Today’s photos are from this date in 2013 while we were living in Boveglio, Tuscany, Italy. See the post here.
Today, at 3:00 pm, the temperature will be 95F, 35 C, with the dew point at 84, the highest we’ve seen since we began traveling. This creates an uncomfortable environment, and we won’t go out today. The news reported these conditions feel like the temperature is 108F, 42C.

I still went for a walk this morning since it was early enough that it wasn’t quite as miserable. It’s no wonder so many people leave Florida in the summer. Being here results in being indoors all day and spending a lot of electricity for the central air conditioning running non-stop, which is the case in this holiday home.

We are comfortable with the thermostat set at 78F, 26C during the day and 72F, 22C at night, although we often turn on the overhead fan in the bedroom for a little more cooling. It’s hard to believe it’s hotter here in the summer than in South Africa in the summer. At least there, many days were much cooler, whereas here, the heat seems to be consistent, day after day.
Don’t get me wrong, we like it here and could see returning sometime in the future for a short stay while awaiting a cruise out of Florida. Tom always says living here is comparable to the movie, The Truman Show, where everything is impeccably clean and organized, including the yards and gardens at every single home. We’ve yet to see a house that wasn’t well maintained. Perhaps that’s a requirement of the codes and covenants for the area.

Subsequently, many seniors hire lawn and garden maintenance people to oversee the care of their gardens and mow their smallish patches of green grass. Also, we’ve noticed that two houses next to one another are always a different color on the outside, a different floor plan and design, and an overall unique look from house to house. Even the driveways are unique to houses next to one another. This takes some serious planning.

Still, we received more inquiries about whether we’d consider eventually living here. And still, we feel we would not. As mentioned above, we may visit for a few months in the future but this type of area doesn’t appeal to us. We aren’t golfers, and many activities here don’t appeal to either of us.

If a resident didn’t get involved in the classes, sports, games, and group meetings here, it could be lonely, like anywhere else in the US and many other countries. As they age, some people aren’t interested in participating in the many activities offered here, many of which don’t require payment.

Then again, most of the locals here seem to be able to afford the few events that do require some form of payment. It’s not cheap to live here with the cost of houses, fees, taxes, utilities, entertainment, and groceries. We have spent at least $250 weekly on groceries, yet we dine out twice a week, don’t eat lunch, or buy sugary treats and packaged foods.
Also, we haven’t had to buy any cleaning supplies other than laundry soap or paper or plastic products, except small ziplock and garbage bags and, most recently, toilet paper. If all of those items weren’t available in this house, we’d have easily spent another $40 or $50 a week.
- One of the few relatively level narrow roads to home, a welcomed relief.
We could afford to live here, but we have no interest in doing so now or in the future. Plus, we’re not interested in buying a home here or anywhere for that matter. We are content living our lives the way we do.
Be well.
Photo from ten years ago today, July 6, 2013: