This morning there was water, and I could take a shower. But, after I loaded laundry into the washer, I noticed only a trickle was flowing, certainly not good enough to do a load of laundry. Most likely, we won’t have water until tomorrow since the reservoir and the pipes have to refill. Thank goodness we had water last night for our delightful sundowner party.
We had a great time last night with our guests. It worked out fine for seating. Six of us sat at the table, and Tom Gerhard and Lee sat at the bar. The two areas are close enough that all heard the conversations.

All the food came out well, just as we expected, and serving buffet-style made everything easier. While our guests were here, I spent little time in the kitchen. By the time everyone left at 8:00 pm, 2000 hrs., we were satisfied that we had had a lovely evening.
We didn’t leave the food out for long in the warm weather, so we’ll have some good leftovers for tonight’s dinner. It’s great that I don’t have to cook with the water out. It’s a pain when we can’t do dishes when there’s no water, let alone because my first load of laundry is sitting wet in the washer tub with nothing I can do. It never washed, so I can’t put it on the spin cycle. So it goes.

We have a bucket of water from the pool in the bathroom so we can flush and a container of bottled water in the kitchen for washing our hands. Tom won’t be able to shower today, but oddly he is never stinky in these circumstances. So no big deal. I can put up with him!
He was such a help last night. While I packed up all the leftovers, he washed all the dishes. When we headed to bed, everything was back in order, except for washing the linen napkins and many dish towels I’d used. Hopefully, by tomorrow morning, I can finish the laundry in time to go to Stoep Cafe with Rita. We won’t be able to return to Stoep Cafe until they return in September.

Once our friends Jeff and Connie arrive, Rita and I will include Connie to join us for breakfast at Stoep with more “girl talk.” It’s a particular time I always treasure, having left so many of my female friends back in Minnesota almost ten years ago. On October 31st, we will celebrate our tenth anniversary of traveling the world. It’s hard for us to believe we left so long ago. Nor did we ever expect to do this for so long.
It was enjoyable for the 11 of us last night. Louise and Danie stopped by for a drink and stayed about 45 minutes. We were sad to see them go. Our readers/friends remained; Carrie and Jim, who’ve since purchased a gorgeous home in Marloth Park, and Marylin and Gary, who live in Utah but travel a lot. Marylin is from Zimbabwe and knows the bush very well. Rita and Gerhard, whom we met four years ago from them reading our website was here with their friend Lee.

It has been such a joy to share this magical place with others. And we look forward to hosting friends Jeff and Connie in mid-September. We’ve been friends with them for 31 years since we met at a gourmet club dinner party near our home in Minnesota. We took turns hosting gourmet multiple-course dinners at our respective homes. When life’s responsibilities ended with the club, we stayed friends with Jeff and Connie, even seeing them a few times when we returned to the US to visit family.
As for today, without water, it’s a low-key day. I am a little under the weather from the big doses of two antibiotics and look forward to seeing some improvement in the next day or two. So, today is a good day to take it easy and pamper myself, which I seldom do. Later this week, we’ll start packing for our upcoming trip on Saturday.

Have a fantastic Monday!
Photo from one year ago today, August 15, 2021: