A visit to the quaint town of Oughterard…More planning for the future…

A popular pub in Oughterard.

“Fascinating Fact of the Day About Ireland”
“James Hoban, an Irishman, was the designer of the U.S. White House.”

It was an enjoyable day in the charming town of Oughterard. When we arrived in Ireland 44 days ago, we drove through the village on our way to Glinsce and decided at some point we’d return, long before we were to drive back to Dublin to depart on August 8, 2019.

During the summer months, Oughterard is a popular tourist town.

As it turns out when I checked how many days had passed until we arrived and when we departed at this site, today is the exact midway point of our 88-night stay, ending in 44 days from today.

This is considered a busy intersection in the small town with a population of 1318 (as of 2016).

We didn’t have a plan or specific shopping in mind when we commenced our walk through the downtown area.  We found ourselves browsing one shop after another, never making any purchases but enjoying the equivalent of window shopping.

There are many restaurants and bars in Oughterard.

Even Tom, who dislikes shopping, suggested we investigate several shops that, in our old lives, he’d never enter.  With cultural differences reasonably apparent in the historical Connemara area, it’s always interesting to see the products offered to tourists.  

The work of local artists is on display.

We can’t imagine many locals purchasing clothing and household goods in these small-town shops with the high prices. Perhaps they wait until a visit to Dublin (544,000 population) or Galway (80,000 population) which as larger cities offer more choices for household goods and clothing.

Gift and craft shop on the main street.

There are no doubt prices are higher here than in many areas of the world we’ve visited, especially recently coming from South Africa, one of the most affordable countries we’ve seen to date.

We learn so much about local culture in these small towns and villages. The people are friendly, the architecture is interesting, and the restaurants and shops are many.

Pansies in a pot on the sidewalk.

The only item we purchased was sausage for Tom’s pizza from the butcher in a tiny grocery store.  It was as good as any sausage we’d purchased anywhere. Of course, we didn’t get out of the store without Tom buying a box of fresh-baked chocolate-covered doughnuts.

It’s not easy finding unique food items or snacks for me. Now that I kinked my diet to reduce the fat I consume while still having plenty of healthy fats, baking anything low carb is out of the question when most recipes require vast amounts of fat. Who knows if I’m doing the right thing for my heart?  

There are a few organic markets in the village.

Even science and my doctors didn’t have a clue as to how I should eat after this major surgery. Studies are skewed by big business, and doctors have little experience with nutrition, if at all. So, on my own, I’ve continued with a low-carb way of eating but reduced my daily fat intake by about 30%.

Recently, noticing how sparse our future itinerary is looking, we concluded we need to start planning more for the future. Currently, we are amid the process of pinning down a new country to visit with exciting venues along the way.

Church of the Immaculate Conception, located at the end of the business district.  “In the 2016 Irish census, 78.3% of the population identified as Catholic in Ireland, numbering approximately 3.7 million people. Unlike Catholics in some other countries, Ireland has seen a significant decline from the 84.2% who identified as Catholic in the 2011 census.”

Once we have things wrapped up, we’ll be sharing photos and the information here. We’ve always made a point of waiting until we’ve paid deposits before listing the locations here.  

What we dream of is one thing. What we do is another. When we can combine these two, life is blissful.

Happy day to all!

Photo from one year ago today, June 25, 2018:

It’s always enjoyable watching the young calves playing in the water, discovering the wonders of their trunks. For more photos, please click here.

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