparable to, or sometimes less than, living on land:

  • Meals: Most meals in various dining venues are included, with specialty restaurants sometimes costing extra.
  • Entertainment: Onboard activities, shows, fitness centers, and lectures are typically included.
  • Housekeeping and maintenance: The package includes regular cabin cleaning, laundry, and property maintenance.

3. Medical Expenses

Many ships offer onboard medical facilities for basic healthcare needs, but retirees may need comprehensive travel health insurance to cover more serious medical expenses. Insurance prices depend on age and health, typically ranging from $200 to $500+ per month.

4. Gratuities and Tips

Cruise lines often have automatic gratuities, typically adding $15 to $30 or more per person added daily to your bill. This is for crew service in dining rooms, housekeeping, and other areas.

5. Excursions and Activities

Shore excursions, special events, and premium services are an extra expense. Depending on how often you venture out, these can add $50 to $500 per excursion.

6. Internet and Communication

Wi-Fi on ships is often expensive and can range from $150 to $600 monthly. Some long-term or luxury cruises may include it in their package.

7. Taxes and Port Fees

These fees depend on the cruise itinerary and are typically $100–$500 per month, depending on how frequently the ship docks.

8. Discounts for Long-Term Stays

Retirees can benefit from discounts if they book extended stays or back-to-back cruises, significantly reducing the overall cost. Some cruise lines also offer packages for retirees, making a full-time living on a cruise more affordable.

9. Comparison to Traditional Living

If you compare the cost of living on a cruise to traditional retirement living (especially in high-cost areas), the cruise can sometimes offer savings:

  • Retirement community: Monthly fees, housing, utilities, meals, and activities in senior living communities can easily cost $5,000–$8,000 per month.
  • On a cruise, many of these expenses are bundled into a more predictable price, plus you get the added benefit of constant travel.

Living on a cruise ship in retirement offers a unique and adventurous lifestyle, with relatively predictable expenses and the chance to explore new places daily. It can be an ideal setup for someone looking for a travel-focused, maintenance-free lifestyle.

This lifestyle is not for us. As mentioned in post Part 1 two days ago, we love the novelty of cruising. But doing so permanently would diminish the uniqueness of cruising and eventually become mundane.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, September 29, 2014:

A flower we spotted on our rainy walk to the grocery store in Vancouver. For more photos, please click here.

Unusual event on Delta flight…Nothing surprises us…

View of downtown Vancouver, British Columbia, in 2014.

Numerous media accounts have provided information about events occurring on various flights by many airlines. We ask, “What’s going on?”

Is all this news due to increased reporting of any situation that can be sensationalized, or are the airlines being less diligent in ensuring safe flights for travelers? Are careless inspections being performed by disgruntled employees, or are checks and balances ignored in certain situations?

We don’t know the answers to these questions, but we don’t perceive flying as safe as it may have been a few years ago. The average flyer can do nothing to eliminate such concerns as they continue to flood the press. Today’s story is a perfect example of such an event. Why was this allowed to happen?

“FAA investigating after Delta passengers report bleeding ears and noses (from this site)

The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating after a Delta Air Lines flight leaving Salt Lake City last weekend developed cabin pressure issues and left some passengers with bleeding eardrums, headaches, and bloody noses.

The flight was traveling Sunday from Salt Lake City to Portland, Oregon, when the five-year-old Boeing 737-900ER aircraft’s pilots noticed a pressurization problem and made an emergency landing back in Utah’s capital, according to the flight log.

Passengers told KSL they noticed people bleeding as the plane decreased in elevation over the Great Salt Lake. Passenger Caryn Allen said the pilots announced they were returning to the airport but did not explain why. Oxygen masks did not deploy.

Allen described watching her husband cover his ears in pain while other passengers tried to help a man on the other side of the aisle who had an uncontrollable bloody nose.

Another passenger, Jaci Purser, told KSL it felt like someone was stabbing her inner ear.

“I grabbed my ear, and I pulled my hand back, and there was blood on it,” she said.

Paramedics met passengers at the gate and identified at least ten people out of the 140 on the flight who required medical attention. They recommended that anyone who was bleeding go to the hospital for further evaluation, and Delta offered to cover those transportation costs, the airline said.

“We sincerely apologize to our customers for their experience on flight 1203 on Sept. 15,” Delta said in a statement. “The flight crew followed procedures to return to SLC where our teams on the ground supported our customers with their immediate needs.”

Delta said the plane was taken out of service Sunday and returned to service Monday after technicians resolved an issue that prevented it from pressurizing above 10,000 feet.

The Boeing aircraft involved in Sunday’s emergency landing is not part of the manufacturer’s newer MAX fleet, which was investigated this year after a door plug blew off during a Jan. 5 Alaska Airlines flight while the plane was at 16,000 feet over Oregon.

However, in late January, the FAA recommended more thorough inspections of other Boeing aircraft, including the 737-900ER involved in the incident over Salt Lake City, because it shares the same door plug design as the MAX jets.”

This obviously resulted from human error, which seems to have caused many such flight events. Notice the above statement in bold: “Delta offered to cover those transportation costs, the airline said.”

What about the cost of medical bills incurred for those who sought medical assistance? What about the potential loss for those who had connecting flights or other forms of awaiting transportation?

To enjoy world travel, one must fly. In a perfect world, one could cruise from location to location, as we attempted during the first year of our travels. It was often more cost-effective and certainly more enjoyable than flying. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible, although we continue to search for cruises to get us to our following preferred location.

That’s it for today, folks.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, September 19, 2014:

My breakfast was served in the restaurant of the membership hotel, Club Intrawest, Vancouver, British Columbia, where we waited for a cruise. For more photos, please click here.