Yesterday was delightful, seeing our old friend Lisa, whom I met in the 1980s in Minnesota. Now a Florida resident, it was such a pleasant surprise to have an opportunity to see her again. The last time we saw Lisa was in 2017 when we got together with her and her now ex.
Over the years, Tom became a good friend of Lisa’s too, which has been the case with many of each other’s friends since we met almost 32 years ago. How fortunate we are to have such good friends all over the world. And now, being in Florida, having the opportunity to see many of those friends.
Lisa’s friend Vicki, whom we met for the first time, also from Minnesota, drove here with Lisa, almost a 90-minute drive, and we had a fantastic day with the two of them. They arrived at 1:30 pm, and we all sat in the comfy living room and chatted, reminiscing over many experiences we had together.
We felt terrible for Vicki having to listen to our seemingly endless trip “down memory lane,” but she was a good sport and laughed along with us over our many memories. The time flew by quickly, and by 4:00 pm, we headed out in Lisa’s car and headed to City Fire in Brownwood Paddock Square.
With no available seating outdoors, we headed inside the restaurant and were seated at a booth where we ordered drinks and later dinner. Again, the conversation flowed with ease, interspersed with much laughter. It was a lovely evening. By 8:00 pm, we returned to our house and said our goodbyes.
As it turns out, Lisa will be in Minnesota while we’re there in September, and we’ll definitely get together again. This time we’ll be in Minnesota a little longer than usual while we await our upcoming cruise to Galapagos, and we’ll have more time to get together with old friends. There are so many people we’d love to see once again.
Also, while in Minnesota, we’ll be appearing on TV on a morning news broadcast scheduled for September 22. We’ll update you and post the details and a video when the time comes.
On another note, this morning, after our walk, we called dear friend Louise in Marloth Park, South Africa, to wish her a happy birthday. It was wonderful talking to her. After we spoke, she sent me a photo that made me squeal with delight, as shown below:

Louise told me that Nina was pregnant again. Before we know it, the Nyala family will consist of five members: Norman, Nina, Noah (who was scooted off to his own territory when Natalie was born), Natalie, and the new baby, who should be born shortly before we arrive next June. An unrelated female is being released in the bush as a mate for Noah, which miraculously, he will surely find. Then, there will be more babies.
Yes, I know, I sound like I really miss the bush, and I do. But, we are enjoying each day in The Villages as they come and look forward to our upcoming adventures in the meantime. In no time at all, we’ll be back on our way to South Africa.
Today, we’re hanging around the house, and we’ll head to Brownwood late this afternoon for another evening of fun and dinner. Most likely, tonight, for a change, we dine at one of the other restaurants in Brownwood.
Have a fantastic weekend, and be well.
Photo from ten years ago today, June 24, 2013: