Ten Best Luggage Brands, Tested and Reviewed…

Travel Luggage And Suitcase Illustration - Graphics | Motion ArrayThis morning at Travel and Leisure, I stumbled across a great article about luggage brands, which I decided to share at this link. Over the years of world travel, we’ve had to replace several pieces of luggage, mainly damaged by poor airport handling.

Wheels breaking, rips and dents in exterior components, and excessive wear and tear require us to replace a piece or two every few years. Not only is the expense an issue, but there is also the lack of convenience in where and when to make new purchases.

While in the US, we often go to TJ Maxx stores to purchase reasonably priced brand-name pieces. Many of those pieces last for quite a while. However, the pieces we had to buy in other countries from unknown brands often failed after a few years.

Here’s the article from Travel and Leisure for more information:

(Please click the provided links for individual reviews).

“The 10 Best Luggage Brands, Tested and Reviewed

No matter what size or style you want, these are the best luggage brands to fit your needs. By Theresa Holland

“No matter where you’re going or how often you travel, luggage can make or break your trip. It helps with planning, packing, and staying organized while away — and sometimes determines whether you can bring back souvenirs. There’s a wide variety of checked suitcases, carry-on bags, duffels, weekenders, underseat bags, and backpacks on the market. Beyond that, you’ve got hardside and softside options with various organizational features. Amid what you might call the golden age of luggage, it can be hard to sift through your offerings.

To figure out what brands stand out from the rest, our Travel + Leisure team has tested more than 680 pieces of luggage ranging from compact carry-ons and spacious checked suitcases to duffels, weekenders, garment bags, and other types of travel bags — assessing capacity, maneuverability, durability, and design through a series of tests and simulations. We’ve rolled suitcases through obstacle courses, thrown them off tables, and hit them with baseball bats to see how well they’d perform in different travel scenarios, like amongst rough baggage handlers. We even recreated an airplane set in our New York City lab to lift bags into overhead bins and underneath seats. We continue testing each bag in our real-life travels for a minimum of six months to ensure it stands up to planes, trains, automobiles, and anything else life throws at it.

Our team has tested bags from many different brands, and below, you’ll find our current favorites. We will continue to update this article as we test even more luggage brands and new bags.

Best Overall: Samsonite”

One of our suitcases has a broken wheel, but we’ve decided to use it to get to Marloth Park. Once we return to the US for Maisie’s graduation in June, when we have a rental car, we will purchase the new bag and fill it with supplies we may need to bring back to South Africa.

When we fly out in May, we’ll only bring one large bag to share since we’ll only be in the US for two weeks and can manage with a minimum amount of luggage.

We’re heading out to dinner tonight with my two sons and their girlfriends to an upscale Brazilian Barbecue restaurant in Las Vegas. Of course, we’re looking forward!

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, February 7, 2015:

One of three pools at the Princeville Westin, where we met dear friends Elaine and Richard for lunch. For more photos, please click here.

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