First time driving a car in almost two years…Here goes!…

It was a joy to finally see the sun on the sea early in the morning. 

I was never the best driver in town. I can admit that now that I haven’t been driving in almost two years. Most cars we’ve rented only allow Tom, an excellent driver, to drive the vehicle. We haven’t seen any reason to pay an extra $10 a day for me to drive.

At long last, blue skies.

As a result, he’s driven every time we’ve gone out. When we rented the car in Maui, a benefit of the rental agreement stated the “spouse drives for free!” Yikes, I thought. That’s no benefit according to me!

The interesting sky as we walked along the row of condos on the beach.

It’s not my driving that worries me. It’s getting lost. (Gosh, I don’t like sounding like the “helpless little woman.” Otherwise, there’s nothing helpless about me). 

Yesterday, we spent 40 minutes by the pool on the chaise lounges. The sun in Hawaii is very hot.  We welcomed the occasional cloud cover.

Over these past few years, I’ve become so determined to look for photo ops, I haven’t paid a moment’s notice as to how to get to and from any location. Over the years, I’ve analyzed this as to the reason why I have a bad sense of direction. 


My apparent lack of interest in paying attention to the route while I busily become enthralled checking out the surroundings prevents me from recalling the route. I may remember that we passed a certain unusual tree but I won’t remember how we got to the tree.

We continue to watch for colorful birds but have yet to spot any in Maui.

Actually, the combination of Tom and me in the car together greatly aids in our finding our way around which usually is not a problem. He has a sense of finding our way and I recall the landmarks. 

Since we have no cell service on our phones, only SIM cards when available, we have no GPS. We’ve tried to find a world GPS device but the technology for our worldwide locations is just not available unless we’re willing to pay $1000’s.

We’ve watched the tide go in and out each day, noting the number of rocks and boulders that are evident at low tide. I wouldn’t want to drive a boat toward this shoreline.

So far, this hasn’t been an issue for us. We map directions on the smartphone while going online in our vacation home, saving the instructions offline for later use. This has served us well.

The golf course quality lawn at our building is lush green after the rains.

Today, I’m going to the grocery store in Kihei, a 20-minute drive with only three turns. Why am I concerned? I think it’s a combination of finding my way and also driving for the first time in so long. One doesn’t forget how to drive. Why would I? I know I won’t.

As soon as I post this, I’m off to the Safeway which I must admit I’m otherwise looking forward to, especially since this will be the first time in two years that I’ll be in a grocery shop on my own with no impatient Tom pushing the cart or sitting in the car with a specific time designated for him to come inside to help me check out. I can easily check out on my own. After all, I did this for almost 50 years by myself.

We’re both always perusing the shoreline looking for sea turtles or other signs of life.

It must be a guy thing. He’d never sit in the car and not get out to help me put the grocery items on the conveyor belt and then into the bags. It never bothered me doing this alone. However, I’ve greatly appreciated his enthusiasm for being helpful since he retired, more than he knows.

So off I go with no time constraints. I can spend 20 minutes checking out the Italian sausage if I’d like with nary a thought of checking the time. 

Then again, it isn’t often we have to be concerned as to the time of day. That’s nice.

                                           Photo from one year ago today, October 21, 2013:

This was my delicious grilled squid at the Sands at Nomad in Diani Beach, Kenya one year ago today. For details, please click here.

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