Ah…the simplicities of life now that we are back to our lives of travel. Nothing hinders us: no worrisome health issues, no concerns over being close to a hospital, nor our fears and apprehensions over whether it’s safe to travel or not.Yes, I still struggle with my legs, but I have resigned myself to the fact that this is how it will be. I can walk for about 15 minutes uninterrupted, only requiring a short break to continue again. It’s painful, but I am adjusting to this reality. At times, for moments, I forget about the discomfort and can enjoy my surroundings in full.
This morning, I started working out in the fitness center here. Although I wasn’t quite back where I left off a week ago, today, I could add several exercise machines that weren’t available in the hotel in Cleveland. Thus, I will head to the fitness center every other day, and on alternate days, I’ll do the yoga exercises in the BetterMe app, giving me a balanced workout.

Some days, we’ll walk in the hilly Village to the shops and restaurants, which provides even more exercise. Plus, in this excellent condo, there is plenty of walking back and forth to perform various household tasks. In the hotel in Cleveland, we had a daily/weekly cleaning service. Here, we have none.
Tom will do the floors, while I’ll dust and clean the bathrooms. The clothes drying rack we purchased when we moved here last year was in the closet. Since there is only a washer in the unit, we can use the rack to dry clothes instead of hauling wet laundry down the long corridor to the laundry room. This system works well for us.

The refrigerator is a large double-door side-by-side unit with plenty of space for everything we use. It was easy to put away the $300 of groceries we had delivered yesterday morning. There’s a large storage closet with shelves for the non-perishables. Everything was spotlessly clean and perfect for our arrival. We couldn’t be happier.
The bed is comfortable, and much to my delight, there’s no top sheet; it’s a nice, easily washable comforter. I don’t like top sheets when I get all tangled up in the sheet. Tom prefers a top sheet, so I snickered when we got into bed the first night. Sleeping is good now that we’ve adjusted to the three-hour time difference between Ohio and Nevada.
I’m enjoying preparing meals again with plenty of space in the kitchen, and we both can move about without bumping into one another. We’re loving it all. We’re making baby back ribs that I will sell well, but don’t use commercial barbeque sauce with all their sugars and chemicals. Tom will have rice with his ribs, and we’ll both enjoy a big fresh salad with homemade dressing.

The photos I am sharing today are from yesterday’s pedicure. I walked down one flight of stairs and crossed a paved walk to the salon. I had a great time with the nail tech, a 19-year-old with whom I shared many interests. We both love watching videos of talking parrots, and we howled with laughter when we realized we were watching the same videos.
He offered me a glass of champagne, which I refused since it was so early in the day. If it had been three or four in the afternoon, I might have accepted, but I don’t drink wine until happy hour, and then after a glass or two, at most, I’ve had my fill. By discontinuing wine drinking after dinner, I find I sleep better.
In the past few days, I’ve spoken to several friends on the phone, and catching up has been outstanding. Over the holiday week, we’ll talk to our kids, grandkids, and other family members and friends.
That’s it for today, folks. We hope you’re enjoying preparing for the upcoming holidays, if you celebrate.
Be well.
Photo from ten years ago today, December 21, 2014: