After three days and nights with us, Carol and Mark left a few minutes ago to begin their drive back to Boca Raton, Florida, about four hours away. We had a great time with both of them. After lots of cooking and food prep, having an easy day today will feel good with little to no tasks other than washing sheets, towels, and other laundry.

Last night was enjoyable. After our homemade pizza dinner and salad, we all sat at the table, drank delicious red wine, laughed, and told stories. For the first time since my heart event weeks ago, I drank regular red wine, not low alcohol, and had no ill effects.
I slept enough and felt fine this morning. After sipping a few glasses of the delicious Cabernet Sauvignon over several hours, there was no racing heart or hangover. Now, I know the allergy pill caused the Afib and put me in hospital for three days, four days before we departed South Africa.

There are few foods or drinks that I can consume with my keto way of eating, and red wine has been a favorite. Not one to overindulge, I can allow myself a bit of red wine when socializing.

We have no plans until Thursday when we’ll return to Lake Sumter Landing for another movie night with Linda and Burt. On Saturday, we are going on a river on Burt’s pontoon boat. We’re looking forward to seeing them and others who’ve contacted us about getting together. But it’s amazing how time is slipping away. We’ve been busy with guests the past few weeks and enjoy every moment.
We’ve had many readers write to us commenting about The Villages and how much there is to do here. Having a car for the next nine days will keep us all the more active since, let’s face it, it’s easier to get around in a car than a golf cart. But we couldn’t justify spending thousands of dollars on a rental car when we can use the house’s golf cart.

We have all the time in the world and will plan ahead when getting together with others to ensure we are always on time. So what if it takes a little longer to get where we’re going? In a pinch for directions, we can always use “Maps” to get us to where we want to go. Although tricky and sometimes inaccurate, the app on my phone helps with the golf cart trails.

Yesterday, I placed an order at Amazon and was curious to see if the package will be delivered directly to the house or the nearby mail station. We shall see how that goes.
A short time ago, I started preparing a new online food order from Kroger. The cart stays on their site for two weeks, but each time I think of something we need, I put it into the site’s cart, making it easy when I finally place the order, knowing I haven’t forgotten anything. I have no doubt we’ll need to place another order in the next week after all the company we’ve had.

The buzzer just went off for the washer. It’s time to load everything into the dryer and start another load. It’s a good day; we’re both content and reveling in every moment.
Be well.
Photo from ten years ago today, May 23, 2013:

Graduation gowns??
That’s what Tom thought. Probably. Thanks for writing.
Warmest regards,
Jess & Tom