Fun day in Apache Junction…A surprise visitor..

The view from the “lounge room” in our riad in Marrakesh, Morocco, to the center courtyard. All rooms surrounding a center courtyard have drapes covering the doorways.

Yesterday morning, we finished all the laundry, again using an app on our phone for $18 for washing and drying four loads. In between washing and drying, we cleaned the entire park model. Feeling accomplished, we headed to Mary and Eugene’s place to play Buck Euchre more.

When we arrived at Mary’s, we were thrilled to see Tom’s nephew and our friend Kevin, who also enjoys playing cards. He had flown in for 36 hours, and by early this morning, he had already left to return to Florida. It was great to see him again. Perhaps, sometime while we’re in Minnesota, we’ll see him and his wife Kristi when they come to Minnesota for a few weddings.

After playing cards, Colleen brought over a wonderful spread of meat, cheese, crackers, dip, and a platter of fresh fruit with blueberries, strawberries, and more, much of which I could eat. I promised myself I wouldn’t be “cheating” anymore and stuck to the meat, cheese, and berries.

We played Buck Euchre for hours. By 7:00  pm, I was ready to return to our place, allowing another player to take my spot. The game is best played with only four players. There were seven of us, and since Mary doesn’t play, we rotated in and out of the game to allow everyone to play. It was pretty enjoyable, although I don’t often win. But the money I lose is usually no more than $15 per day, which is well worth the entertainment. Tom wins often enough to remain even most days.

Back at the park model by myself, I ate some of the tuna salad I’d made in the morning and settled on the recliner to watch several episodes of American Idol. As it turned out, I haven’t missed one day of working out since we arrived here. I walk on and off until we leave to play cards, get in my planned number of steps, and do the yoga exercise on the BetterMe app on my phone.

It’s rewarding doing this each day. I am on a mission to be as healthy and strong before I face yet another open heart surgery sometime in the next three months or so, a date yet to be determined, as I patiently wait to hear from Cleveland Clinic. Much to my amazement, I am not worrying much.  I have chosen to let my mind stick to the events at hand and not project too much into the future.

Soon, Tom and I are heading to the supermarket to get the ingredients to make a dish for Saturday night when another sister, Rita, is arriving from South Dakota to stay for a few weeks. Mary and Eugene are leaving on April 18 to return to Minnesota, but Rita, Margie, Colleen, Tom, and I will remain in Apache Junction with enough of us to continue to play cards, which is best played with four. Rita doesn’t play but will sit with us as the lively conversations continue as we play.

Talking on the phone with my family members and friends has been comforting; they offer abundant love and support while we’re here. I make a serious effort to stay as upbeat as possible around others. This has become a habit, and I stay cheerful when I am alone. No situation is ever improved by being downtrodden and worried.

“They” say that going into surgery with a positive attitude impacts a positive outcome. That is my ultimate goal, regardless of how frightening it may be, especially as one is wheeled into the operating theatre. Those few minutes were the toughest for me, along with waking up while still intubated. But those times will pass, and hopefully, I will recover better than last time.

Tom is almost done with his shower, and then we’re off to the market. In a funny way, I am looking forward to getting out and browsing the aisles in the market, which I seldom do when we go. It’s nice to see what’s available in the market now and then.

We hope you have an excellent Thursday, wherever you may be.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, April 11, 2014:

Our last look at the Kasbah Ait Ben Hado in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco before we continued on our way. F r more photos, please click here.