It’s hard to believe we arrived here three days ago. The time has flown and before we know it, we’ll be on our way once again. We’ve been busy here, posting, researching, and doing some online shopping from Amazon, having the items sent to Karen and Rich’s home.

The days have been filled with lively conversations as the evenings rolled in a combination of good drinks, great food, and more engaging conversations. For the past three nights, we’ve both had excellent sleep, better than we’ve had in a long time. What the difference is, we’ve yet to figure it out.

Karen and I walked in the neighborhood yesterday. It had been a long time since I’d walked on a level street and it felt great to be outdoors in the ideal cool weather. Recently, when I’ve been doing all the walking in the house in Marloth Park, it’s been doing frequent short spurts throughout the day, not a single extended walk.

I was wondering how I’d do on one long walk with the problems with my legs not working well since the surgeries in 2019. I wasn’t able to go as far or as long as I’d hoped but we managed to cover a decent area and I felt fine when we returned.

When we returned, we noticed Tom helping Rich with some yard work while Karen and I sat on the veranda, catching up and reveling in the beautiful day and scenery. Countless boats wafted by on the canal and since it was a Saturday, there were parties in the area with loud music filling the air. It reminded me of my days spent as a single mom and boat owner, having fun on Lake Minnetonka in Minnesota.

I was one of few women boat drivers on that lake in those days, especially when I had a Chris Craft Boat with dual engines/twin screws, and could easily maneuver into a good docking spot in front of the popular restaurants on the lake. I was always a lousy car driver but somehow managed a boat with ease. Gosh, that was 45 years ago and I recall it like it was yesterday! Talk about time flying by quickly!

But, now, we have this fabulous life and we’re cherishing every moment with our friends and during our continuing travels. The experiences have been varied and fascinating. Yes, at times, it’s quiet and mundane and we don’t necessarily have exciting days and nights with details to share here.

Even now, here in Florida with our friends, we aren’t necessarily out and about each day nor did we have any interest in sightseeing in Florida. Both of us have been here many times over the years and going to crowded venues is still not appealing at this time.

Today, Karen and I will head to the market for more groceries and together will make another lovely dinner for the four of us, to share at their big dining room table. We love how easy it is to be with the two of them. But we knew this and didn’t hesitate to accept their generous offer to stay with them at this wonderful home and seaside location.
We hope each of you are enjoying your days and nights.
Be well.
Photo from one year ago today, March 27, 2021: