After a good night’s sleep without Afib, I feel better today. We stayed in last night but will most likely join the family tonight after we have an early dinner. Our homemade taco salads were delicious, and it was good to stay in and relax while streaming a few shows on my laptop.
Tired at only 9:00 pm, I drifted off to bed, replying to emails from our dear readers and watching a few YouTube videos. It’s relaxing to watch funny animal videos before drifting off to sleep. “They” say to put down digital devices before bed, but I haven’t noticed any difference in the time I fall asleep and the quality of my sleep when I spend time on my phone. Actually, I find it helps me get sleepy in the same manner as watching a movie before bed.
The only tricky part while in the smallish bed is dropping my phone when I start nodding off. The bed is too small to prop it up on an extra pillow or a bunching of blankets. I get startled when I drop the phone, which can wake me up, making falling back asleep more time-consuming.
I’ve tried, over and over again, to break the habit of streaming videos and reading news when I go to bed. However hard it may be, and however hard I may try, I can’t get to sleep without it. If I awaken during the night, generally, I’ll fall back to sleep these days without looking at the phone since I changed my sleep schedule. It’s working, and overall, I am getting enough sleep.
Sleep is nearly impossible when experiencing an Afib event, regardless of how tired I may be. It’s unsettling when one’s heart is racing at an irregular pace. But, last night, I was free of it, and sleep came easily.
This morning at 7:00 am, I bolted out of bed, anxious to get showered and dressed to get to the laundry room and start the laundry. Now, as I sit on the sofa with one-third of my daily walking completed, I am ready to tackle the remainder of the day. It’s warm and sunny in Apache Junction, and we look forward to a pleasant day.
Soon, we need to start thinking about packing again, with only 12 days until we leave for California. This morning, we discussed using one suitcase for all our clothes and toiletries while in California and for the upcoming four or five-day road trip. After we visit Utah to see Marylin and Gary for dinner, we’ve decided we’ll head to Milwaukee to see Tom’s sister, Betty, at the nursing home for retired nuns.
This way, we won’t have to unpack at the Minneapolis hotel and then repack to another hotel in Milwaukee. Also, paying for hotel rooms simultaneously in two cities makes no sense. We’ll spend one or two nights in Milwaukee and then drive about a 6½ hour drive to Minnesota. We’ll most likely arrive in Minnesota around May 10th or 11th.
It’s kind of fun anticipating the upcoming road trips. With no tight schedule at this point, traveling is pleasant and stress-free. With room for our bags in the rental car, we avoid the hassle and expense of flying from location to location. We’ll enjoy stopping each evening for the night while dining at good nearby restaurants.
We won’t book hotels until we’re on the road, deciding where to stop for the night based on how much further we want to drive each day. We may only drive six to eight hours daily without a strict schedule. We love having such freedom.
That’s it for today, dear readers.
Be well.
Photo from ten years ago today, April 19, 2014: